
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Legacy of Karl Polanyi : market, state, and society at the end of the twentieth century / 1991. 經濟人類學
Book The London Missionary Society in Southern Africa, 1799-1999 : historical essays in celebration of the bicentenary of the LMS in Southern Africa / 2000. 經濟人類學
Book The Macbride Principles : Irish America strikes back / McNamara, Kevin. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Mafeking diary of Sol T. Plaatje / Plaatje, Sol. T. 1876-1932. (Solomon Tshekisho), 1999. 經濟人類學
Book The Mafia of a Sicilian village, 1860-1960 : a study of violent peasant entrepeneurs / Blok, Anton. [1974] 經濟人類學
Book The Microfoundations of macrosociology / 1983. 經濟人類學
Book The Money crop : tobacco culture in Calvert County, Maryland, in the words of those who have made tobacco their life / c1992. 經濟人類學
Book The Moral economy of trade : ethnicity and developing markets / 1994. 經濟人類學
Book The Nemow case / Palmer, Ingrid. c1985. 經濟人類學
Book The Neolithic flint mines of England / Barber, Martyn. 1999. 經濟人類學
Book The New England fishing economy : jobs, income, and kinship / Doeringer, Peter B. 1986. 經濟人類學
Book The Orang Suku Laut of Riau, Indonesia : the inalienable gift of territory / Chou, Cynthia, 1963- 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The Oxford India Elwin : selected writings / Elwin, Verrier, 1902-1964. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Oxford book of Australian travel writing / 1996. 經濟人類學
Book The Oxford handbook of the economics of food consumption and policy / 2011. 經濟人類學
Book The Pacific tourist ; Adams / Shearer, Frederick E. 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The Patent Term Restoration Act of 1983 : hearings before the Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session on S. 1306 ... June 22, July 19 and August 2, 1983. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks. 1984. 經濟人類學
Book The Patheingyi project : analysis of a rural community development project / Manis, Francis. 1958. 經濟人類學
Book The Politics of parental leave policies : children, parenting, gender and the labour market / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Portland longshoremen : a dispersed urban community / Pilcher, William W., 1930- c1972. 經濟人類學
Book The Power to change : women in the Third World redefine their environment / 1993. 經濟人類學
Book The Premise and the promise : free trade in the Americas / c1992. 經濟人類學
Book The Protection of movable cultural property : compendium of legislative texts. 1984- 經濟人類學
Book The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism / Weber, Max, 1864-1920. 2001. 經濟人類學
Book The ROI of human capital : measuring the economic value of employee performance / Fitz-enz, Jac. c2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Role of women in the development of science and technology in the Third World : proceedings of the conference organized by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Third World Academy of Sciences, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 3-7 October 1988 / c1991. 經濟人類學
Book The Rudolph factor : finding the bright lights that drive innovation in your business / Laurin, Cyndi, 1970- c2009. 經濟人類學
Book The Sambia : ritual, sexuality, and change in Papua New Guinea / Herdt, Gilbert H., 1949- c2006. 經濟人類學
Book The Sociology of community action / 1975. 經濟人類學
Book The State of the Black economy : issues in community revitalization / 1980. 經濟人類學
Book The Structural legacy of the Soviet-type economy : [a collection of papers] / Winiecki, Elisabeth. 1992. 經濟人類學
Book The Subarctic fur trade : native social and economic adaptations / 1984. 經濟人類學
Book The Szeged School of Ethnology / c2004. 經濟人類學
Book The TUC and the working-time question : policy, action and outcomes in twentieth-century Britain / Russell, Alice. 2000. 經濟人類學
Book The Tanzanian peasantry : further studies / c1995. 經濟人類學
Book The Third World / c2000. 經濟人類學
Book The UN development co-operation and the third World : a study with special reference to the UNDP and India / Kamala, M. K., 1947- 2002. 經濟人類學
Book The Uprooted of the western Sahel : migrants' quest for cash in the Senegambia / 1981. 經濟人類學
Book The Uruguay Round and the developing countries / 1996. 經濟人類學
Book The WIPO treaties 1996 : the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty : commentary and legal analysis / Reinbothe, Jörg. 2007. 經濟人類學
Book The Wahi Wanyaturu : economics in an African society / Schneider, Harold K. 1970. 經濟人類學
Book The Western Isles today / Ennew, Judith, 1944- 1980. 經濟人類學
Book The Woodlands : new community development, 1964-1983 / Morgan, George T. 1931- (George Thomas), c1987. 經濟人類學
Book The age of Monarchs / c2002. 經濟人類學
Book The agricultural lock-out of 1874; with notes upon farming and farm-labour in the eastern counties, Clifford, Frederick, 1828-1904. 1875. 經濟人類學
Book The airplane in American culture / c2003. 經濟人類學
Book The anthropology of development in sub-Saharan Africa / Brokensha, David. c1969. 經濟人類學
Book The anthropology of labor unions / c2010. 經濟人類學
Book The anthropology of war / Otterbein, Keith F. c2009. 經濟人類學
Book The anxieties of mobility : migration and tourism in the Indonesian borderlands / Lindquist, Johan A. c2009. 經濟人類學