Book |
影響已婚女性職業選擇因素之硏究 : 供給面的探討 / 林玉靖撰 |
林玉靖 |
民86[1997] |
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Book |
tales of the clerk ; and, The wife of Bath / Geoffrey Chaucer ; edited by Marion Wynne-Davies. |
Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400. |
1992. |
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Book |
Memoirs of a dutiful daughter / Simone de Beauvoir ; translated from the French by James Kirkup. |
Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986. |
1974, c1959. |
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Book |
愛與羅曼蒂克 / 王幼玲等著 |
王幼玲 |
民75[1986] |
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Book |
Reel to real , race, sex, and class at the movies / Bell Hooks. |
Hooks, Bell. |
1996. |
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Book |
周美玉先生訪問紀錄 / 張朋園訪問 ; 羅久蓉紀錄 |
張朋園 |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
child and the tourist : the story behind the escalation of child prostitution in Asia / Ron O'Grady. |
O'Grady, Ron. |
1992. |
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Book |
Veiled half-truths : Western travellers' perceptions of Middle Eastern women / selected and introduced by Judy Mabro. |
Mabro, Judy. |
1991. |
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Book |
Different places, different voices : gender and development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America / edited by Janet Henshall Momsen and Vivian Kinnaird. |
1993. |
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Book |
Full circles : geographies of women over the life course / edited by Cindi Katz and Janice Monk. |
1993. |
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Book |
"Viva" : women and popular protest in Latin America / edited by Sarah A. Radcliffe and Sallie Westwood. |
1993. |
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Book |
女性主義第二章 / 貝帝.傅瑞丹Betty Friedan 著 ; 施寄靑譯 |
Friedan, Betty. |
民76[1987] |
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Book |
為什麼他們不告訴你 / 卡維波,何春蕤著 |
卡維波 |
民79[1990] |
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Book |
婚姻神話 : 婚姻中的24個迷思 / 阿諾.拉查若斯(Arnold A. Lazarus)原著 ; 游婉娟譯 |
Lazarus, Arnold A. |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
性愛天平 : 尋求圓滿的男女關係 / 吉兒.考克斯(Gill Cox), 希拉.丹勞(Sheila Dainow)原著 ; 伍育英譯 |
Cox, Gill. |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
蚱蜢旅遊記 / 阿諾.羅北爾(Arnold Lobel)著 ; 楊茂秀譯 |
Lobel, Arnold. |
1997 |
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Book |
永遠的浪漫愛 : 曾昭旭談愛情 / 曾昭旭著 |
曾昭旭 |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
ethics of ambiguity / by Simone de Beauvoir ; translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman. |
Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986. |
©1976. |
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Book |
Mary ; and, The wrongs of woman / Mary Wollstonecraft ; edited with an introduction by Gary Kelly. |
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797. |
1991. |
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Book |
女性 女性主義 性革命 / 楊美惠著 |
楊美惠 |
民77[1988] |
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Book |
愛情上癮症 : 克服愛的痴迷與依賴 / 蘇珊.皮巴蒂(Susan Peabody)原著 ; 殷于譯 |
Peabody, Susan, 1948- |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
中國婦女在法律上之地位 : 附補篇 / 趙鳳喈著 ; 鮑家麟編 |
趙鳳喈 |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
神州女子新史. 徐天嘯著 ; 鮑家麟編 正續編 / |
徐天嘯 |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
中華歷代婦女 / 王藩庭撰 |
王藩庭 |
民55[1966] |
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Book |
P.S.你沒有注意聽我說 : 情緖障礙班敎師工作手記 / Eleanor Craig著 ; 洪儷瑜,李湘屏譯 |
Craig, Eleanor. |
民84[1995] |
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Book |
second wave : a reader in feminist theory / edited by Linda Nicholson. |
1997. |
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Book |
Sacrificial logics : feminist theory and the critique of identity / Allison Weir. |
Weir, Allison. |
1996. |
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Book |
Women, knowledge, and reality : explorations in feminist philosophy / Edited by Ann Garry, Marilyn Pearsall. |
1996. |
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Book |
淸代臺灣婦女的生活 / 卓意雯著 |
卓意雯 |
1993[民82] |
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Book |
經濟再結構中的婦女就業變遷與地域空間轉化 : 台北縣成衣業關廠女工再就業的個案硏究 / 柏蘭芝撰 |
柏蘭芝 |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
Women in Western political thought : [with new afterword] / Susan Moller Okin. |
Okin, Susan Moller. |
[1992] |
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Book |
sexual contract / Carole Pateman. |
Pateman, Carole. |
1988. |
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Book |
Living rooms as factories : class, gender, and the satellite factory system in Taiwan = [Kʻo tʻing chi kung chʻang] / Ping-Chun Hsiung. |
Hsiung, Ping-Chun, 1954- |
1996. |
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Book |
福爾摩沙的女兒 / 張典婉著 |
張典婉 |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
基層農會女性推廣人員工作滿意之硏究 / 黃翠瑛撰 |
黃翠瑛 |
民81[1992] |
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Book |
女性行動新提案 / 沈怡著 |
沈怡 |
民82[1993] |
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Book |
Science and gender : a critique of biology and its theories on women / Ruth Bleier. |
Bleier, Ruth, 1923- |
c1984. |
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Book |
婚姻的再詮釋 : 廣東順德自梳與不落家之女性 / 吳鳳儀撰 |
吳鳳儀 |
1996. |
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Book |
男女親密對話 = 兩性如何進行成熟的語言溝通 / 黛柏拉.泰南(Deborah Tannen)著 ; 吳幸宜譯 |
Tannen, Deborah. |
民81[1992] |
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Book |
女性新生活手册 / 沈怡著 |
沈怡 |
1991(民80) |
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Book |
Feminist theory : a critique of ideology / edited by Nannerl O. Keohane, Michelle Z. Rosaldo, and Barbara C. Gelpi. |
1982. |
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Surviving the storm : a memoir / Chen Xuezhao ; edited with an introduction by Jeffrey C. Kinkley ; translated by Ti Hua and Caroline Greene. |
Chʻen, Hsüeh-chao, 1906- |
c1990. |
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Book |
中華民國國家科學技術發展十二年長程計畫 : 民國八十年至九十一年 / 行政院國家科學委員會 |
民81[1992] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
中華民國國家科學技術發展六年中程計畫 : 民國八十年至八十五年 / 行政院國家科學委員會編 |
民81[1992] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
仲介台灣.女人 : 後殖民女性觀點的台灣閱讀 / 邱貴芬著 |
邱貴芬1957- |
1997[民86] |
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Book |
父權家庭意識形態的平價住宅政策與執行之分析 : 台北市平價住宅中單親母親之求生存策略 / 陳怡伶撰 |
陳怡伶〔建築〕 |
民81[1992] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
她鄉女紀 : 閱讀女人的創作版圖 / 鄭至慧著 |
鄭至慧 |
1997[民86] |
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Book |
Understanding ethnographic texts / Paul Atkinson. |
Atkinson, Paul. |
c1992. |
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Book |
Common thread : writings by working-class women / edited by June Burnett ... [et al.] |
1989. |
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Book |
Gendered jobs and social change / Rosemary Crompton and Kate Sanderson. |
Crompton, Rosemary. |
1990. |
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