
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The spatial politics of the sculptural : art, capitalism and the urban space / Hong, Euyoung, 1975- author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The state of economic and social human rights : a global overview / 2013. 政治與景氣循環
Book The strategy for Korea's economic success / Mun, Hwi-chʻang, author. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The sum of small things : a theory of the aspirational class / Currid-Halkett, Elizabeth, 1978- author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The systemic nature of the economic crisis : the perspectives of heterodox economics and psychoanalysis / Hermann, Arturo, author. 2015. 政治與景氣循環
Book The theory of collusion and competition policy / Harrington, Joseph Emmett, 1957- author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The transformation of citizenship / 2017. 政治與景氣循環
Book The transit dimension of EU energy security : Russian gas transit across Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova / Yafimava, Katja, author. 2011. 政治與景氣循環
Book The treadmill of crime : political economy and green criminology / Stretesky, Paul, author. 2014. 政治與景氣循環
Book The truth about inflation / Donovan, Paul, 1972- author. 2015. 政治與景氣循環
Book The urban contract : community, governance and capitalism / Perulli, Paolo, author. 2017. 政治與景氣循環
Book The valuation of financial companies : tools and techniques to value banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions / Massari, Mario, author. 2014. 政治與景氣循環
Book The wartime origins of democratization : civil war, rebel governance, and political regimes / Huang, Reyko, author. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The weight of all flesh : on the subject-matter of political economy / Santner, Eric L., 1955- author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The wine value chain in China : consumers, marketing and the wider world / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The world-making power of new media : mere connection? / Axford, Barrie, author. 2018 政治與景氣循環
Book Theory and method of evolutionary political economy : a Cyprus symposium / 2017. 政治與景氣循環
Book Time, capitalism and alienation : a socio-historical inquiry into the making of modern time / Martineau, Jonathan, author. [2015] 政治與景氣循環
Book Time, space and capital / Andersson, Åke E., 1936- author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book Too little, too late : the quest to resolve sovereign debt crises / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book Toward a critical theory of states : the Poulantzas-Miliband debate after globalization / Barrow, Clyde W., author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book Towards an integrated paradigm in heterodox economics : alternative approaches to the current eco-social crises / 2012. 政治與景氣循環
Book Trade policies for development and transition / Tarr, David G., author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book Transformation of resource towns and peripheries : political economy perspectives / 2017. 政治與景氣循環
Book Transforming places : lessons from Appalachia / ©2012. 政治與景氣循環
Book Transnational cooperation : an issue-based approach / Peinhardt, Clint, author. [2015] 政治與景氣循環
Book Transnational social work and social welfare : challenges for the social work profession / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book Trends in climate change legislation / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book Twenty lectures on algorithmic game theory / Roughgarden, Tim, author. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book U.S. media and elections in flux : dynamics and strategies / Jones, David A. 1965- author. (David Adam), 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book US-Singapore relations, 1965-1975 : strategic non-alignment in the Cold War / Chua, Daniel, author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book Undermining capitalism : state ownership and the dialectic of control in the British coal industry / Krieger, Joel, 1951- 25 cm. 政治與景氣循環
Book Understanding the economics of capitalism : problems and policies / Arinze, Peter. ©2014. 政治與景氣循環
Book Underwriting services and the new issues market / Papaioannou, George J., author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book Unfinished business : the unexplored causes of the financial crisis and the lessons yet to be learned / Bayoumi, Tamim A., author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book Value in capitalist society : rethinking Marx's criticism of capitalism / Cobben, Paul, author. [2015] 政治與景氣循環
Book Value making in international economic law and regulation : alternative possibilities / Alessandrini, Donatella, author. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book Value-based management of the Rising Sun / ©2006. 政治與景氣循環
Book Varieties of economic inequality / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book Vindicating socio-economic rights : international standards and comparative experiences / O'Connell, Paul, 1981- 2012. 政治與景氣循環
Book Visual branding : a rhetorical and historical analysis / McQuarrie, Edward F., author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book Voting rights in the age of globalization / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book Wealth / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book Welfare and competition : the economics of a fully employed economy / Scitovsky, Tibor. 2003. 政治與景氣循環
Book Welfare for the wealthy : parties, social spending, and inequality in the United States / Faricy, Christopher G., 1973- author. 2015. 政治與景氣循環
Book Welfare state transformation in the Yugoslav successor states : from social to unequal / Stambolieva, Marija, author. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book What a waste : outsourcing and how it goes wrong / Bowman, Andrew, author. [2015] 政治與景氣循環
Book What poetry brings to business / Morgan, Clare. ©2010. 政治與景氣循環
Book What's wrong with Keynesian economic theory? / [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book Wheel of fortune : the battle for oil and power in Russia / Gustafson, Thane, author. 2012. 政治與景氣循環