
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The cognitive neuropsychology of language / 2014. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The cognitive neuroscience of development / 2003. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The cognitive neuroscience of memory : an introduction / Eichenbaum, Howard. c2012. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The cognitive neuroscience of semantic processing : a special issue [of] Language and cognitive processes : cognitive neuroscience of language. 2011. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The cognitive psychology of planning / 2005. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The cognitive self-assessment inventory / Goodwin, Lloyd R., 1944- c2002. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The dementias : early diagnosis and evaluation / c2006. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The development and components of the human brain / [2011?] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The economy and training of memory / Watt, Henry J. 1879-1925, author. (Henry Jackson), [2006] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The elements of cognitive aging : meta-analyses of age-related differences in processing speed and their consequences / Verhaeghen, Paul, author. [2014] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The emergent executive : a dynamic field theory of the development of executive function / 2014. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The emotional brain revisited / 2014. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The everything guide to the human brain : journey through the parts of the brain, discover how it works, and improve your brain's health / Hatfield, Rudolph C. c2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The everything health guide to Alzheimer's disease : a reassuring, informative guide for families and caregivers / Dezell, Maureen. 2009. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The everything parent's guide to children with executive functioning disorder : strategies to help your child achieve the time-management skills, focus, and organization needed to succeed in school and life / Branstetter, Rebecca, author. [2014] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The experience of Alzheimer's disease : life through a tangled veil / Sabat, Steven R. c2001. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The future of the mind : the scientific quest to understand, enhance and empower the mind / Kaku, Michio, author. 2014. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The genetic basis of sleep and sleep disorders / 2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The handbook of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias / 2011. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The handbook of emotional intelligence : theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace / c2000. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The handbook of sport neuropsychology / c2011. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The healthiest you : take charge of your brain to take charge of your life / Traver, Kelly. 2011. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The human brain : Form and Function of the Body's Control Center / Smith, Kaelyn, author. [2011?] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The human brain : its configuration, structure, development, and physiology illustrated by references to the nervous system in the lower orders of animals / Solly, Samuel, 1805-1871. [2010] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The human brain : its structure, physiology and diseases, with a description of the typical forms of brain in the animal kingdom / Solly, Samuel, 1805-1871, author. [2010] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The human brain book : [an illustrated guide to its structure, function, and disorders] / Carter, Rita, 1949- c2009. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The human hippocampus : functional anatomy, vascularization and serial sections with MRI / Duvernoy, Henri M., 1931- author. [2013] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The interpersonal neurobiology of play : brain-building interventions for emotional well-being / Kestly, Theresa A., author. [2014] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The making of the mind : the neuroscience of human nature / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas, author. 2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The measurement of affect, mood, and emotion : a guide for health-behavioral research / Ekkekakis, Panteleimon, 1968- 2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The method of response function in psychology & sociology / Malkina-Pykh, Irina G. ©2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The mild traumatic brain injury workbook : your program for regaining cognitive function & overcoming emotional pain / Mason, Douglas J. c2004. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The mind and the brain / Binet, Alfred, 1857-1911, author. 2014. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The mind and the brain : neuroplasticity and the power of mental force / Schwartz, Jeffrey, 1951- 2003. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The mind's machine : foundations of brain and behavior / Watson, Neil V. 1962- (Neil Verne), c2012. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neurobiologic mechanisms in manipulative therapy : [proceedings of a workshop held at the Kellogg Center for Continuing Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 23-26, 1977 / Research Workshop on Neurobiologic Mechanisms in Manipulative Therapy, Michigan State University, 1977. [2014?] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neurobiological basis of memory and behavior / Rahmann, Hinrich, 1935- c1992. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychiatry of headache / 2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychological analysis of problem solving / Luri︠i︡a, A. R. 1902-1977. (Aleksandr Romanovich), c1990. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of breathing-related sleep disorders : is treatment effective in improving cognitive functioning and driving performance? / Stephens, Melissa, author. 2009. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of cancer and oncology / c2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of cortical dementias / [2015] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of developmental dyslexia / c2001. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of mental illness / 2009. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of psychopathology / c2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of reading disorders : diagnosis and intervention workbook / c2000. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of smell and taste / Martin, G. Neil, author. 2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuropsychology of written language disorders : diagnosis and intervention / Feifer, Steven G. c2002. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuroscience of freedom and creativity : our predictive brain / Fuster, Joaquin M. 2013. 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學
Book The neuroscience of human relationships : attachment and the developing social brain / Cozolino, Louis J., author. [2014] 臨床神經心理學與神經心理復健心理學