
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The development dilemma : the political economy of intellectual property rights in the international system / Ostergard, Robert L. 2003. 經濟人類學
Book The development impact of barter in developing countries : the case of India / Banerji, Ranadev. c1977. 經濟人類學
Book The development of Mexico's tourism industry : pyramids by day, martinis by night / Berger, Dina. 2006. 經濟人類學
Book The development of indigenous trade and markets in West Africa : studies presented and discussed at the Tenth International African Seminar at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, December 1969 / International African Seminar Fourah Bay College) 1969 : (10th : 1971. 經濟人類學
Book The development of the Cypriot economy : from the prehistoric period to the present day / 1996. 經濟人類學
Book The devil's picnic : around the world in pursuit of forbidden fruit / Grescoe, Taras. 2005. 經濟人類學
Book The dilemmas of development work : ethical challenges in regeneration / Hoggett, Paul. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The double ghetto : Canadian women and their segregated work / Armstrong, Pat, 1945- 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The dragon has many faces : conceptualizations of rural communities in North Wales and the development of "anthropology at home" in Britain Diedrich, Richard-Michael. [1993?] 經濟人類學
Book The dream fields of Florida : Mexican farmworkers and the myth of belonging / Schmidt, Ella. c2009. 經濟人類學
Book The dynamics of states : the formation and crises of state domination / c2005. 經濟人類學
Book The early British tin industry / Gerrard, Sandy. 2000. 經濟人類學
Book The ecological world view / Krebs, Charles J. c2008. 經濟人類學
Book The economic and social structure of Mauritius / Meade, J. E. 1907-1995. (James Edward), 2011, c1961. 經濟人類學
Book The economic consequences of peace in Ireland : an analysis of the international tourism and foreign investment implications / Gray, A. W. [1995] 經濟人類學
Book The economic impact of knowledge / c1998. 經濟人類學
Book The economics of codetermination : lessons from the German experience / Addison, John T. 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The economics of copyright : developments in research and analysis / c2003. 經濟人類學
Book The economics of illegal immigration / Yoshida, Chisato. 2005. 經濟人類學
Book The economics of the good society : the variety of economic arrangements / Berliner, Joseph S. 1999. 經濟人類學
Book The economies of Africa / 2011. 經濟人類學
Book The edge of Islam : power, personhood, and ethnoreligious boundaries on the Kenya Coast / McIntosh, Janet, 1969- 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The effectiveness of World Bank support for community-based and -driven development : an OED evaluation / 2005. 經濟人類學
Book The effects of extended workdays / Josten, Edith J. C. 2002. 經濟人類學
Book The elimination of child labour : whose responsibility? : a practical workbook / Bhargava, Pramila H., 1966- 2003. 經濟人類學
Book The elusive granary : herder, farmer, and state in northern Kenya / Little, Peter D. 1992. 經濟人類學
Book The empire of mind : digital piracy and the anti-capitalist movement / Strangelove, Michael. c2005. 經濟人類學
Book The employment crisis of female graduates in Egypt : an ethnographic account / Barsoum, Ghada F. c2004. 經濟人類學
Book The enduring Seminoles : from alligator wrestling to casino gambling / West, Patsy, 1947- 2008. 經濟人類學
Book The entrepreneurial characteristics of farm women / Tanner, Bonnie O. 1999. 經濟人類學
Book The environment in world history / Mosley, Stephen. 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The equitable cultural tourism handbook / Walle, Alf H. c2010. 經濟人類學
Book The essential agrarian reader : the future of culture, community, and the land / c2003. 經濟人類學
Book The ethical travel guide : your passport to exciting alternative holidays / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The ethics of collecting cultural property : whose culture? whose property? / 1999. 經濟人類學
Book The ethnographic self as resource : writing memory and experience into ethnography / Collins, Peter, 1954- 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The ethnography of Charles Darwin : a study of his writings on Aboriginal peoples / De Paolo, Charles, 1950- c2010. 經濟人類學
Book The ethnography of time : living with history in modern rural France / Hodges, Matt. c2007. 經濟人類學
Book The everyday impact of economic reform in China : management change, enterprise performance and daily life / Zhu, Ying, 1961- 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The evolution of childhood : relationships, emotion, mind / Konner, Melvin. 2010. 經濟人類學
Book The evolution of the modern workplace / 2009. 經濟人類學
Book The expansion of economics : toward a more inclusive social science / c2002. 經濟人類學
Book The exploitation theory of socialism-communism : the idea that all unearned income (rent, interest, and profit) involves economic injustice : an extract / Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von, 1851-1914. 1975. 經濟人類學
Book The exploited child / 2000. 經濟人類學
Book The fall : the evidence for a golden age, 6,000 years of insanity, and the dawning of a new era / Taylor, Steve, 1967- 2005. 經濟人類學
Book The family tourist : a visit to the principal cities of the western continent (1848) / Goodrich, Charles A. 1790-1862. (Charles Augustus), [2008] 經濟人類學
Book The female economy : the millinery and dressmaking trades, 1860-1930 / Gamber, Wendy, 1958- c1997. 經濟人類學
Book The female vision : women's real power at work / Helgesen, Sally, 1948- c2010. 經濟人類學
Book The feminization of development processes in Africa : current and future perspectives / 1999. 經濟人類學
Book The fish factory : work and meaning for Black and White fishermen of the American menhaden industry / Garrity-Blake, Barbara J., 1960- c1994. 經濟人類學