
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Space technologies and climate change : implications for water management, marine resources and maritime transport. ©2008. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Spatial analysis methods of road traffic collisions / Loo, Becky P. Y., author. [2016] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Spatial patterns of road traffic accident casualties in Faisalabad / Shafqaat, Muhammad, author. 2013. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Spatial questions : cultural topologies and social spatialisations / Shields, Rob, 1961- author. 2013. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Stagecoach travel / Allen, Louise, 1949- author. 2014. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Standard specifications for construction of roads and bridges on federal highway projects : FP-03, metric units. United States. Federal Highway Administration. [2003] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Stopping the carnage on African roads : the case of Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa / Bonna, Okyere. 2009. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Straphanger : saving our cities and ourselves from the automobile / Grescoe, Taras, author. 2012. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Strategic management in aviation : critical essays / c2007. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Strategic sustainability analysis : concept and application for the assessment of European transport policy / Schade, Wolfgang. 2005. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Street computing : urban informatics and city interfaces / Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction University of Melbourne, Australia) 2009 : (21st : 2014. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Street fight : the politics of mobility in San Francisco / Henderson, Jason, 1972- author. [2013] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Streets and market places in towns of southwest England : encroachments and improvements / Scrase, Anthony John, author. ©1999. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Streets, railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877 / Stowell, David O. (David Omar) 1999. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Strengthening historic covered bridges to carry modern traffic / Reece, Martin B. c2010. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Structural integrity and passenger safety / ©2000. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Study on sleepiness and drivers attention in urban transport / Bittencourt, Lisiane. 2014. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Study skills for town and country planning / Smith, Nick (College teacher), author. 2014. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Studying public policy / 2014. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Subway : the story of tunnels, tubes, and tracks / Brimner, Larry Dane. 2004. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Supply chain management and transport logistics / Liu, John J., 1951- 2012. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Supply chain security : a comprehensive approach / Arway, Arthur G., author. [2013] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Supply chain security : cargo container and federal information technology procurement risks / ©2013. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Surface transportation : MAP-21 provisions and TIFIA credit assistance / ©2013. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Surface transportation : funding and federalism considerations / ©2012. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Surface transportation : infrastructure, environmental issues and safety / c2010. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Surface transportation congestion / Mallett, William. c2008. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Sustainable transport : priorities for policy reform. ©1996. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Sustainable transport studies in Asia / [2013] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Sustainable transportation in the national parks : from Acadia to Zion / [2014] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Sustainable urban water environment : climate, pollution and adaptation / [2014] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Switching processes in queueing models / Anisimov, V. V. (Vladimir Vladislavovich) 2008. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Technical aspects regarding axles calculation of road transport means / Raluca, Sfiru, author. 2014. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Technical traffic crash investigators' handbook : (level 3) : a technical reference, training, investigation and reconstruction manual / Rivers, R. W. (Robert W.) c2010. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Technologies of mobility in the Americas / ©2012. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Teen driver safety and graduated driver licenses / ©2011. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Teletraffic : theory and applications / Akimaru, Haruo, 1927- author. ©1999. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Territorial implications of high speed rail : a Spanish perspective / Ureña Francés, José M. de. 2012. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Terror on the highway : rage on America's roads / Eberle, Paul, 1928- 2006. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book Texas & Pacific Railway : operations and traffic / Zlatkovich, Charles P. c1998. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program / [2012] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Airbus A380 : a history / Simons, Graham M., author. 2014. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The China Clipper, Pan American Airways and popular culture / Weirather, Larry, 1944- c2007. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Deschutes River railroad war / Speroff, Leon, 1935- ©2007. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Effectiveness of Daytime Running Lights for Passenger Vehicles / Wang, Jing-Shiarn, author. [2008] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Essential guide to pedestrian safety : know what you're walking into / Ghabour, Joseph M., author. [2011] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Future of mobility : scenarios for the United States in 2030 / Zmud, Johanna, author. [2013] 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Highway Trust Fund and donor-donee debate over distributions / ©2012. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The Malbone Street Wreck / Cudahy, Brian J. 1999. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)
Book The National Road and the difficult path to sustainable national investment / Sky, Theodore, 1933- ©2011. 運輸地理(人文地理領域)