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Travellers in Britain : three centuries of discovery / |
Trench, Richard. |
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Travellers' tales / |
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Travels in Imperial China : the explorations and discoveries of Père David / |
Bishop, George. |
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Travels in Oceania : memoirs of a whaling ship's doctor, 1866 / |
Thiercelin, Louis, 1809-1884. |
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Travels in a stone canoe : the return to the wisdomkeepers / |
Arden, Harvey. |
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Travels in the American colonies / |
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Travels in the Orient : in Marco Polo's footsteps / |
Chenevière, Alain. |
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Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes, and selected travel writings / |
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. |
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Trekking adventure and environmental scenario of Kumaun Himalaya : a geographical perspective on rural area development through trekking tourism / |
Arya, Trilochan, 1949- |
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Trends in proprietary information loss : survey report / |
c2007. |
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Tribal cultural resource management : the full circle to stewardship / |
Stapp, Darby C., 1954- |
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Tribal culture in India / |
Mishra, Narayan. |
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Tribal development in India : problems and prospects / |
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Tribal peoples and development issues : a global overview / |
c1988. |
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Tribal religion and economic life / |
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Tribal situation in forest villages : changing subsistence strategies and adaptation / |
Prasad, R. R., 1955- |
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Tribal welfare and development : emerging role of anthropological explorations / |
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Tribals : socio-economic & cultural perspective / |
c2009. |
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Tribes of Arunachal Pradesh : history and culture / |
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Tribes of Uttar Pradesh and Uttranchal : ethnography and bibliography of scheduled tribes / |
Naswa, Sumedha. |
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Tributors, supporters, and merchant capital : mining and underdevelopment in Sierra Leone / |
Zack-Williams, Alfred, 1945- |
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Triumph of the bankers : money and banking in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / |
Hixson, William F. |
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Trolley wars : streetcar workers on the line / |
Molloy, Scott. |
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Tropical visions in an age of empire / |
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Trying to grow : gender relations and agricultural innovations in northern Ghana / |
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Turkish region : state, market & social identities on the east Black Sea coast / |
Bellér-Hann, Ildikó |
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Turning science into business : patenting and licensing at public research organisations. |
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Twenty good summers : work less, live more and make the most of your money / |
Hawes, Martin, 1952- |
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Twenty million new customers! : understanding gay men's consumer behavior / |
Kates, Steven M. (Steven Maxwell) |
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Two centuries of compensation for U.S. production workers in manufacturing / |
Officer, Lawrence H. |
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Two towns in Germany : commerce and the urban transformation / |
Dannhaeuser, Norbert, 1943- |
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Two views from Christiansborg Castle / |
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Twofold identities : Norwegian-American contributions to Midwestern literature / |
Gulliksen, Øyvind Tveitereid. |
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U.S.-Mexico borderlands : historical and contemporary perspectives / |
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US-USSR copyright relations under the universal copyright convention / |
Baumgarten, Jon A. |
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Un/common cultures : racism and the rearticulation of cultural difference / |
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Uncorporate identity / |
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Underachieving young men preparing for work : a report for practitioners / |
Lloyd, Trefor. |
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Understanding Chinese consumers : a new way of approaching marketing in Chinese culture / |
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Understanding TRIPS : managing knowledge in developing countries / |
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Understanding and managing tourism / |
Richardson, John I. 1931- (John Ivor), |
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Understanding basic copyright law, 2005 / |
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Understanding copyright : a practical guide / |
Thorn, Eric A. |
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Understanding copyright law / |
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Understanding economics : a case study approach. |
c1997. |
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Understanding global cultures : metaphorical journeys through 29 nations, clusters of nations, continents, and diversity / |
Gannon, Martin J. |
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Understanding modern economics / |
Miller, Roger LeRoy. |
c2005. |
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Understanding the European content industries : a reader on the economic and cultural contexts of multimedia : proceedings of the EUROPRIX Scholars Conference 1999, Tampere, Finland / |
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