
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Telling stories : indigenous history and memory in Australia and New Zealand / 2001. 經濟人類學
Book Tend the olive, water the vine : globalization and the negotiation of early childhood in Palestine / Christina, Rachel. c2006. 經濟人類學
Book Terror and consensus : vicissitudes of French thought / 1998. 經濟人類學
Book Texas country : the changing rural scene / c1986. 經濟人類學
Book Text book on intellectual property rights : (copyright, trademark, patents, designs, passing off, geographical indications, protection of new plant varieties & farmers rights and protection of biodiversity, confidential information, information technology and registration of lay-out designs) / Acharya, N. K. 2010. 經濟人類學
Book Textile production in pre-Roman Italy / Gleba, Margarita. c2008. 經濟人類學
Book Textile workers in Brazil and Argentina : a study of the interrelationships between work and households / Acero, Liliana. c1991. 經濟人類學
Book Textual traffic : colonialism, modernity, and the economy of the text / Shankar, Subramanian, 1962- c2001. 經濟人類學
Book Thai women in the global labor force : consuming desires, contested selves / Mills, Mary Beth, 1962- c1999. 經濟人類學
Book Thailand : economic, political and social issues / c2009. 經濟人類學
Book Thailand's rice bowl : perspectives on agricultural and social change in the Chao Phraya Delta / c2003. 經濟人類學
Book The 'Third World' and 'development' 1983. 經濟人類學
Book The African community life : indigenous concepts on society, government, and development : the Abiriba community case study / Uche, Kalu Okoro, 1938- c2008. 經濟人類學
Book The African transformation of Western medicine and the dynamics of global cultural exchange / Baronov, David. 2008. 經濟人類學
Book The Afro-Asian states and their problems / Panikkar, K. M. 1896-1963. (Kavalam Madhava), 2011. 經濟人類學
Book The American view of the copyright question : with a postscript / White, Richard Grant, 1821-1885. [2009?] 經濟人類學
Book The Amish struggle with modernity / c1994. 經濟人類學
Book The Arab cocoon : progress and modernity in Arab societies / ḤajjīṬāriq Aḥmad. 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The Aro of south-eastern Nigeria, 1650-1980 : a study of socio-economic formation and transformation in Nigeria / Dike, K. Onwuka (Kenneth Onwuka) 1990. 經濟人類學
Book The Birka warrior : the material culture of a martial society / Hedenstierna-Jonson, Charlotte. c2006. 經濟人類學
Book The Bolivian tin mining industry in the first half of the 20th century / Contreras C., Manuel E. c1993. 經濟人類學
Book The Brazilian people : the formation and meaning of Brazil / Ribeiro, Darcy. c2000. 經濟人類學
Book The Cambridge controversies in capital theory : a study in the logic of theory development / Birner, Jack, 1951- 2002. 經濟人類學
Book The Case against "free trade" : GATT, NAFTA, and the globalization of corporate power / c1993. 經濟人類學
Book The Center for Intellectual Property handbook / c2006. 經濟人類學
Book The Changing division of labor in South Asia : women and men in India's society, economy, and politics / 1987. 經濟人類學
Book The Channel islands of California : a book for the angler, sportsman, and tourist / Holder, Charles Frederick, 1851-1915. [2010?] 經濟人類學
Book The Chinese worker after socialism / Hurst, William (William James) 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Copy book : Copyright-free illustrations for development / 1988. 經濟人類學
Book The Copyright dilemma : proceedings of a conference held at Indiana University, April 14-15, 1977 / 1978. 經濟人類學
Book The Cuban slave market, 1790-1880 / Bergad, Laird W., 1948- 1995. 經濟人類學
Book The Curtain rises : rethinking culture, ideology, and the state in Eastern Europe / 1993. 經濟人類學
Book The EEC and intellectual property / Guy, Diana. 1981. 經濟人類學
Book The Early state in African perspective : culture, power, and division of labor / 1988. 經濟人類學
Book The Earthscan reader in sustainable consumption / 2006. 經濟人類學
Book The Economic impact of recreation and tourism in the English countryside 1998 / 2000. 經濟人類學
Book The Egyptian labor market revisited / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Ewe of Ghana and Togo on the eve of colonialism : a contribution to the Marxist debate on pre-capitalist socio-economic formations / Asamoa, Ansa. 1986. 經濟人類學
Book The Filipino family, community, and nation / Porio, Emma. 1978. 經濟人類學
Book The Golden Triangle : inside Southeast Asia's drug trade / Chin, Ko-lin. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Hmong refugee experience in the United States : crossing the river / Miyares, Ines M. 1998. 經濟人類學
Book The Independent Group : modernism and mass culture in Britain, 1945-59 / Massey, Anne. 1995. 經濟人類學
Book The Indian Southwest, 1580-1830 : ethnogenesis and reinvention / Anderson, Gary Clayton, 1948- c1999. 經濟人類學
Book The Indian capitalist class : a historical study / Pavlov, V. I. (Vladimir Ivanovich) 2000. 經濟人類學
Book The Indonesian city : studies in urban development and planning / 1986. 經濟人類學
Book The Industrial Revolution : social and economic effects / Nardo, Don, 1947- c2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Irish Bridget : Irish immigrant women in domestic service in America, 1840-1930 / Lynch-Brennan, Margaret. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Irish bed & breakfast book : country and tourist homes, farms, guesthouses, inns / Sullivan, Frank. 1996. 經濟人類學
Book The Langobards before the Frankish conquest : an ethnographic perspective / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Law and strategy of biotechnology patents / c1994. 經濟人類學