
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The geography of hope : a tour of the world we need / Turner, Chris, 1973- author. 2008. 發展地理學
Book The geometric unconscious : a century of abstraction / [2012] 發展地理學
Book The geopolitics of Israel and the Palestinians : the intelligence behind the headlines. ©2009. 發展地理學
Book The global republic : America's inadvertent rise to world power / Ninkovich, Frank A., 1944- author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The globalization of space : Foucault and heterotopia / 2015. 發展地理學
Book The golden lands : Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam / Lall, Vikram, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The great education decision : learning from the past to give our children an eternal future / Moffett, Isaac B., author. [2015] 發展地理學
Book The great growing up : being responsible for humanity's future / Renesch, John, 1937- author. [2012] 發展地理學
Book The great inversion and the future of the American city / Ehrenhalt, Alan, 1947- author. 2013, ©2012. 發展地理學
Book The handbook of fashion studies / 2013. 發展地理學
Book The hip-hop underground and African American culture : beneath the surface / Peterson, James Braxton, 1971- author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The house that Uncle Sam built : how the federal government and real estate interests created, inflated and rescued the American dream / Yeaman, Helena. ©2011. 發展地理學
Book The human age : the world shaped by us / Ackerman, Diane, 1948- author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The idealist : Jeffrey Sachs and the quest to end poverty / Munk, Nina, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The illegal war on Libya / 2012. 發展地理學
Book The international handbook of political ecology / [2015] 發展地理學
Book The international political economy of communication : media and power in South America / 2014. 發展地理學
Book The international politics of the Red Sea / Ehteshami, Anoushiravan. 2011. 發展地理學
Book The invisible handcuffs of capitalism : how market tyranny stifles the economy by stunting workers / Perelman, Michael, author. ©2011. 發展地理學
Book The invisible soldiers : how America outsourced our security / Hagedorn, Ann, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The involvement of regional powers in Somalia since 2004 : challenges and prospects / Gebrekidan, Getachew Zeru. 2010. 發展地理學
Book The kingdom and the quarry : China, Australia, fear and greed / Uren, David. 2012. 發展地理學
Book The last days of Detroit : motor cars, motown and the collapse of an industrial giant / Binelli, Mark, author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The life and truth of George R. Stewart : a literary biography of the author of earth abides / Scott, Donald M., author. ©2012. 發展地理學
Book The limits of neoliberalism : authority, sovereignty and the logic of competition / Davies, William, 1976- author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The limits of the green economy : from reinventing capitalism to repoliticising the present / Kenis, Anneleen, author. 2015. 發展地理學
Book The making of the Tunisian revolution : contexts, architects, prospects / [2013] 發展地理學
Book The many panics of 1837 : people, politics, and the creation of a transatlantic financial crisis / Lepler, Jessica M., author. 2013. 發展地理學
Book The military and denied development in the Pakistani Punjab : an eroding social consensus / Khan, Shahrukh Rafi, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The money-moving syndrome and the effectiveness of foreign aid : diagnostic tools to improve agencies? ; Lending process to aid-receiving countries / Monkam, Nara Françoise, author. 2008. 發展地理學
Book The myth of America's decline : politics, economics, and a half century of false prophecies / Joffe, Josef, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The mythologies of capitalism and the end of the Soviet project / Baysha, Olga, author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The natural gas revolution : at the pivot of the world's energy future / Kolb, Robert W., 1949- author. 2013. 發展地理學
Book The new Brazil : regional imperialism and the new democracy / Zibechi, Raúl, 1952- author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The new Jim Crow : African Americans, civil rights, and the first Presidential election of the 21st century : disenfranchising African Americans in Florida 2000, Bush v. Gore, and black America's continuing struggle for civil rights and political equality / Henry, Godfrey C. ©2005. 發展地理學
Book The new century of the metropolis : urban enclaves and orientalism / Angotti, Thomas, 1941- 2013. 發展地理學
Book The new enclosures : critical perspectives on corporate land deals / 2013. 發展地理學
Book The new era in U.S. national security : an introduction to emerging threats and challenges / Jarmon, Jack A., 1951- author. [2014] 發展地理學
Book The new geographies of energy : assessment and analysis of critical landscapes / ©2013. 發展地理學
Book The new geopolitics of sport in East Asia / 2014. 發展地理學
Book The new geopolitics of transatlantic relations : coordinated responses to common dangers / Fröhlich, Stefan, 1958- ©2012. 發展地理學
Book The new kings of crude : China, India, and the global struggle for oil in Sudan and South Sudan / Patey, Luke A., author. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The new mole : paths of the Latin American left / Sader, Emir, 1943- 2011. 發展地理學
Book The new politics of strategic resources : energy and food security challenges in the 21st century / [2015] 發展地理學
Book The other Kuala Lumpur : living in the shadows of a globalising Southeast Asian city / 2014. 發展地理學
Book The plantation of Ulster : the British colonisation of the north of Ireland in the seventeenth century / Bardon, Jonathan, 1941- 2012. 發展地理學
Book The political and economic development of modern turkey / Hale, William. 2014. 發展地理學
Book The political ecology of the metropolis : metropolitan sources of electoral behaviour in eleven countries / 2013. 發展地理學
Book The political economy and media coverage of the European economic crisis : the case of Ireland / Mercille, Julien, author. 2015. 發展地理學
Book The political economy of development in Kenya / Hope, Kempe Ronald, Sr., 1949- 2013. 發展地理學