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"Decently and in order" : a theological reflection on the order for, and the order in, the church / |
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"Durst nach Erkenntnis-- " : Forschungen zur Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa : zwei Jahrzehnte Immanuel-Kant-Stipendium / |
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"Geschichts- und Sozialphilosophie" oder "Wirklichkeitswissenschaft"? : die deutsche historische Soziologie im Kontext der logischen Kategorien Rene Königs und Max Webers / |
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"Gottvermissen" : eine theologische Kritik der reinen Vernunft? : die neue politische Theologie (J.B. Metz) im Spiegel der Kantischen Religionsphilosophie / |
Langthaler, Rudolf. |
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"Kommunikative Rationalität" und politische Institutionen in der kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie von Jürgen Habermas / |
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"Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire" : Rousseau über das philosophische Leben / |
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"Mathematik ist reine Dichtung" : Kants Ästhetisierung der Mathematik / |
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"Meine Art Natur" : Individualität - Landschaft - Stil bei Friedrich Nietzsche / |
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"Publice age," Studien zum Öffentlichkeitsbegriff bei Kant / |
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"Self construction" : Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, 20er Haus, 24.11.1995-25.2.1996 / |
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"Sie haben uns nicht zurückgeholt" : verlorene Intelligenz : österreichische Wissenschaftler, 1918-1945 / |
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"Socialism is great!" : a worker's memoir of the new China / |
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"This honorable court" : the United States District Court for the district of New Jersey, 1789-2000 / |
Lender, Mark Edward, 1947- |
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"Time and a half's the American way" : a history of the exclusion of white-collar workers from overtime regulation, 1868-2004 / |
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"Un-American" Hollywood : politics and film in the blacklist era / |
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"Verwilderte Selbsterhaltung" : zivilisationstheoretische Kulturkritik bei Nietzsche, Freud, Weber und Adorno / |
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"Wohlthätigste Verirrung" : Kants kosmologische Antinomien / |
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(Dis)continuity and (de)construction : reflections on the meaning of the past in crisis situations / |
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(Mis)representations : intersections of culture and power / |
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10 clowns don't make a circus-- and 249 other critical management success strategies / |
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100 Canadian heroines : famous and forgotten faces / |
Forster, Merna. |
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100 mots pour 100 philosophes : De Héraclite à Derrida / |
Martin, Jean-Clet. |
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101 key terms in philosophy and their importance for theology / |
Clark, Kelly James, 1956- |
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Lobb, Nancy. |
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1968 in Europe : a history of protest and activism, 1956-1977 / |
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200 Jahre Kants Entwurf "Zum ewigen Frieden" : Idee einer globalen Friedensordnung : dem Andenken von Ken Saro-Wiwa gewidmet / |
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2000 years of disbelief : famous people with the courage to doubt / |
Haught, James A. |
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Morgan, Thomas D. |
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25 doctrines of law you should know / |
Chase, Philip. |
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30 years of European legal studies at the college of Europe = 30 ans d'études juridiques européennes au collège d'Europe / |
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50 questions on the natural law : what it is and why we need it / |
Rice, Charles E. |
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50 questions on the natural law : what it is and why we need it / |
Rice, Charles E. |
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50 years of Dissent / |
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A Darwinian Left : politics, evolution, and cooperation / |
Singer, Peter, 1946- |
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A Kantian condemnation of atheistic despair : a declaration of dependence / |
Kielkopf, Charles F. |
c1997. |
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A Philosophick essay concerning ideas, according to Dr. Sherlock's principles / |
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A Star Chamber Court in Ireland : the Court of Castle Chamber, 1571-1641 / |
Crawford, Jon G. |
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A Weberian analysis of business groups and financial markets : trade relations in Taiwan and South Korea and some major stock exchanges / |
Segre, Sandro. |
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A basic course in public international law research / |
Winer, Anthony S. |
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A casebook on European consumer law / |
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A casebook on contract / |
Burrows, A. S. (Andrew S.) |
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A century in captivity : the life and trials of Prince Mortimer, a Connecticut slave / |
Caron, Denis R. |
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A century of controversy : constitutional reform in Alabama / |
c2002. |
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A collection of Polish works on philosophical problems of time and spacetime / |
c2002. |
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