
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Taking sides. 2004. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book Tax provisions to assist with disaster recovery / Lunder, Erika K. 2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book Technological and social dimensions of the green revolution : connecting pasts and futures / 2013. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book Technology and sustainability / ©2011. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book Tectonics, magmatism and metallogeny of Mongolia / 2001. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book Terrain evaluation : an introductory handbook to the history, principles, and methods of practical terrain assessment / Mitchell, Colin W. 1991. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The CBI environmental management handbook : challenges for business / 2001. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Earthscan reader in forestry and development / 2005. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Earthscan reader in poverty and biodiversity conservation / 2010. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Earthscan reader in sustainable agriculture / 2005. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Earthscan reader on risk / 2009. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Endangered Species Act and federalism : effective conservation through greater state commitment / 2011. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The English breakfast : the biography of a national meal, with recipes / O'Connor, Kaori. 2013. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The ISIS agreement : how sustainability can improve organizational performance and transform the world / AtKisson, Alan, 1960- 2008. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Pacific salmon fisheries : a study of irrational conservation / Crutchfield, James Arthur. 2011. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Singapore water story : sustainable development in an urban city-state / Tortajada, Cecilia, author. 2013. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The Square, the cookbook. Howard, Philip (Chef) 2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The WTO agreement on agriculture and food security / 2000. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The ageing and development report : poverty, independence, and the world's older people / 1999. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The amenity value of the global climate / Maddison, David, 1965- 2001. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The archaeology of environmental change : socionatural legacies of degradation and resilience / c2009. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The atlas of climate change : mapping the world's greatest challenge / Dow, Kirstin, 1963- 2011. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The atlas of food / Millstone, Erik. 2008. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The atlas of human migration : global patterns of people on the move / 2010. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The balanced engineer : essential ideas for career development : 1998 Professional Activities Conference proceedings : Phoenix, Arizona, September 4-7, 1998. IEEE-USA Professional Activities Conference Phoenix, Ariz.) 1998 : (2nd : ©1998. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The challenge of change : agriculture, land and the South African economy / 2003. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The climate casino : risk, uncertainty, and economics for a warming world / Nordhaus, William D., author. [2013] 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The connected city : how networks are shaping the modern metropolis / Neal, Zachary P. 2013. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The cropland crisis : myth or reality? / 2011. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The custodians of biodiversity : sharing access and benefits to genetic resources / 2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The dry forests and woodlands of Africa : managing for products and services / 2010. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The economics of adapting fisheries to climate change. Workshop on the Economics of Adapting Fisheries to Climate Change Busan, Korea) (2010 : c2010. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The energy imperative : 100 per cent renewable now / Scheer, Hermann, 1944-2010. 2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The environmental impact statement after two generations : managing environmental power / Greenberg, Michael R. ©2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The ethics of Japan's global environmental policy : the conflict between principles and practice / Kagawa-Fox, Midori. 2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The evolution of hazardous waste programs : lessons from eight countries / Probst, Katherine N. 1999. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The federal statistical system : its vulnerability matters more than you think / c2010. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The feeding of nations : redefining food security for the 21st century / Gibson, Mark. ©2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The food history reader : primary sources / 2014. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The food security reader : the best of truth about trade & technolgy / c2011. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The future of large dams : dealing with social, environmental, institutional and political costs / Scudder, Thayer. 2006. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The future of nature : documents of global change / [2013] 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The geopolitics of natural resources / ©2011. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The global farms race : land grabs, agricultural investment, and the scramble for food security / c2013. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The global food crisis : new insights into an age-old problem / 2009. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The government of space : town planning in modern society / Ravetz, Alison, author. 2013. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The great Maya droughts in cultural context : case studies in resilience and vulnerability / [2014] 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The great food robbery : how corporations control food, grab land and destroy the climate / 2012. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The green office manual : a guide to responsible practice. 2000. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理
Book The green web : a union for world conservation / Holdgate, Martin W. 1999. 回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理