
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Transforming societies, transforming anthropology / c1996. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Transforming the dinosaurs : how organisations learn / Hague, Douglas Chalmers. 1993. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Transforming the mature information technology organization : reenergizing and motivating people / 1995. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Transforming work / 1998. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Transforming your dragons : how to turn fear patterns into persoanl power / Stevens, José c1994. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Transforming your workplace : a model for implementing change and labour-management cooperation / Alexander, Mark. 1999. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Transition and transformation : successfully managing stress / Brallier, Lynn. c1982. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Transitions : development through symbolic resources / Zittoun, Tania. c2006. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Translating theory into practice : a student guide to counseling practicum and internship / Levitov, Justin E. c2009. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trapped in the mirror : adult children of narcissists in their struggle for self / Golomb, Elan. c1992. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trauma and adolescence / c1999. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trauma and the therapist : countertransference and vicarious traumatization in psychotherapy with incest survivors / Pearlman, Laurie A. c1995. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trauma research methodology / c1996. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trauma-organized systems : physical and sexual abuse in families / Bentovim, Arnon. 1992. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating borderline states in marriage : dealing with oppositionalism, ruthless aggression, and severe resistance / McCormack, Charles C. 2000. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating child abuse and family violence in hospitals : a program for training and services / c1989. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating child-abusive families : intervention based on skills-training principles / Kelly, Jeffrey A. c1983. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating childhood behavioral and emotional problems : a step-by-step, evidence-based approach / c2008. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating eating problems of children with autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities : interventions for professionals and parents / Williams, Keith E. c2007 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating personality disorders / c1990. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating the lifetime health effects of childhood victimization / Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen A. c2003. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating the poor : a personal sojourn through the rise and fall of community mental health / Dumont, Matthew P. 1994, c1992. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treating your hyperactive and learning disabled child : what you can do / New York Institute for Child Development. c1979. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treatise on laughter / Joubert, Laurent, 1529-1583. c1980. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treatment of adult survivors of childhood abuse / Gil, Eliana. c1988. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Treats, play, love : make dog training fun for you and your best friend / Burnham, Patricia Gail. 2008. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trend watching : how the media create trends and how to be the first to uncover them / Merriam, John E. c1988. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trends in management thinking, 1960-1970 / Pollard, Harold R. 1978. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trends in psychotherapy research / c2006. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trial & error & the idea of progress / Pirie, Madsen, 1940- c1978. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trials of the heart : healing the wounds of intimacy / Mayer, Michael, 1947- c1993. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Tribal warfare in organizations / Neuhauser, Peg, 1950- c1988. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Triple C Model of project management : communication, cooperation, and coordination / Badiru, Adedeji Bodunde, 1952- c2008. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Triumph and trauma / Giesen, Bernhard, 1948- c2004. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Troubled identity and the modern world / Donskis, Leonidas. 2009. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Troubling children : studies of children and social problems / c1994. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book True and false accusations of child sex abuse / Gardner, Richard A. c1992. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book True identity : the Bible for women : becoming who you are in Christ. c2005. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust & betrayal : real life stories of friends and enemies / Bode, Janet. c1995. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust : releasing the energy to succeed / Cruise O'Brien, Rita. c2001. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust : the key to lasting relationships / Tanner, Ira J., 1928- c1989. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust and commitments / Snijders, Chris. c1996. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust and deception in virtual societies / c2001. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust building with children who hurt : a one-to-one support program for children ages 5 to 14 / Arent, Ruth P., 1922- c1992. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust matters for organisational and personal success / Bibb, Sally, 1963- 2004. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust modeling and management in digital environments : from social concept to system development / c2010. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust theory : a socio-cognitive and computational model / Castelfranchi, Cristiano. 2010. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Trust yourself : you have the power / Larsen, Tony, 1949- c1979. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Truth & trust : the first two victims of downsizing / Navran, Frank J., 1943- 1995. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學
Book Truth, dare, or promise : girls growing up in the fifties / 1985. 人際互動、文化與社會心理學