
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Developing a turnaround business plan : leadership techniques to activate change strategies, secure competitive advantage, and preserve success / Paley, Norton, author. [2016] 動態競爭策略
Book Developing business knowledge / c2011. 動態競爭策略
Book Developing dynamic capabilities for sustainable competitive advantage : how to integrate sales and production companies of a MNC to better cope with strucutural changes in the local market network / Timlon, Joachim, author. [2009] 動態競爭策略
Book Developing successful business strategies : gaining the competitive advantage / Reider, Rob, 1940- author. 2015. 動態競爭策略
Book Developing, shaping and growing entrepreneurship / [2015] 動態競爭策略
Book Development and globalisation : daring to think differently / Tandon, Yashpal, 1939- 2009. 動態競爭策略
Book Development-oriented corporate social responsibility / [2015] 動態競爭策略
Book Developments in Chinese entrepreneurship : key issues and challenges / 2015. 動態競爭策略
Book Diagnostics for a globalized world / Thore, Sten A. O., author. [2015] 動態競爭策略
Book Dialogic organization development : the theory and practice of transformational change / [2015] 動態競爭策略
Book Dialogue in organizations : developing relational leadership / Reitz, Megan, 1973- author. 2015. 動態競爭策略
Book Dialogues with creative legends : aha moments in a designer's career / Laufer, David, 1950- c2013. 動態競爭策略
Book Differences that make a difference : an annotated glossary of distinctions important in management / Ackoff, Russell Lincoln, 1919-2009. c2010. 動態競爭策略
Book Different : escaping the competitive herd / Moon, Youngme. c2010. 動態競爭策略
Book Differentiating with graphic organizers : tools to foster critical and creative thinking / Drapeau, Patti. c2009. 動態競爭策略
Book Digital Creativity : Individuals, Groups, and Organizations / [2013] 動態競爭策略
Book Direct investment abroad / c2010. 動態競爭策略
Book Directors : an A-Z guide / Tricker, R. Ian (Robert Ian) 2009. 動態競爭策略
Book Divergent thinking and creative potential / c2013. 動態競爭策略
Book Diversity and the effective corporate board / Mishra, Ram Kumar. 2013. 動態競爭策略
Book Do retail mergers affect competition? : evidence from grocery retailing. [2014?] 動態競爭策略
Book Dogfight : how Apple and Google went to war and started a revolution / Vogelstein, Fred, author. 2013. 動態競爭策略
Book Doing action research in your own organization / Coghlan, David, author. 2014. 動態競爭策略
Book Domain analysis for knowledge organization : tools for ontology extraction / Smiraglia, Richard P., 1952- author. [2015] 動態競爭策略
Book Dream design surf : how to design new ventures for rapid growth, lower risk and global impact / Bravo, Marcelo. 2012. 動態競爭策略
Book Driving company growth : top CEOs on developing a vision, adding value, and creating a financial impact back cover header: leading ceos offer key strategies for success / c2005. 動態競爭策略
Book Dyadic decision making / [2011?] 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamic capabilities : how organizational structures affect knowledge processes / Berszinn-Cordes, Philip, 1981- author. 2013. 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamic competitive strategy : path characteristics and their performance implications / Israel, Sascha, author. 2008. 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamic e-business implementation management : how to effectively manage e-business implementation / Lientz, Bennet P., author. 2011. 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamic general equilibrium models with imperfectly competitive product markets / Rotemberg, Julio, author. [2015] 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamic pricing, competition and uncertainty / Kwon, Changhyun, author. [2009] 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamics and change in organizations / ©2003. 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamics of innovation : the expansion of technology in modern times / Caron, François, 1931- 2013. 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamics of international business : comparative perspectives of firms, markets and entrepreneurship / Colli, Andrea, 1966- author. 2016. 動態競爭策略
Book Dynamics of organizational change and learning / c2004. 動態競爭策略
Book Economic organization, capabilities and co-ordination : essays in honour of G.B. Richardson / 1998. 動態競爭策略
Book Edge strategy : a new mindset for profitable growth / Lewis, Alan, 1975- author. [2016] 動態競爭策略
Book Educating for creativity : a global conversation / [2012] 動態競爭策略
Book Effective group discussion : theory and practice / Galanes, Gloria J. c2013. 動態競爭策略
Book Effective management / Williams, Chuck, 1959- author. [2016] 動態競爭策略
Book Effectively integrating ethical dimensions into business education / c2011. 動態競爭策略
Book Embracing complexity : strategic perspectives for an age of turbulence / Boulton, Jean G., author. 2015. 動態競爭策略
Book Emerging market multinationals : managing operational challenges for sustained international growth / Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro, author. 2016. 動態競爭策略
Book Emerging markets rule : growth strategies of the new global giants / Guillén, Mauro F., author. [2013] 動態競爭策略
Book Enacting regional dynamics and entrepreneurship : bridging the territorial and functional rationales / 2012. 動態競爭策略
Book Encyclopaedia of concepts and applications in strategic management and business policy / 2014. 動態競爭策略
Book Encyclopedia of human resource management / [2016] 動態競爭策略
Book Encyclopedia of management theory / [2013] 動態競爭策略
Book Enterprise innovation : from creativity to engineering / 2015. 動態競爭策略