
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Plunder, destruction, and despoliation : an analysis of Israel's violations of the international law of cultural property in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip / Oyediran, Joanna. 1997. 經濟人類學
Book Policies, Strategies and Tools for the Sustainable Development of Tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan 26 April 2006. Policies, Strategies and Tools for Sustainable Development of Tourism. Almaty, Kazakhstan) (2006 : c2007. 經濟人類學
Book Policy evaluation for community development : decision tools for local government / Awerbuch, Shimon. 1976. 經濟人類學
Book Polish immigrants and industrial Chicago : workers on the South Side, 1880-1922 / Pacyga, Dominic A. c1991. 經濟人類學
Book Political change in the Third World / Andrain, Charles F. 2011. 經濟人類學
Book Political economy of globalization : one hundred theses on world trade / Nielsen, J. N., 1964- c2005. 經濟人類學
Book Political ethnography : what immersion contributes to the study of power / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book Political theory and Christian vision : essays in memory of Bernard Zylstra / c1994. 經濟人類學
Book Political tourists : travellers from Australia to the Soviet Union in the 1920s-1940s / 2008. 經濟人類學
Book Politics and development in rural Mexico : a study of socio-economic modernization / Carlos, Manuel L. [1974] 經濟人類學
Book Politics and the Irish working class, 1830-1945 / 2005. 經濟人類學
Book Politics in place : social power relations in an Australian country town / Gray, I. W., 1951- 1991. 經濟人類學
Book Politics of the Kula ring; an analysis of the findings of Bronislaw Malinowski. Uberoi, J. P. Singh. [1962] 經濟人類學
Book Políticas municipales para el desarrollo económico-social : revisando el desarrollo local / Villar, Alejandro. c2007. 經濟人類學
Book Poor people's knowledge : promoting intellectual property in developing countries / c2004. 經濟人類學
Book Pop culture : the culture of everyday life / Fedorak, Shirley. c2009. 經濟人類學
Book Popular justice and community regeneration : pathways of indigenous reform / 1995. 經濟人類學
Book Port cities as areas of transition : ethnographic perspectives / c2008. 經濟人類學
Book Possessions : indigenous art, colonial culture / Thomas, Nicholas, 1960- c1999. 經濟人類學
Book Post-Soviet women encountering transition : nation building, economic survival, and civic activism / c2004. 經濟人類學
Book Post-ality : Marxism and postmodernism / 1995. 經濟人類學
Book Post-industrial lives : roles and relationships in the 21st century / Hage, Jerald, 1932- c1992. 經濟人類學
Book Post-modernism and anthropology : theory and practice / 1995. 經濟人類學
Book Post-tsunami reconstruction and tourism: a second disaster? : a report by Tourism Concern / Rice, Alison, 1949- 2005. 經濟人類學
Book Postimperialism : international capitalism and development in the late twentieth century / 1987. 經濟人類學
Book Postmission : world mission by a postmodern generation / 2002. 經濟人類學
Book Postmodernism, postcoloniality, and African studies / c2005. 經濟人類學
Book Postsocialist Europe : anthropological perspectives from home / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book Poverty in rural America : a case study / Fitchen, Janet M. 1995, c1981. 經濟人類學
Book Poverty, class, and gender in rural Africa : a Tanzanian case study / Sender, John. 2011, c1990. 經濟人類學
Book Poverty, progress and development / 2011. 經濟人類學
Book Power and culture : the struggle against poverty in Thailand / Gohlert, Ernst W. 1991. 經濟人類學
Book Power and ideas : North-South politics of intellectual property and antitrust / Sell, Susan K. c1998. 經濟人類學
Book Power at play : the relationships between play, work and governance / Andersen, Niels Åkerstrøm. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book Power at work : rebuilding the Australian union movement / Crosby, Michael. 2005. 經濟人類學
Book Power in coalition : strategies for strong unions and social change / Tattersall, Amanda, 1977- 2010. 經濟人類學
Book Power in the Southern Cone borderlands : an anthropology of development practice / Ferradás, Carmen A. 1998. 經濟人類學
Book Power places of Kathmandu : Hindu and Buddhist holy sites in the sacred valley of Nepal / Bubriski, Kevin. 1995. 經濟人類學
Book Power, culture, and economic change in Russia : to the undiscovered country of post-socialism, 1988-2008 / Hass, Jeffrey Kenneth, 1967- 2011. 經濟人類學
Book Power, culture, economy : indigenous Australians and mining / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book Powerful networking / Lockett, John, 1955- 1999. 經濟人類學
Book Powwow music and the aboriginal recording industry on the northern plains : media, technology, and native American music in the late twentieth century / Scales, Christopher Alton. 2004. 經濟人類學
Book Practicing anthropology in a postmodern world : lessons and insights from federal contract research / c1997. 經濟人類學
Book Practicing community : class culture and power in an urban neighborhood / Halperin, Rhoda H. 1998. 經濟人類學
Book Practicing ethnography in a globalizing world : an anthropological odyssey / Nash, June C., 1927- c2007. 經濟人類學
Book Practicing local governance : northern perspectives / c2008. 經濟人類學
Book Pragmatism in development : application of anthropology / Sahay, B. N., 1937- [1969] 經濟人類學
Book Pre-industrial cities & technology / c1999. 經濟人類學
Book Precarious values : organizations, politics and labour market policy in Ontario / Klassen, Thomas Richard, 1957- c2000. 經濟人類學
Book Precedents on intellectual property and international licensing ... / Melville, Leslie William. 1972. 經濟人類學