Book |
Foreign workers in Israel : global perspectives / |
Drori, Israel. |
c2009. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Forest guardians, forest destroyers : the politics of environmental knowledge in northern Thailand / |
Forsyth, Tim. |
c2008. |
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Forests, farmers and the state : environmentalism and resistance in northeastern Thailand / |
Amare Tegbaru. |
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Forging a new future : the experiences and expectations of people leaving paid work over 50 / |
Barnes, Helen, 1959- |
2002. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Forging links between protected areas and the tourism sector : how tourism can benefit conservation. |
c2005. |
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Book |
Forging political identity : silk and metal workers in Lyon, France, 1900-1939 / |
Mann, Keith. |
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經濟人類學 |
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Fossil fuels, oil companies, and indigenous peoples : strategies of multinational oil companies, states, and ethnic minorities ; impact on environment, livelihoods and cultural change / |
c2007. |
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Foundation GNVQ leisure and tourism / |
Jones, Carole. |
c1997. |
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Foundation leisure and tourism / |
Sutherland, Jonathan. |
c1996. |
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Foundations of civilization in tropical Africa / |
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Foundations of intellectual property / |
Merges, Robert P. |
c2004. |
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Founders of the anthropology of work : German social scientists of the 19th and early 20th centuries and the first ethnographers / |
Spittler, Gerd, 1939- |
c2008. |
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Book |
Fox Canadian law of copyright and industrial designs / |
McKeown, John S., 1948- |
c2000. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Framing piracy : globalization and film distribution in greater China / |
Wang, Shujen, 1963- |
c2003. |
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Book |
Free labor in an unfree world : white artisans in slaveholding Georgia, 1789-1860 / |
Gillespie, Michele. |
c2000. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Free markets and politics today / |
c2008. |
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Book |
Freedom of association in practice : lessons learned : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. |
International Labour Conference Geneva, Switzerland) 2008 : (97th : |
2008. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Freedom of culture : regulation and privatization of intellectual property and public space / |
2007. |
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Book |
Freedom of expression® : resistance and repression in the age of intellectual property / |
McLeod, Kembrew, 1970- |
2007. |
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Book |
Friends hold all things in common : tradition, intellectual property, and the Adages of Erasmus / |
Eden, Kathy, 1952- |
c2001. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
From Mondragon to America : experiments in community economic development / |
MacLeod, Greg. |
1997. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
From Puerto Rico to Philadelphia : Puerto Rican workers and postwar economies / |
Whalen, Carmen Teresa, 1964- |
2001. |
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Book |
From Taylorism to Fordism : a rational madness / |
Doray, Bernard. |
1988. |
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Book |
From chains to bonds : the slave trade revisited / |
2001. |
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From clients to citizens : communities changing the course of their own development / |
2008. |
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From corporate greed to common good : Canadian churches and community economic development / |
c1998. |
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From ethnic response to clan identity : a study of state penetration among the Somali nomadic pastoral society of northeastern Kenya / |
Farah, Mohamed I. |
1993. |
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From field to factory : community structure and industrialization in West Bengal / |
Klass, Morton, 1927-2001. |
c1978. |
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Book |
From heroin to heresy : the making of an American social thinker / |
Palombo, James E., 1950- |
c2000. |
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Book |
From mind to market : reinventing the retail supply chain / |
Blackwell, Roger D. |
c1997. |
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Book |
From paddy field to ski slope : the revitalisation of tradition in Japanese village life / |
Moon, Okpyo, 1950- |
c1989. |
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Book |
From peasant to proletarian : capitalist development and agrarian transitions / |
Goodman, David, 1938- |
1982. |
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From quarry to cornfield : the political economy of Mississippian Hoe production / |
Cobb, Charles R. 1956- (Charles Richard), |
c2000. |
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Book |
From scarcity to abundance : a comprehensive guidebook to parish stewardship / |
Ponting, David M. |
c2005. |
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From slavery to agrarian capitalism in the cotton plantation South : central Georgia, 1800-1880 / |
Reidy, Joseph P. 1948- (Joseph Patrick), |
c1992. |
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From textile mills to taxi ranks : experiences of migration, labour, and social change / |
Kalra, Virinder S. |
c2000. |
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From tourist attractions to heritage tourism / |
Yale, Pat, 1954- |
1998, c1997. |
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From workplace to playspace : innovating, learning, and changing through dynamic engagement / |
Meyer, Pamela. |
c2010. |
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Book |
Frontiertown : the politics of community building in Israel / |
Aronoff, Myron Joel. |
1974. |
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Book |
Fujimori's Peru : the political economy / |
1998. |
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Book |
Fundamentals of United States intellectual property law : copyright, patent, trademark / |
Halpern, Sheldon W. |
c2007. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Future scenarios : how communities can adapt to peak oil and climate change / |
Holmgren, David. |
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經濟人類學 |
Book |
Game without end : state terror and the politics of justice / |
Malamud Goti, Jaime E. |
c1996. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Gay and lesbian tourism : the essential guide for marketing / |
Guaracino, Jeff. |
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Geertz looks at Erikson's Gandhi / |
Geertz, Clifford. |
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Book |
Gender & difference in a globalizing world : twenty-first century anthropology / |
Mascia-Lees, Frances E., 1953- |
c2010. |
經濟人類學 |
Book |
Gender and agricultural development : surveying the field / |
c1995. |
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Gender and economic globalisation : an annotated bibliography / |
Bell, Emma. |
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Gender and policing : sex, power and police culture / |
Westmarland, Louise. |
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經濟人類學 |
Book |
Gender and population in the adjustment of African economies : planning for change / |
Palmer, Ingrid. |
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經濟人類學 |