
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Moroccan households in the world economy : labor and inequality in a Berber Village / Crawford, David, 1965- c2008. 經濟人類學
Book Motivations, behaviour and tourist types : reflections in international tourism / 2000. 經濟人類學
Book Moundville's economy / Welch, Paul D., 1955- c1991. 經濟人類學
Book Mountain agriculture and crop genetic resources / c1990. 經濟人類學
Book Mountain fisheries in developing countries / Petr, T. 2003. 經濟人類學
Book Mountain, field, and family : the economy and human ecology of an Andean valley / Brush, Stephen B., 1943- 2008] 經濟人類學
Book Mountains of India : tourism, adventure and pilgrimage / Kohli, M. S., 1931- c2002. 經濟人類學
Book Moving anthropology : critical indigenous studies / 2006. 經濟人類學
Book Moving lives : twentieth-century women's travel writing / Smith, Sidonie. c2001. 經濟人類學
Book Mr. Jefferson's lost cause : land, farmers, slavery, and the Louisiana Purchase / Kennedy, Roger G. 2003. 經濟人類學
Book Mr. Langshaw's square piano : the story of the first pianos and how they caused a cultural revolution / Goold, Madeline. 2009, c2008. 經濟人類學
Book Multi-sited ethnography : theory, praxis and locality in contemporary research / c2009. 經濟人類學
Book Multiculturalism in transit : a German-American exchange / 1998. 經濟人類學
Book Multilingual dictionary of copyright, rights, and contracts / 1995. 經濟人類學
Book Music and copyright / Rosen, Ronald S. c2008. 經濟人類學
Book Music and copyright : the case of Delius and his publishers / Montgomery, Robert. c2007. 經濟人類學
Book Music and video private copying : an international survey of the problem and the law / Davies, Gillian. 1993. 經濟人類學
Book Music healers of indigenous cultures / Cook, Pat Moffitt. 2004. 經濟人類學
Book Muslim societies in the age of mass consumption : politics, culture and identity between the local and the global / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book My anthropological journeys / Misra, Promode Kumar, 1936- 2003. 經濟人類學
Book My union, my life : Jean-Claude Parrot and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers / Parrot, Jean-Claude. 2005. 經濟人類學
Book Myth, matriarchy and modernity : Johann Jakob Bachofen in German culture, 1860-1945 / Davies, Peter (Peter J.) c2010. 經濟人類學
Book Myth, symbol, and culture / [1974, c1971] 經濟人類學
Book Myths of male dominance : collected articles on women cross-culturally / Leacock, Eleanor Burke, 1922- 2008. 經濟人類學
Book NAFTA : protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights in North America / Neff, Richard E. c1994. 經濟人類學
Book NGOs and development : the Indian scenario / All India Sociological Conference Dept. of Sociology, Kolhapur University) 1996 : (22nd : c2004. 經濟人類學
Book NGOs as prime movers : sectoral action for social development / Dharmarajan, Shivani. 2007. 經濟人類學
Book Nachituti's gift : economy, society, and environment in central Africa / Gordon, David M., 1970- c2006. 經濟人類學
Book Namibia's fisheries : ecological, economic and social aspects / 2004. 經濟人類學
Book Nation of rebels : why counterculture became consumer culture / Heath, Joseph, 1967- c2004. 經濟人類學
Book Nation-building and identity in Europe : the dialogics of reciprocity / Tzanelli, Rodanthi, 1974- 2008. 經濟人類學
Book National identities and travel in Victorian Britain / Morgan, Marjorie. 2001. 經濟人類學
Book Nationalizing the body : the medical market, print and daktari medicine / Mukharji, Projit Bihari. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book Native Americans and wage labor : ethnohistorical perspectives / c1996. 經濟人類學
Book Native tours : the anthropology of travel and tourism / Chambers, Erve. c2010. 經濟人類學
Book Natural assets : democratizing environmental ownership / c2003. 經濟人類學
Book Natural resource development and social impact in the north / c1990. 經濟人類學
Book Nature incorporated : industrialization and the waters of New England / Steinberg, Theodore, 1961- 1991. 經濟人類學
Book Nature's place : human population and future of biological diversity / Cincotta, Richard Paul. c2000. 經濟人類學
Book Naukratis : trade in archaic Greece / Möller, Astrid. 2000. 經濟人類學
Book Navajo trading : the end of an era / Powers, Willow Roberts, 1943- c2001. 經濟人類學
Book Navigating islands and continents : conversations and contestations in and around the Pacific : selected essays / c2000. 經濟人類學
Book Negotiating Caribbean freedom : peasants and the state in development / Crichlow, Michaeline A. c2005. 經濟人類學
Book Negotiating Hollywood : the cultural politics of actors' labor / Clark, Danae. c1995. 經濟人類學
Book Negotiating copyright : authorship and the discourse of literary property rights in nineteenth-century America / Buinicki, Martin T., 1972- 2006. 經濟人類學
Book Negotiating the gift : pre-modern figurations of exchange / c2003. 經濟人類學
Book Negro slavery in the sugar plantations of Veracruz and Pernambuco, 1550-1680 : a comparative study / Cardoso, Gerald. c1983. 經濟人類學
Book Neighborhood organizations and community development : making revitalization work / Mayer, Neil. c1984. 經濟人類學
Book Neither cultural imperialism nor precious gift of civilization : African education in colonial Zimbabwe 1890-1962 / Küster, Sybille. [1994?] 經濟人類學
Book Neither urban jungle nor urban village : women, families, and community development / Stoutland, Sara E., 1961- 1997. 經濟人類學