
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Current research in applied linguistics : issues on language and cognition / ELC International Postgraduate Conference on Language and Cognition University of Santiago de Compostela) 2012 (3rd : 2014. 腦神經語言學
Book Current review of cerebrovascular disease / c1996. 腦神經語言學
Book Current review of cerebrovascular disease / c2001. 腦神經語言學
Book Das Netz der Persönlichkeit : wie unser Selbst entsteht / LeDoux, Joseph E. 2003. 腦神經語言學
Book Data mining and business analytics with R / Ledolter, Johannes, author. [2013] 腦神經語言學
Book Data mining and statistical analysis using SQL / Trueblood, Robert P. c2001. 腦神經語言學
Book Deaf gain : raising the stakes for human diversity / [2014] 腦神經語言學
Book Deafness / [2013] 腦神經語言學
Book Definite descriptions / Elbourne, Paul D., author. 2013. 腦神經語言學
Book Deja review : neuroscience / Tremblay, Matthew. c2010. 腦神經語言學
Book Dependency linguistics : recent advances in linguistic theory using dependency structures / [2014] 腦神經語言學
Book Developing scaffolds in evolution, culture, and cognition / [2014] 腦神經語言學
Book Developmental language disorders : from phenotypes to etiologies / 2004. 腦神經語言學
Book Developments in neuroscience : proceedings of the 2nd International Mt. Bandai Symposium for Neuroscience 2001 held in Bandai on 27 October 2001 / International Mt. Bandai Symposium for Neuroscience Bandai, Japan) 2001 : (2nd : 2002. 腦神經語言學
Book Diachronic corpus pragmatics / [2014] 腦神經語言學
Book Diagnosis and evaluation in speech pathology / Haynes, William O. c2012. 腦神經語言學
Book Diagnosis in speech-language pathology / [2002] 腦神經語言學
Book Dictionary of communication disorders / Morris, David W. H. 2005. 腦神經語言學
Book Differential display : a practical approach / c2000. 腦神經語言學
Book Differentiation for the adolescent learner : accommodating brain development, language, literacy, and special needs / Crawford, Glenda Beamon. c2008. 腦神經語言學
Book Diffusion tensor imaging and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI : working with graphical interface in diffusion tensor and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI / Singh, Er. Vanshika, author. 2013. 腦神經語言學
Book Disability and chronic fatigue syndrome : clinical, legal, and patient perspectives / 2012. 腦神經語言學
Book Discontinuous Grammar : a dependency-based model of human parsing and language learning / Buch-Kromann, Matthias. 2009. 腦神經語言學
Book Discourse and crisis : critical perspectives / [2013] 腦神經語言學
Book Discourse, grammar and ideology : functional and cognitive perspectives / Hart, Christopher (Linguist), author. 2014. 腦神經語言學
Book Discourse, tools, and reasoning : essays on situated cognition / c1997. 腦神經語言學
Book Discriminative preprocessing of speech : towards improving biomatric authentication / Wu, Dalei, author. [2012] 腦神經語言學
Book Dissolving binding theory / Rooryck, Johan. 2011. 腦神經語言學
Book Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing / Asquith, William H. c2011. 腦神經語言學
Book Do zombies dream of undead sheep? : a neuroscientific view of the zombie brain / Verstynen, Timothy, 1978- author. [2014] 腦神經語言學
Book Doubling the brain : on the evolution of brain lateralization and its implications for language / Dunaif-Hattis, Janet, 1952- c1984. 腦神經語言學
Book Duality of thought and language : an outline of original research / Sutro, Emil, 1832-1906. [2010] 腦神經語言學
Book Dynamical systems in neuroscience : the geometry of excitability and bursting / Izhikevich, Eugene M. c2007. 腦神經語言學
Book Dyslexia across languages : orthography and the brain-gene-behavior link / c2011. 腦神經語言學
Book Dyslexia and stress / 2004. 腦神經語言學
Book Dyspraxia 5-14 : identifying and supporting young people with movement difficulties / Macintyre, Christine, 1938- 2009. 腦神經語言學
Book Dyspraxia in the early years : identifying and supporting children with movement difficulties / MacIntyre, Christine, 1938- 2009. 腦神經語言學
Book Early childhood assessment / Lidz, Carol Schneider. c2003. 腦神經語言學
Book Early syntactic development : a cross-linguistic study with special reference to Finnish / Bowerman, Melissa. 1973. 腦神經語言學
Book Educating children and young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders : constructing personalised pathways to learning / Blackburn, Carolyn, 1963- 2012. 腦神經語言學
Book Educating children with Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (also known as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and DiGeorge Syndrome) / c2013. 腦神經語言學
Book Educational neuroscience / c2011. 腦神經語言學
Book Electro-magnetic tissue properties MRI / Seo, Jin Keun, author. [2014] 腦神經語言學
Book Emil Dovifat : Studien und Dokumente zu Leben und Werk / 1998. 腦神經語言學
Book Emotion and decision making explained / Rolls, Edmund T., author. 2014. 腦神經語言學
Book Emotion in speech, language, and voice / 2004. 腦神經語言學
Book Emotional language : the art and science of communication for human development / Huq, Zaki. 2011. 腦神經語言學
Book Emotions and personhood : exploring fragility, making sense of vulnerability / Stanghellini, Giovanni. ©2013. 腦神經語言學
Book Emotions and social relations / Burkitt, Ian, author. 2014. 腦神經語言學
Book Encyclopedia of neuroscience research / c2012. 腦神經語言學