Book |
Constructive controversy : theory, research, practice / |
Johnson, David W., author. |
2015. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Contemporary brand management / |
Johansson, Johny K., author. |
2015. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Contemporary issues in human resource management / |
Grobler, Pieter A. author. (Pieter Alexander), |
c2012. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Coolfarming : turn your great idea into the next big thing / |
Gloor, Peter A. 1961- (Peter Andreas), |
c2011. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Cooperation, clusters, and knowledge transfer : universities and firms towards regional competitiveness / |
c2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Cooperative research centers and technical innovation : government policies, industry strategies, and organizational dynamics / |
c2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate disasters : what went wrong and why. |
c2012. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate geography : business location principles and cases / |
Laulajainen, Risto. |
©1995. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate policy and governance : how organizations self-organize / |
Malik, Fredmund F. |
c2011. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate social responsibility / |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate social responsibility in the digital age / |
2015. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate stewardship : achieving sustainable effectiveness / |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate strategy / |
2009. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Corporate strategy : tools for analysis and decision-making / |
Puranam, Phanish, author. |
2016. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Crash course in strategic planning / |
Matthews, Stephen A., author. |
[2013] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Create your future the Peter Drucker way : developing and applying a forward-focused mindset / |
Rosenstein, Bruce, author. |
[2014] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creating a Kaizen culture : align the organization, achieve breakthrough results, and sustain the gains / |
Miller, Jon (Business consultant) |
©2014. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creating a data-driven organization : practical advice from the trenches / |
Anderson, Carl (Data scientist) |
2015. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creating competitive advantage : how to be strategically ahead in changing markets / |
Uphill, Kevin, author. |
2016. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creating knowledge advantage : the tacit dimensions of international competition and cooperation / |
Holden, Nigel, 1945- |
2010. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creative intelligence : harnessing the power to create, connect, and inspire / |
Nussbaum, Bruce. |
c2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creative strategy generation : using passion and creativity to compose business strategies that inspire action and growth / |
Caporale, Bob, author. |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creativity and problem solving / |
Tracy, Brian, author. |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creativity in the sciences : a workbook companion to Innovation generation / |
Goodman, Michael L. |
c2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Creativity now : get inspired, create ideas, and make them happen! / |
Wolff, Jurgen, 1956- |
2012. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Critical knowledge transfer : tools for managing your company's deep smarts / |
Leonard-Barton, Dorothy, author. |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Critical thinking : formal and informal reasoning / |
Arangno, Lorraine Marie. |
2014. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Critical thinking for strategic intelligence / |
Pherson, Katherine Hibbs. |
©2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Crush the competition with outsourcing / |
Banna, Salah, author. |
[2012] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Crushing the competition : the entrepreneur's guide to using military strategies to outthink, outmaneuver and outperform the competiiton / |
Johnson, Omar, author. |
[2013] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Crushing your competition : 8 powerful marketing strategies that can crush your competition and increase profits by 18% in the next 90 days (or less!) / |
Abii, Haskell, author. |
2011. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Cultural transformations : lessons of leadership and corporate reinvention / |
Mattone, John, author. |
[2016] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Current issues in international entrepreneurship / |
[2013] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Customer focused process innovation : linking strategic intent to everyday execution / |
Hamme, David, author. |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Decide & conquer : the ultimate guide for improving your decision making / |
Robbins, Stephen P., 1943- author. |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Decision making and imperfection / |
c2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Decision making groups and teams : an information exchange perspective / |
Silver, Steven D., author. |
2014. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Decision making in business / |
Walden, Joseph L. |
2014. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Decision quality : value creation from better business decisions / |
Spetzler, Carl S., author. |
[2016] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Decoding the workplace : 50 keys to understanding people in organizations / |
Ballard, John, PhD, author. |
[2015] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Defending your brand : how smart companies use defensive strategy to deal with competitive attacks / |
Calkins, Tim. |
2012. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Demand driven performance : using smart metrics / |
Smith, Debra, 1952- author. |
[2014] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Demand driven strategic planning / |
Neves, Marcos Fava. |
2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Demystifying strategic thinking : lessons from leading CEOs / |
Grundy, Tony, 1954- author. |
2014. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Demystifying strategy : how to become a strategic thinker / |
Grundy, Tony, 1954- |
2012. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Demystifying your business strategy / |
Lei, David, author. |
2014. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Design models for hierarchical organizations : computation, information, and decentralization / |
[2012] |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Designing organizational systems : an interdisciplinary discourse / |
c2013. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Designing the customer-centric organization : a guide to strategy, structure, and process / |
Galbraith, Jay R. |
c2005. |
動態競爭策略 |
Book |
Designing the purposeful organization : how to inspire business performance beyond boundaries / |
Wilson, Clive, (Economist), author. |
2015. |
動態競爭策略 |