Book |
傾聽與關愛 / 包葛玲(Gleam Powell)著 ; 黃朝洲等譯 |
Powell, Gleam. |
民76[1987] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Economic equality and fertility in developing countries / Robert Repetto. |
Repetto, Robert C. |
c1979. |
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Book |
單親家庭現況及其因應對策之探討 / 張淸富硏究主持 ; 薛承泰協同主持 ; 周月淸硏究 ; 行政院硏究發展考核委員會編 |
張淸富 |
民84[1995] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Gender, work, and space / Susan Hanson and Geraldine Pratt. |
Hanson, Susan, 1943- |
1995. |
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Book |
Facing zero population growth : reactions and interpretations, past and present / Joseph J. Spengler. |
Spengler, Joseph J. 1902-1991. (Joseph John), |
1978. |
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Book |
Population : an introduction to concepts and issues / John R. Weeks. |
Weeks, John Robert, 1944- |
c1986. |
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Book |
Intercultural communication : a reader / [edited by] Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter. |
c1985. |
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Book |
漢家女 / 艾達.普樂特Ida Pruitt著 ; 廖中和,張鳳珠譯 |
Pruitt, Ida. |
民82[1993] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Women, culture, and development : a study of human capabilities / edited by Martha C. Nussbaum and Jonathan Glover. |
1995. |
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Book |
Women in world history / Sarah Shaver Hughes and Brady Hughes. |
Hughes, Sarah S. |
1995- |
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Book |
Working in the twenty-first century / edited by C. Stewart Sheppard and Donald C. Carroll. |
c1980. |
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Book |
organization of work in rural and urban labor markets / Patrick M. Horan, Charles M. Tolbert II. |
Horan, Patrick M. |
1984. |
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Book |
Women and the workplace : the implications of occupational segregation / edited by Martha Blaxall and Barbara Reagan. |
1976. |
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Book |
moving target : what every marketer should know about women / Rena Bartos. |
Bartos, Rena. |
[1982] |
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Book |
Women, work, and wages : equal pay for jobs of equal value / Donald J. Treiman and Heidi I. Hartmann, editors ; Committee on Occupational Classification and Analysis, Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences, National Research Council. |
1981. |
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Book |
Women and the American labor movement / Philip S. Foner. |
Foner, Philip Sheldon, 1910- |
c1979-1980. |
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Book |
Women and national development : the complexities of change / edited by Wellesley Editorial Committee, Ximena Bunster B. ... [et al.] |
1977. |
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Book |
cocktail waitress : woman's work in a man's world / James P. Spradley, Brenda J. Mann. |
Spradley, James P. |
1975. |
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Book |
City women : work, jobs, occupations, careers / Helena Znaniecka Lopata, with Cheryl Allyn Miller and Debra Barnewolt. |
Lopata, Helena Znaniecka, 1925-2003. |
1984- |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
sexual division of work : conceptual revolutions in the social sciences / Shirley Dex. |
Dex, Shirley, 1950- |
Wheatsheaf, |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Sex inequalities in urban employment in the Third World / edited by Richard Anker and Catherine Hein. |
1986. |
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Book |
matter of hours : women, part-time work, and the labour market / Veronica Beechey, Tessa Perkins. |
Beechey, Veronica. |
c1987. |
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Book |
Women at work : the British experience / George Joseph. |
Joseph, George. |
1983. |
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Book |
Improving interpersonal relations : a guide to social skill development for managers and group leaders / Cary L. Cooper. |
c1982. |
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Book |
Psychology of women : behavior in a biosocial context / Juanita H. Williams. |
Williams, Juanita H., 1922- |
c1977. |
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Book |
structure of sociological theory / Jonathan H. Turner. |
Turner, Jonathan H. |
1982. |
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Book |
婦女運動 / 愛倫凱著 ; 林苑文譯 |
Key, Ellen, 1849-1926. |
民70[1981] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Sociology : studying the human system / Jonathan H. Turner. |
Turner, Jonathan H. |
c1981. |
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Book |
近代中國婦女史中文資料目錄 / 王樹槐等主編 ; 王哲聖等助編 |
民84[1995] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Social psychology, a sociological approach / George J. McCall, J.L. Simmons ; with glossary prepared by Nola Simmons. |
McCall, George J. |
c1982. |
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Book |
American society : problems of structure / Jonathan H. Turner. |
Turner, Jonathan H. |
c1976. |
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Book |
Family and economy in modern society / edited by Paul Close and Rosemary Collins ; foreword by David Morgan. |
1985. |
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Book |
Marriage, divorce, remarriage / Andrew J. Cherlin. |
Cherlin, Andrew J., 1948- |
c1981. |
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Book |
Dual-career couples / edited by Fran Pepitone-Rockwell. |
c1980. |
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Book |
長恨歌 / 王安憶著 |
王安憶 |
民85[1996] |
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Book |
安卓珍尼 / 董啓章著 |
董啓章1967- |
民85[1996] |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
覺醒 / 凱特.蕭邦(Kate Chopin)作 ; 楊瑛美譯 |
Chopin, Kate, 1851-1904. |
1996[民85] |
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Book |
Rethinking the family : some feminist questions / edited by Barrie Thorne with Marilyn Yalom ; prepared under the auspices of the Center for Research on Women, Stanford University. |
c1982. |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Shaping tomorrow's family : theory and policy for the 21st century / John Scanzoni ; foreword by Jessie Bernard. |
Scanzoni, John H., 1935- |
c1983. |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Marriage and family in a changing society / edited by James M. Henslin. |
c1980. |
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Book |
On being a mother : a study of women with pre-school children / Mary Georgina Boulton. |
Boulton, Mary Georgina. |
1983. |
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Book |
Incorporated wife / edited by Hilary Callan and Shirley Ardener. |
c1984. |
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Book |
Unplanned parenthood : the social consequences of teenage childbearing / Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr. |
Furstenberg, Frank F., 1940- |
c1976. |
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Book |
Women and development : the sexual division of labor in rural societies : a study / prepared for the International Labour Office within the framework of the World Employment Programme : edited by Lourdes Benería. |
1982. |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Marriage in a changing world / Gerald R. Leslie, Elizabeth McLaughlin Leslie. |
Leslie, Gerald R. |
c1980. |
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Book |
Human sexuality : contemporary controversies / edited by Harold Feldman and Andrea Parrot. |
c1984. |
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Book |
McCary's human sexuality / James Leslie McCary. |
McCary, James Leslie. |
1978. |
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Book |
Woman in the Muslim unconscious / Fatna A. Sabbah ; translated by Mary Jo Lakeland. |
Aït Sabbah, Fatna. |
c1984. |
婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
Ethical issues in sexuality and reproduction / Margot Joan Fromer. |
Fromer, Margot Joan, 1939- |
1983. |
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Book |
Evolving female : women in psychosocial context / edited by Carol Landau Heckerman. |
c1980. |
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