
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Information systems today : managing in the digital world. Valacich, Joseph S., 1959- author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Information technology for the virtual museum : museology and the Semantic Web / ©2008. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Information theory tools for visualization / Chen, Min, 1960 May 25- author. [2017] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Inherent strategies in library management / Koizumi, Masanori, author. [2017] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Innovation and entrepreneurship : a competency framework / Matthews, Charles H. (Economist), author. 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Innovation in public libraries : learning from international library practice / Nicholson, Kirstie, author. [2017] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Innovation intelligence : commoditization. digitalization. acceleration. major pressure on innovation drivers / Meige, Albert, author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Innovations in information retrieval : perspectives for theory and practice / 2011. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Inside the college gates : how class and culture matter in higher education / Stuber, Jenny M., 1971- author. ©2011. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Insiders' guide to technology-assisted review (TAR) / [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Inspired collaboration : ideas for discovering and applying your potential / Stoltz, Dorothy, author. 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Institutional digital repository benchmarks, 2014 edition. ©2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Instructional technology : past, present, and future / [2011] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Intangible organizational resources : analysis of resource-based theory and the measurement of library effectiveness / Wojciechowska, Maja, author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Integrating LibGuides into library websites / [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Intellectual capital in organizations : nonfinancial reports and accounts / 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Intelligent decision support : handbook of applications and advances of the rough sets theory / ©2010. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Intelligent learning environments and knowledge acquisition in physics / 2012. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interacting with history : teaching with primary sources / 2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interaction design : beyond human-computer interaction / Preece, Jenny, 1949- author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interactive information visualization to explore and query electronic health records / Rind, Alexander, author. Boston : 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interdisciplinarity and academic libraries / 2012. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interdisciplining digital humanities : boundary work in an emerging field / Klein, Julie Thompson, author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book International students and academic libraries : initiatives for success / 2011. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interoperability in healthcare information systems : standards, management, and technology / [2013] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interpretive description : qualitative research for applied practice / Thorne, Sally E. 1951- author. (Sally Elizabeth), 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Interviewing children and young people for research / O'Reilly, Michelle, author. 2017. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to JavaScript programming with XML and PHP : creating dynamic and interactive web pages / Drake, Elizabeth, 1948- author. [2014] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to controlled vocabularies : terminology for art, architecture, and other cultural works / Harpring, Patricia, author. 2013. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to controlled vocabularies : terminology for art, architecture, and other cultural works / Harpring, Patricia. ©2010. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to indexing and abstracting / Cleveland, Donald B., 1935- author. [2013] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to information literacy for students / Alewine, Michael C., author. 2017. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to knowledge management : KM in business / Groff, Todd R., author. 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to metadata / [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to modern information retrieval / Chowdhury, G. G. (Gobinda G.) 2010. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to technical services / Evans, G. Edward, 1937- ©2011. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introduction to the Semantic Web : concepts, technologies and applications / ©2010. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Introductory statistics using SPSS / Knapp, Herschel, author. [2017] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Invasive software composition operators for the semantic web : software composition techniques applied on ontology and query components / Johannes, Jendrik. 2008. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Is digital different? : how information creation, capture, preservation and discovery are being transformed / 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Java 7教學手冊 = Programming language / 洪維恩. 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Java SE 8技術手冊 / 林,信良. 2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Java for everyone : late objects / Horstmann, Cay S., 1959- ©2013. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Key issues regarding digital libraries : evaluation and integration / Shen, Rao. ©2013. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Knitting the Semantic Web / 2008. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Knowledge and discourse matters : relocating knowledge management's sphere of interest onto language / Crane, Lesley 1960- author. (Lesley Margaret), [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Knowledge and the city : concepts, applications and trends of knowledge-based urban development / Carrillo, Francisco Javier, author. 2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Knowledge in action : logical foundations for specifying and implementing dynamical systems / Reiter, Raymond. ©2001. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Knowledge innovation strategy : why cats don't take part in the rat race / Kulkarni, Parag, author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Knowledge management (KM) processes in organizations : theoretical foundations and practice / McInerney, Claire R. (Claire Regina) ©2011. 資訊組織與資訊分析