Book |
Riding the creative rollercoaster : how leaders evoke creativity, productivity and innovation / |
Udall, Nick, author. |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Risk : a study of its origins, history and politics / |
Beck, Matthias, 1964- author. |
[2014] |
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Book |
Risky curves : on the empirical failure of expected utility / |
Friedman, Daniel, 1947- author. |
2014. |
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Book |
Routes of power : energy and modern America / |
Jones, Christopher F., author. |
2014. |
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Book |
Routledge handbook of modern economic history / |
2013. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Routledge handbook of the economics of climate change adaptation / |
2014. |
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Book |
Routledge handbook of the economics of knowledge / |
2015. |
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Book |
Routledge international handbook of sustainable development / |
2015. |
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Book |
Rules of origin in ASEAN : a way forward / |
Inama, Stefano, author. |
2015. |
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Book |
Rural livelihoods, regional economies, and processes of change / |
2014. |
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Book |
Rural wage employment in developing countries : theory, evidence and policy / |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Sailing against the wind of creative destruction : the attack of radical innovation on the home entertainment industry - a compendium of international research papers / |
Oestreicher, Klaus, author. |
2011 |
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Book |
Saving the media : capitalism, crowdfunding, and democracy / |
Cagé, Julia, author. |
2016. |
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Book |
Scalable innovation : a guide for inventors, entrepreneurs, and IP professionals / |
Shteyn, Eugene, 1961- author. |
2013. |
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Book |
Selling Paris : property and commercial culture in the fin-de-siècle capital / |
Yates, Alexia M., 1980- author. |
2015. |
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Book |
Selling digital music, formatting culture / |
Morris, Jeremy Wade, 1976- author. |
[2015] |
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Book |
Selling power : economics, policy, and electric utilities before 1940 / |
Neufeld, John L., author. |
2016. |
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Book |
Shadow banking within and across national borders / |
Annual International Banking Conference Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) 2013 : (16th : |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Shaping EU policy from below : EU democracy and the Committee of the Regions / |
Piattoni, Simona, 1960- author. |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Sharing the work : what my family and career taught me about breaking through (and holding the door open for others) / |
Strober, Myra H., author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Shazam! : the golden age of the world's mightiest mortal / |
Kidd, Chip, author. |
2010. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Short selling : finding uncommon short ideas / |
Kumar, Amit (Certified Financial Analyst), author. |
[2015] |
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Book |
Should Banks' Stress Test Results be Disclosed? : an Analysis of the Costs and Benefits / |
Goldstein, Itay, author. |
[2014] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Shrinking cities : a global perspective / |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Side effects and complications : the economic consequences of health-care reform / |
Mulligan, Casey B., author. |
2015. |
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Book |
Similarity in difference : marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900 / |
Lundh, Christer, author. |
[2014] |
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Book |
Simplicity marketing : end brand complexity, clutter, and confusion / |
Cristol, Steven M., author. |
©2000. |
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Book |
Singapore : toward the edge of innovation leadership : how to reach the technology frontier / |
Logatcheva, Katja, author. |
[2010] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Singaporean film industry in transition : looking for a creative edge : the nature and role of intangible resources that shape an uncertain and changing environment such as the film industry / |
Wong, Caroline, author. |
©2010. |
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Book |
Size and local democracy / |
Denters, S. A. H., author. |
[2014] |
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Book |
Small states and the European Union : economic perspectives / |
2016. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Smart and sustainable power systems : operations, planning, and economics of insular electricity grids / |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Smart grid planning and implementation / |
Gellings, Clark W., author. |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Smart grid standards : specifications, requirements, and technologies / |
Sato, Takuro, author. |
[2015] |
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Book |
Smart grids : opportunities, developments, and trends / |
[2013] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Smart specialisation : opportunities and challenges for regional innovation policy / |
Foray, Dominique, author. |
2015. |
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Book |
Social capital and economics : social values, power, and social identity / |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Social innovation and business in Taiwan / |
Han, I, 1971- author. |
2016. |
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Book |
Social media in business : succeeding in the new internet revolution / |
Nicholls, Steve, 1962- author. |
2011. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Social media strategy : marketing and advertising in the consumer revolution / |
Quesenberry, Keith A., 1971- author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Social ontology and modern economics / |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Social security programs and retirement around the world : disability insurance programs and retirement / |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Social statistics : managing data, conducting analyses, presenting results / |
Linneman, Thomas John. |
2014. |
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Book |
Socio-economic development / |
Szirmai, Adam, 1946- author. |
2015. |
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Book |
Socioeconomic evaluation of megaprojects : dealing with uncertainties / |
2017. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Spatial dynamics in the experience economy / |
Lorentzen, Anne, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Specifications of photovoltaic pumping systems in agriculture : sizing, fuzzy energy management and economic sensitivity analysis / |
Yahyaoui, Imene, author. |
[2017] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Spectrum management : using the airwaves for maximum social and economic benefit / |
Cave, Martin, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Spillover effects of China going global / |
Pelzman, Joseph, author. |
[2017] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
Sports through the lens of economic history / |
2016. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |