
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The sound of innovation : Stanford and the computer music revolution / Nelson, Andrew J., author. [2015] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The source of innovation in China : highly innovative systems / 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The story of Nintendo / Sutherland, Adam, author. 2012. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The sustainability of the European social model : Eu governance, social protection and employment policies in Europe / 2015. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The sustainable economics of Elinor Ostrom : commons, contestation and craft / Wall, Derek, author. 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The theory of entrepreneurship : creating and sustaining entrepreneurial value / Mishra, Chandra Sekhar, 1970- author. 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The third sector : community organizations, NGOs, and nonprofits / Kallman, Meghan Elizabeth, author. [2016] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The three box solution : a strategy for leading innovation / Govindarajan, Vijay author. [2016] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The triple challenge for Europe : economic development, climate change, and governance / 2015. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The two sides of innovation : creation and destruction in the evolution of capitalist economies / [2013] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The varieties of economic rationality : from Adam Smith to contemporary behavioural and evolutionary economics / Zouboulakis, Michel S., author. 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book The world trade system : trends and challenges / 2016. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Theoretical foundations of macroeconomic policy : growth, productivity and public finance / 2017. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Theories of sustainable development / 2015. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Theory of social choice on networks : preference, aggregation, and coordination / Stirling, Wynn C., author. 2016. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Thinkers 50 innovation : breakthrough thinking to take your business to the next level / Crainer, Stuart, author. [2014] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book This program is brought to you by ... : distributing television news online / Braun, Josh, author. [2015] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Tourism and the creative industries : theories, policies and practice / 2016. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Tourist clusters, destinations and competitiveness : theoretical issues and empirical evidences / [2016] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Towards a knowledgeable creative problem-solving methodology : an inspiration from enhancing CBR creativity / Zhu, Zhiqiang, author. 2011. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Towards corporate sustainable development : the ITT flygt sustainability index / Pohl, Eva, author. 2011 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Towards the sustainability of microfinance services : the role of client impact monitoring / Virtue, Tony, author. [2010] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trade agreements at the crossroads / 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trade cooperation : the purpose, design and effects of preferential trade agreements World trade Forum / 2015. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trade, investment, innovation and their impact on access to medicines : an Asian perspective / Hsu, Locknie, author. 2016. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trade-related agricultural policy analysis / [2016] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trade-related investment measures : Theory and Applications / Chao, Chi-Chur, author. [2014] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Transformation of women at work in Asia : an unfinished development agenda / 2016. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Transformative entrepreneurs : how Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Muhammad Yunus, and other innovators succeeded / Harris, Jeffrey A., 1955- 2012. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Transforming U.S. energy innovation / 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Transforming energy : solving climate change with technology policy / Patt, Anthony G., author. 2015. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Transnational financial associations and the governance of global finance : assembling wealth and power / McKeen-Edwards, Heather, author. 2013. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trends in music information seeking, behavior, and retrieval for creativity / [2016] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trust and innovation: positively related? : secondary data analysis of the relationship between trust and innovation in the Dutch shipbuilding industry / Digne, Adrien, author. 2010 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Trust based adoption of innovative new products and NPD process : the new product development process could be improved by incorporating the measures to build consumer trust / Mukherjee, Jaydeep, (Economist), author. 2011. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book U.S. innovation programs / ©2011. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Unconscious branding : how neuroscience can empower (and inspire) marketing / Van Praet, Douglas, author. 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Understanding and measuring creativity / Fields, Ziska, author. 2013. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Understanding global crises : an emerging paradigm / Razin, Assaf, author. [2014] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Understanding innovation in emerging economic spaces : global and local actors, networks and embeddedness / [2015] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Understanding the influence of culture on product innovation endeavors : the case of micro, small and medium enterprises in the microfinance sector in Kenya and Germany / Jakobi, Nina, author. [2012] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Unequal gains : American growth and inequality since 1700 / Lindert, Peter H., author. [2016] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book University technology transfer : the globalization of academic innovation / 2016. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Unleashing your creativity on a shoestring : breaking new ground - without breaking the bank / Armstrong, Janice, author. 2008. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Unlikely partners : Chinese reformers, Western economists, and the making of global China / Gewirtz, Julian B., 1989- author. 2017. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Unobserved components and time series econometrics / 2015. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Upgrading and technical efficiency in Kenya garment firms : does insertion in global value chains matter? / Kamau, Paul, author. [2010] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Urban competitiveness : theory and practice / Kresl, Peter Karl, author. 2015. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Urban strategies for culture-driven growth : co-creating a European capital of culture / Wåhlin, Nils, author. [2016] 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續
Book Utilitarianism and Malthus's virtue ethics : respectable, virtuous and happy / Cremaschi, Sergio, 1949- author. 2014. 創意、創新經濟與經濟永續