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Internet banking in transition economies : the African perspective / |
Addison, James, author. |
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Interpreting China as a regional and global power : nationalism and historical consciousness in world politics / |
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Intra-regional disparities in agricultural development : an analytical approach to Kerala State, India / |
Ayyoob, K. C., author. |
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Intra-regional resettlement and inter-ethnic relations In Jawi Woreda / |
Ejigu, Yohannes Yitbarek, author. |
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Invention and reinvention : the evolution of San Diego's innovation economy / |
Walshok, Mary Lindenstein, author. |
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Invisible population : the place of the dead in East Asian megacities / |
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Iranian weapons of mass destruction : the birth of a regional nuclear arms race? / |
Cordesman, Anthony H., author. |
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Is apartheid really dead? : Pan Africanist working-class cultural critical perspectives / |
Kunnie, Julian. |
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Is there a Middle East? : the evolution of a geopolitical concept / |
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Islam and the west : wars of the gods : the geopolitics of faith / |
Amir-Aslani, Ardavan. |
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Islamic architecture in Iran : poststructural theory and the architectural history of Iranian Mosques / |
Khaghani, Saeid, author. |
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Island enclaves : offshoring strategies, creative governance, and subnational island jurisdictions / |
Baldacchino, Godfrey, author. |
©2010. |
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Issues of transitional economy in Vietnam / |
Nguỹên, T́ân Phát, author. |
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Italian thought today : bio-economy, human nature, Christianity / |
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Japan : background, issues, and developments / |
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Japan and a new world economic order / |
Kojima, Kiyoshi, 1920-2010. |
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Japan's aid : lessons for economic growth, development and political economy / |
Feasel, Edward M., author. |
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Japan's economic aid : policy-making and politics / |
Rix, Alan, 1949- author. |
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Japan's economic planning and mobilization in wartime, 1930s-1940s : the competence of the state / |
Miwa, Yoshirō, 1948- author. |
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Japan's foreign aid to Africa : Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD process / |
Raposo, Pedro Amakasu, 1969- author. |
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Japan's shrinking regions in the 21st century / |
Matanle, Peter C. D. |
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Japanese aid and the construction of global development : inescapable solutions / |
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Japanese government loan issues on the London capital market, 1870-1913 / |
Suzuki, Toshio, 1948 July 29- |
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Job satisfaction and non-governmental organizations in Yemen / |
Alraiy, Shaima, author. |
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John Maynard Keynes : free trader or protectionist? / |
Cammarosano, Joseph R., author. |
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Joining empire : the political economy of the new Canadian foreign policy / |
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Joyriding in Riyadh : oil, urbanism, and road revolt / |
Ménoret, Pascal, 1976- author. |
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Juvenile delinquency in a diverse society / |
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Karachi : ordered disorder and the struggle for the city / |
Gayer, Laurent, author. |
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Kazakhstan's new economy : nomads and eagle hunters meet modern management tools and technologies / |
Nathan, Jay, author. |
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Kentucky's frontier highway : historical landscapes along the Maysville Road / |
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Knowledge and the future school : curriculum and social justice / |
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Korea : a cartographic history / |
Short, John R., author. |
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Korea South : a "spy" guide. |
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Korea, the hard way : battling invisible trade barriers : a story from the front lines of America's trade war / |
Kiska, Frank J. |
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Labour market transformation in transition economies : experiences form South Eastern Eruopean countries and lessons for Kosova / |
Hoti, Avdullah, author. |
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Lake effect : tales of large lakes, arctic winds, and recurrent snows / |
Monmonier, Mark S., author. |
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Land grabs in Asia : what role for the law? / |
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Land is life : land reform and sustainable agriculture / |
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Late neoclassical economics : the restoration of theoretical humanism in contemporary economic theory / |
Madra, Yahya M., author. |
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Latin America's emerging middle classes : economic perspectives / |
Dayton-Johnson, Jeff, author. |
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Latinnovating : green American jobs and the Latinos creating them / |
Tiscareño-Sato, Graciela. |
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Leading sectors and world powers : the coevolution of global politics and economics / |
Modelski, George. |
©1996. |
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Leading the inclusive city : place-based innovation for a bounded planet / |
Hambleton, Robin. |
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Lesbian lives in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia : post/socialism and gendered sexualities / |
Stella, Francesca, 1975- author. |
2015. |
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Let's split! : a complete guide to separatist movements and aspirant nations, from Abkhazia to Zanzibar / |
Roth, Christopher Fritz, author. |
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Liberal interventionism and democracy promotion / |
©2012. |
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Liberal learning and the art of self-governance / |
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Liberalisation and privatisation in the EU : services of general interest and the roles of the public sector / |
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Life expectancy and active life expectancy : study from Kerala, India / |
Chandran, Anil, author. |
2013. |
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