Book |
The inventor's dilemma : the remarkable life of H. Joseph Gerber / |
Gerber, David J. author. (David Jacques), |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The knowledge capital of nations : education and the economics of growth / |
Hanushek, Eric A. 1943- author. (Eric Alan), |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The language of game theory : putting epistemics into the mathematics of games / |
[2014] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The locust and the bee : predators and creators in capitalism's future / |
Mulgan, Geoff. |
©2013. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The long process of development : building markets and states in pre-industrial England, Spain, and their colonies / |
Hough, Jerry F., 1935- author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The lunacy of modern finance theory and regulation / |
Coleman, Les, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The luxury economy and intellectual property : critical reflections / |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The maker movement manifesto : rules for innovation in the new world of crafters, hackers, and tinkerers / |
Hatch, Mark, 1960- author. |
[2014] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The making of low carbon economies / |
Lovell, Heather, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The market as god / |
Cox, Harvey, 1929- author. |
2016. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The market preparation of Carolina rice : an illustrated history of innovations in the Lowcountry Rice Kingdom / |
Porcher, Richard Dwight, Jr., author. |
[2014] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The misfit economy : lessons in creativity from pirates, hackers, gangsters, and other informal entrepreneurs / |
Clay, Alexa, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The modern energy matchmaker : connecting investors with entrepreneurs / |
Ashby, Michele, 1955- author. |
©2010. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The money problem : rethinking financial regulation / |
Ricks, Morgan, author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The mystery of the invisible hand : a Henry Spearman mystery / |
Jevons, Marshall, author. |
[2014] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The necessary transition : the journey towards the sustainable enterprise economy / |
[2013] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The network : the battle for the airwaves and the birth of the communications age / |
Woolley, Scott, author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The new IT outsourcing landscape : from innovation to cloud services / |
Willcocks, Leslie. |
2012. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The new harvest : agricultural innovation in Africa / |
Juma, Calestous, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The new health bioeconomy : R & D policy and innovation for the twenty-first century / |
Mittra, James, author. |
2016. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The new regulatory space : reframing democratic governance / |
Vibert, Frank, author. |
©2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The next economics : global cases in energy, environment, and climate change / |
c2013. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The no-growth imperative : creating sustainable communities under ecological limits to growth / |
Zovanyi, Gabor, 1943- |
2013. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The open society and its enemies in East Asia : the relevance of the Popperian framework / |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The origins of neoliberalism : insights from economics and philosophy / |
Becchio, Giandomenica, author. |
2017. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The people's money : how China is building a global currency / |
Subacchi, Paola, 1962- author. |
[2017] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The political economy of city branding / |
Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko, author. |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The political economy of low carbon resilient development planning and implementation / |
2017. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The political origins of inequality : why a more equal world is better for us all / |
Reid-Henry, Simon, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The politics of river basin organisations : coalitions, institutional design choices and consequences / |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The poverty industry : the exploitation of America's most vulnerable citizens / |
Hatcher, Daniel L., author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The power and independence of the Federal Reserve / |
Conti-Brown, Peter, 1981- author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The power of a single number : a political history of GDP / |
Lepenies, Philipp, 1971- author. |
2016. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The pox of liberty : how the Constitution left Americans rich, free, and prone to infection / |
Troesken, Werner, 1963- author. |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The process matters : engaging and equipping people for success / |
Brockner, Joel, author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The production and consumption of music in the digital age / |
2016. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The psychology of risk / |
Breakwell, Glynis M. author. (Glynis Marie), |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The rainforest : the secret to building the next Silicon Valley / |
Hwang, Victor W., author. |
2012. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The rate and direction of inventive activity revisited / |
2012. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The real mad men : the renegades of Madison Avenue and the golden age of advertising / |
Cracknell, Andrew, author. |
2011. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The region and trade : new analytical directions / |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The renaissance of renewable energy / |
Pagnoni, Gian Andrea, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The rise and fall of global austerity / |
Canterbery, E. Ray, author. |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The rise of the joyful economy : artistic invention and economic growth from Brunelleschi to Murakami / |
Hutter, Michael, author. |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The road from Mont Pèlerin : the making of the neoliberal thought collective, with a new preface / |
2015. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The role of innovations in the market for consumer packaging : case study: shaped aerosols in the personal care and household market / |
Sama, Ngwi, author. |
2010. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The role of renewable energy certificates in new energy projects / |
©2013. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The seventh sense : how flashes of insight change your life / |
Duggan, William R., author. |
[2015] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The sharing economy : the end of employment and the rise of crowd-based capitalism / |
Sundararajan, Arun, author. |
[2016] |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |
Book |
The social dynamics of innovation networks / |
2014. |
創意、創新經濟與經濟永續 |