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Claiming rights and righting wrongs in Texas : Mexican workers and job politics during World War II / |
Zamora, Emilio. |
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Clan theory in African development studies analysis : reconsidering African development promotive bases / |
Mwamula-Lubandi, E. D., 1944- |
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Class and other identities : gender, religion and ethnicity in the writing of European labor history / |
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Class and politics in contemporary social science : "Marxism lite" and its blind spot for culture / |
Houtman, Dick. |
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Class, elite, and community in African development / |
Manghezi, Alpheus, 1934- |
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Classic reviews in tourism / |
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Classics of Practicing anthropology, 1978-1998 / |
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Clearing the coastline : the nineteenth-century ecological & cultural transformation of Cape Cod / |
McKenzie, Matthew G. |
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Climate change, biodiversity and sustainability in the Americas : impacts and adaptations / |
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Clio in Oceania : toward a historical anthropology / |
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Clio/anthropos : exploring the boundaries between history and anthropology / |
c2009. |
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Closing the coverage gap : role of social pensions and other retirement income transfers / |
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Clothing and difference : embodied identities in colonial and post-colonial Africa / |
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Co-operation and community development : a collection of essays / |
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Coal dust in their blood : the work and lives of underground coal miners / |
Williams, Bruce T. |
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Coal is our life : an analysis of a Yorkshire mining community / |
Dennis, Norman. |
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Coalcracker culture : work and values in Pennsylvania anthracite, 1835-1935 / |
Aurand, Harold W. |
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Coastal aquaculture in India : poverty, environment, and rural livelihood / |
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Coastal economies, cultural accounts : human ecology and Icelandic discourse / |
Gísli Pálsson, 1949- |
c1991. |
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Coastal histories : society and ecology in pre-modern India / |
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Coastal mass tourism : diversification and sustainable development in southern Europe / |
c2004. |
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Cochabamba, 1550-1900 : colonialism and agrarian transformation in Bolivia / |
Larson, Brooke. |
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Cocoa and kinship in Ghana : the matrilineal Akan of Ghana / |
Okali, C. |
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Coffee and capitalism in the Venezuelan Andes / |
Roseberry, William, 1950-2000. |
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Coffee culture, destinations and tourism / |
c2010. |
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Colesville : the development of a community, its people and its natural resources, over a period of four centuries / |
Bayley, Ned. |
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Collecting across cultures : material exchanges in the early Atlantic world / |
c2011. |
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Collegia centonariorum : the guilds of textile dealers in the Roman West / |
Liu, Jinyu, 1972- |
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Colonial visions, postcolonial revisions : images of the Indian diaspora in Malaysia / |
Pillai, Shanthini. |
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Colonialism and the modern world : selected studies / |
c2002. |
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Colonias in Arizona and New Mexico : border poverty and community development solutions / |
Esparza, Adrian X., 1957- |
c2008. |
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Comeback moms : how to leave work, raise children, and restart your career even if you haven't worked in years / |
Samuels, Monica. |
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Coming of age : a Christianized initiation for women in southern Malawi / |
Fiedler, Rachel Nyagondwe. |
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Coming of age in U.S. high schools : economic, kinship, religious, and political crosscurrents / |
Hemmings, Annette B. |
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Coming out of the kitchen : women beyond the home / |
Robertson, Una A. |
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Coming up for air : how to build a balanced life in a workaholic world / |
Sawi, Beth, 1952- |
c2000. |
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Commerce in color : race, consumer culture, and American literature, 1893-1933 / |
Davis, James C. (James Cyril) |
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Commercial exploitation of intellectual property / |
Pearson, Hilary E. |
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Common property resource management : gender, equity, and participation : a case study of the fish workers of Kerala / |
Choudhary, Arundhuti Roy. |
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Common wealth : for a free, equal, mutual and sustainable society / |
Large, Martin. |
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Common whites : class and culture in antebellum North Carolina / |
Cecil-Fronsman, Bill. |
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Commoners, climbers and notables : a sampler of studies on social ranking in the Middle East / |
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Communal land tenure in nineteenth-century Java : the formation of western images of the eastern village community / |
Goh, Taro, 1958-1988. |
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Communicating about sports media : culture collide / |
Billings, Andrew C. |
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Communication and identity : essays on a personal theme with special reference to conflict and development in the Third World / |
Benge, Ronald C. |
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Communication in rural development : a public policy perspective / |
Ray, Samirendra N. 1935- (Samirendra Nath), |
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Communications in travel and tourism : practical guide lines and assignments for students of travel and tourism / |
Snell, Shelagh. |
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Communities and their development : an introductory study with special reference to the tropics / |
Batten, T. R. (Thomas Reginald) |
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Communities left behind : alternatives for development / |
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Communities on the way : rebuilding local economies in the United States and Canada / |
Perry, Stewart E. |
c1987. |
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