
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Teaching civics in the library : an instructional and historical guide for school and public librarians / Lyons, Reneé Critcher, 1961- author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Teaching information fluency : how to teach students to be efficient, ethical, and critical information consumers / Heine, Carl, 1951- author. 2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Teaching information literacy reframed : 50+ framework-based exercises for creating information-literate learners / Burkhardt, Joanna M., author. 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Teaching information literacy threshold concepts : lesson plans for librarians / 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Teaching reference today : new directions, novel approaches / [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Teaching the Igeneration : 5 easy ways to introduce essential skills with Web 2.0 tools / Ferriter, William M., author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Technology disaster response and recovery planning : a LITA guide / 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Teen services 101 : a practical guide for busy library staff / Fink, Megan, author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Temporal information retrieval / Kanhabua, Nattiya., author. 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Text data management and analysis : a practical introduction to information retrieval and text mining / Zhai, ChengXiang, author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book Text mining : a guidebook for the social sciences / Ignatow, Gabe, author. [2017] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Academic Librarian As Blended Professional : Reassessing and Redefining the Role / Perini, Michael. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Academic library in the information age / Shan, Sidra, author. 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Big6 curriculum : comprehensive information and communication technology (ICT) literacy for all students / Eisenberg, Michael B., 1949- author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The CILIP guidelines for secondary school libraries / 2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Internet is not the answer / Keen, Andrew, author. 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Librarians of Congress / Nappo, Christian A., 1976- author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Living Library : an intellectual ecosystem / Steele, Patricia Ann, author. 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Medical Library Association guide to health literacy / ©2008. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Routledge companion to the professions and professionalism / 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The Semantic Web in earth and space science : current status and future directions / [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The U.S. national Z39.50 profile for library applications : an American National standard / National Information Standards Organization (U.S.) [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The accidental data scientist : big data applications and opportunities for librarians and information professionals / Affelt, Amy L., 1970- author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The answer machine / Feldman, Susan. ©2012. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The associate university librarian handbook : a resource guide / [2012] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The audiovisual cataloging current / ©2001. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The best 100 free apps for libraries / [2013] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The brave new world of eHR : human resources management in the digital age / c2005. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The changing academic library : operations, culture, environments / Budd, John, 1953- author. 2012. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The collection's at the core : revitalize your library with innovative resources for the Common Core and STEM / Mardis, Marcia A., author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The comparative guide to WordPress in libraries : a LITA guide / Goodman, Amanda L., auhtor. 2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The complete guide to acquisitions management / Wilkinson, Frances C., author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The content strategy toolkit : methods, guidelines, and templates for getting content right / Casey, Meghan, author. [2015] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The copyright librarian : a practical handbook / Frederiksen, Linda, author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The craft of librarian instruction : using acting techniques to create your teaching presence / Artman, Julie, author. 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The cybrarian's web : an A-Z guide to 101 free Web 2.0 tools and other resources / Peltier-Davis, Cheryl Ann. 2012. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The data journalism handbook : [how journalists can use data to improve news] / 2012. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The data librarian's handbook / Rice, Robin 1965- author. (Robin Charlotte), 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The democracy of knowledge / Innerarity, Daniel, 1959- author. 2013. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The developing role of public libraries in emergency management : emerging research and opportunities / Mabe, Michael, 1956- author. [2017] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The dictionary of the book : a glossary for book collectors, booksellers, librarians, and others / Berger, Sidney E., author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The digital humanities : a primer for students and scholars / Gardiner, Eileen, author. 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The digital humanities and Islamic & Middle East studies / Muhanna, Elias, author. [2016] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The digital librarian's legal handbook / Gathegi, John Ng'ang'a. ©2012. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The economics of knowledge and the knowledge driven economy : critical concepts in economics / 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The embedded librarian's cookbook / 2014. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The end of wisdom? : the future of libraries in a digital age / [2017] 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The epistemology of intelligent semantic web systems / Aquin, Mathieu d', author. 2016. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The essentials of knowledge management / 2015. 資訊組織與資訊分析
Book The ethical archivist / Danielson, Elena S., 1947- author. [2010] 資訊組織與資訊分析