
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Tizard mission : the top-secret operation that changed the course of World War II / Phelps, Stephen. 2012, ©2010. 發展地理學
Book The Trans-Pacific Partnership, China and India : economic and political implications / Palit, Amitendu, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The UAE and foreign policy : foreign aid, identities and interests / Almezaini, Khalid S. 2012. 發展地理學
Book The United Nations at work in Asia : an envoy's account of development in China, Vietnam, Thailand and the South Pacific / Morey, Roy D., author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The United States in a warming world : the political economy of government, business, and public responses to climate change / Brewer, Thomas L., 1941- author. 2015. 發展地理學
Book The United States of excess : gluttony and the dark side of American exceptionalism / Paarlberg, Robert L., author. [2015] 發展地理學
Book The United States, Japan, and free trade : moving in the same direction? / ©2012. 發展地理學
Book The Virginia Tech massacre : strategies and challenges for improving mental health policy on campus and beyond / [2015] 發展地理學
Book The accumulation of freedom : writings on anarchist economics / ©2012. 發展地理學
Book The anarchist roots of geography : toward spatial emancipation / Springer, Simon, author. [2016] 發展地理學
Book The animal catalyst : towards ahuman theory / 2014. 發展地理學
Book The anthropocene : the human era and how it shapes our planet / Schwägerl, Christian, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The beach beneath the street : the everyday life and glorious times of the Situationist International / Wark, McKenzie, 1961- author. 2015. 發展地理學
Book The big ratchet : how humanity thrives in the face of natural crisis : a biography of an ingenious species / DeFries, Ruth S., author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The biopolitics of the Danube Delta : nature, history, policies / [2015] 發展地理學
Book The black doctors of colonial Lima : science, race, and writing in colonial and early republican Peru / Jouve Martín, José Ramón, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The bonds of debt / Dienst, Richard, 1962- author. 2011. 發展地理學
Book The boom : how fracking ignited the American energy revolution and changed the world / Gold, Russell, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The business of counterterrorism : public-private partnerships in homeland security / Busch, Nathan E., 1971- author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The changing image of affordable housing : design, gentrification and community in Canada and Europe / Maschaykh, Ulduz, author. [2015] 發展地理學
Book The city : the basics / Archer, Kevin, 1957- 2013. 發展地理學
Book The city as interface : how digital media are changing the city / Waal, Martijn de, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The common sense of political economy / Wicksteed, Philip H. 1844-1927. (Philip Henry), 2003. 發展地理學
Book The contested politics of mobility : borderzones and irregularity / 2012, ©2011. 發展地理學
Book The contradictions of austerity : the socio-economic costs of the neoliberal Baltic model / 2014. 發展地理學
Book The cultural landscape : an introduction to human geography / Rubenstein, James M. ©2014. 發展地理學
Book The culture of make believe / Jensen, Derrick, 1960- ©2004. 發展地理學
Book The defence industrial triptych : government as a customer, sponsor and regulator / Heidenkamp, Henrik, author. 2013. 發展地理學
Book The delusions of economics : the misguided certainties of a hazardous science / Rist, Gilbert, 1938- 2011. 發展地理學
Book The direction of war : contemporary strategy in historical perspective / Strachan, Hew, author. 2013. 發展地理學
Book The domestic, moral and political economies of post-Celtic Tiger Ireland : what rough beast? / Keohane, Kieran, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The economic and social history of Brazil since 1889 / Luna, Francisco Vidal, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The economics of public-private partnerships : a basic guide / Engel, Eduardo, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The efficient secret : the cabinet and the development of political parties in Victorian England / Cox, Gary W., author. 2005. 發展地理學
Book The emotional logic of capitalism : what progressives have missed / Konings, Martijn, 1975- author. [2015] 發展地理學
Book The empire of value : a new foundation for economics / Orléan, André, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The end of the lake-dwellings in the Circum-Alpine region / 2015. 發展地理學
Book The end of the suburbs : where the American dream is moving / Gallagher, Leigh (Journalist), author. [2013] 發展地理學
Book The falling rate of learning and the neoliberal endgame / Blacker, David J., author. 2013. 發展地理學
Book The fight for home : how (parts of) New Orleans came back / Wolff, Daniel J. 2012. 發展地理學
Book The finnish competition state : state transformation in Finland and the emergence of a competitiveness policy in the Helsinki region / Pelkonen, Antti, author. 2011. 發展地理學
Book The fiscal case against statehood : accounting for statehood in New Mexico and Arizona / Moussalli, Stephanie D., 1953- author. ©2012. 發展地理學
Book The folklore of the freeway : race and revolt in the modernist city / Avila, Eric, 1968- author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The fountain of knowledge : the role of universities in economic development / Breznitz, Shiri M., author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The fragmented politics of urban preservation : Beijing, Chicago, and Paris / Zhang, Yue, 1979- author. [2013] 發展地理學
Book The future history of the Arctic / Emmerson, Charles. ©2010. 發展地理學
Book The future of Europe : democracy, legitimacy and justice after the Euro crisis / [2015] 發展地理學
Book The future of NATO : regional defense and global security / [2014] 發展地理學
Book The future of south-south economic relations / 2012. 發展地理學
Book The geography of North America : environment, culture, economy / Hardwick, Susan Wiley. 2013. 發展地理學