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FDI in tourism : the development dimension / |
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Face boss : the memoir of a western Kentucky coal miner / |
Guillerman, Michael D., 1944- |
c2009. |
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Faces of anthropology : a reader for the 21st century / |
c2007. |
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Faces of the north : the ethnographic photography of John Honigmann / |
Cummins, Bryan David, 1953- |
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Facilitating community change : a basic guide / |
Fessler, Donald R., 1907- |
c1976. |
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Facing human capital challenges of the 21st century : education and labor market initiatives in Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates / |
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Facing the future : young people and unemployment around the world. |
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Fair use and free inquiry : copyright law and the new media / |
c1989. |
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Fair wages : strengthening corporate social responsibility / |
Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel. |
c2010. |
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Fairs, shops, and supermarkets; a history of English shopping. |
Davis, Dorothy. |
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Family activism : empowering your community, beginning with family and friends / |
Vargas, Roberto, 1950- |
c2008. |
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Family and social change : the household as a process in an industrializing community / |
Janssens, Angélique. |
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Family dynamics among the Kuria : agro-pastoralists in Northern Tanzania / |
Tobisson, Eva. |
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Family properties : race, real estate, and the exploitation of Black urban America / |
Satter, Beryl, 1959- |
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Family, commerce, and religion in London and Cologne : Anglo-German emigrants, c. 1000-c. 1300 / |
Huffman, Joseph P., 1959- |
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Farm work and fieldwork : American agriculture in anthropological perspective / |
c1987. |
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Farmers of the golden bean : Costa Rican households and the global coffee economy / |
Sick, Deborah, 1956- |
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Farmers, gene banks and crop breeding : economic analyses of diversity in wheat, maize, and rice / |
c1998. |
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Farming the red land : Jewish agricultural colonization and local Soviet power, 1924-1941 / |
Dekel-Chen, Jonathan L. |
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Feeding the world in the 21st century : a historical analysis of agriculture and society / |
Smedshaug, Christian Anton. |
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Female circumcision : the interplay of religion, culture, and gender in Kenya / |
Wangila, Mary Nyangweso. |
c2007. |
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Female genital mutilation : legal, cultural, and medical issues / |
Skaine, Rosemarie. |
c2005. |
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Feminism seduced : how global elites use women's labor and ideas to exploit the world / |
Eisenstein, Hester. |
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Festivals and events : culture and identity in leisure, sport and tourism / |
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Festivals, special events, and tourism / |
Getz, Donald, 1949- |
c1991. |
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Fictions of commodity culture : from the Victorian to the postmodern / |
Lindner, Christoph, 1971- |
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Field research in North American agricultural communities : products and profiles from the North American family / |
Molz, Rick. |
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Fight against stalinism [and] ; Imperialism : the highest stage of capitalism / |
Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1870-1924. |
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Fight back : workplace justice for immigrants / |
c2009. |
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Fighting for the soul of Brazil / |
c1995. |
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Filipino worldview : ethnography of local knowledge / |
Jocano, F. Landa. |
c2001. |
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Film-induced tourism / |
Beeton, Sue. |
c2005. |
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Financial fiasco : how America's infatuation with homeownership and easy money created the economic crisis / |
Norberg, Johan, 1973- |
c2009. |
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Financial participation of employees in the EU-27 / |
Lowitzsch, Jens. |
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Financing, mergers & acquisitions in the telecommunications industry / |
c1997. |
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Fire--the spark that ignited human evolution / |
Burton, Frances D., 1939- |
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Fishers at work, workers at sea : a Puerto Rican journey through labor and refuge / |
Griffith, David Craig, 1951- |
c2002. |
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Fixed ideas of money : small states and exchange rate regimes in twentieth-century Europe / |
Straumann, Tobias. |
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Fixing Britain : the business of reshaping our nation / |
Jones, Digby, 1955- |
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Flexible organizations and the new working life : a European perspective / |
c2009. |
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Florida's working-class past : current perspectives on labor, race, and gender from Spanish Florida to the new immigration / |
c2009. |
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Flows of migration and tradition / |
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Fly ash in concrete : production, properties and uses / |
Joshi, Ramesh C. |
c1997. |
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Folk arts & cultural traditions of the Delmarva Peninsula : an interpretive resource guide / |
Walker, Tom. |
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Food and farm : current debates and policies / |
c1989. |
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Food choice and the consumer / |
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Football and community in the global context : studies in theory and practice / |
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Foragers and farmers of the Early and Middle Woodland periods in Pennsylvania / |
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Forced labor : coercion and exploitation in the private economy / |
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Foreign experts and unsustainable development : transferring Israeli technology to Zambia, Nigeria and Nepal / |
Schwartz, Moshe. |
c2000. |
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