Book |
Rethinking commonsense psychology : a critique of folk psychology, theory of mind and simulation / Matthew Ratcliffe. |
Ratcliffe, Matthew, 1973- |
2007. |
社會科學哲學; 社會認知神經科學 |
Book |
Annales bergsoniennes / édité et présenté par Frédéric Worms ; [contributions de] Renaud Barbaras ... [et al.] |
2002-<c2012> |
社會科學哲學; 近代文學理論 |
Book |
Paradosiaká : music, meaning and identity in modern Greece / Eleni Kallimopoulou. |
Kallimopoulou, Eleni, 1973- |
c2009. |
社會科學哲學; 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究; 音樂學:歐洲音樂史 (1700 年之前) |
Book |
Musical studies : a series of contributions / Francis Hueffer. |
Hueffer, Francis, 1843-1889. |
c2009. |
社會科學哲學; 音樂學:歐洲音樂史 (1700 年之前) |
Book |
"Mrs. Riley Bought Five Itchy Aardvarks" and other painless tricks for memorizing science facts / Brian P. Cleary ; illustrated by J.P. Sandy. |
Cleary, Brian P., 1959- |
c2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
10 things you should know about the creation vs. evolution debate / Ron Rhodes. |
Rhodes, Ron. |
c2004. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
101 key ideas : philosophy / Paul Oliver. |
Oliver, Paul. |
2000. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
12th plague : religion : a short history and exposé of religion's millennia-long strangle hold on society, with all its schemes, controls and corruption revealed / Peter Hendersen |
Hendersen, Peter. |
c2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
1980s unemployment and the unions : essays on the impotent price structure of Britain and monopoly in the labour market / F.A. Hayek. |
Hayek, Friedrich A. von 1899-1992. (Friedrich August), |
1980. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
2012 : the return of Quetzalcoatl / Daniel Pinchbeck. |
Pinchbeck, Daniel. |
c2006. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
A propos de "Philosophie de l'argent" de Georg Simmel / Jean-Yves Grenier ... [et al.] |
[2009], c1993. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
ABC of Armageddon : Bertrand Russell on science, religion, and the next war, 1919-1938 / Peter H. Denton. |
Denton, Peter H., 1959- |
c2001. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abject expressionism / Ron English ; [introduction by Morgan Spurlock] |
English, Ron. |
c2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abolir le hasard? : responsabilité individuelle et justice sociale / par Jean-Fabien Spitz. |
Spitz, Jean-Fabien. |
2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Aborted discovery : science and creativity in the Third World / Susantha Goonatilake. |
Goonatilake, Susantha. |
1984. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abortion and the ways we value human life / Jeffrey Reiman. |
Reiman, Jeffrey H. |
c1999. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
About Carl Andre : critical texts since 1965 / Edited by Paula Feldman, Alistair Rider and Karsten Schubert. |
c2006. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
About religion : economies of faith in virtual culture / Mark C. Taylor. |
Taylor, Mark C., 1945- |
1999. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Absolute beginners : der mittelalterliche Beitrag zu einem Ausgang vom Unbedingten / von Wouter Goris. |
Goris, Wouter. |
2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abstract expressionism : creators and critics : an anthology / edited and with an introduction by Clifford Ross. |
1990. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abstract expressionism : the international context / edited by Joan Marter. |
c2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abstract expressionism and the American experience : a reevaluation / by Irving Sandler. |
Sandler, Irving, 1925- |
c2009. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abstract expressionism: the triumph of American painting. |
Sandler, Irving, 1925- |
1970. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Abécédaire de l'engagement / Miguel Benasayag ; avec Béatrice Bouniol. |
Benasayag, Miguel. |
[2007], c2004. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Academically gifted African American male college students / Fred A. Bonner II ; foreword by Kofi Lomotey ; afterword by Donna Y. Ford. |
Bonner, Fred A. |
c2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Accelerated grimace; expressionism in the American drama of the 1920s. With a pref. by Harry T. Moore. |
Valgemae, Mardi. |
[1972] |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Achieving our humanity : the idea of the postracial future / Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze. |
Eze, Emmanuel Chukwudi. |
2001. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Actinide speciation in high ionic strength media : experimental and modeling approaches to predicting actinide speciation and migration in the subsurface / edited by Donald T. Reed, Sue B. Clark, and Linfeng Rao. |
1999. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Action & self-development : theory and research through the life span / Jochen Brandtstädter, Richard M. Lerner, editors. |
c1999. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Action research as a living practice / [edited by] Terrance R. Carson & Dennis J. Sumara. |
c1997. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Action theory for public administration / Michael M. Harmon. |
Harmon, Michael M., 1941- |
c1981. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Acts of resistance : against the tyranny of the market / Pierre Bourdieu ; translated from the French by Richard Nice. |
Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002. |
c1998. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Actualize and attain your life's "principal intention" : a systematic scientific method to achieving everything you've ever wanted / Dino Paul Pierce. |
Pierce, Dino Paul. |
c2009. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Adam's curse : a future without men / Bryan Sykes. |
Sykes, Bryan. |
2004. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Adaptation / Sir Gavin de Beer. |
De Beer, Gavin, Sir, 1899-1972. |
c1972. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Adaptation / Steve Parker. |
Parker, Steve, 1952- |
2006. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Adaptation / Steve Parker. |
Parker, Steve, 1952- |
c2000. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Adaptation / edited by Michael R. Rose, George V. Lauder. |
c1996. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Adult episodes in Japan / edited by David W. Plath. |
1975. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Advaita Vedānta and Vaiṣṇavism : the philosophy of Madhusūdana Sarasvatī / Sanjukta Gupta. |
Gupta, Sanjukta. |
2006. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Advances in algebra and model theory : selected surveys presented at conferences in Essen, 1994 and Dresden, 1995 / edited by Manfred Droste and Rüdiger Göbel. |
c1997. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Advances in dynamics, instrumentation and control. Queretaro, Mexico, 13-16 August 2006 : proceedings of the 2006 International Conference (CDIC '06) / editors, Alejandro Lozano, Subhash Rakheja, Chun-Yi Sun. Vol. II : |
International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control Queretaro, Mexico) 2006 : (2nd : |
c2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Advances in education. : axiomatic theory of the world, the scientific method, the philosophy of science as a biological process, cosmology paradigm .. / edited by George E. Lasker, Greg Andonian. |
2005. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Advances in functional linguistics : Columbia School beyond its origins / edited by Joseph Davis, Radmila J. Gorup, Nancy Stern. |
c2006. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Advancing utopistics : the three component parts and errors of Marxism / Mohammad H. Tamdgidi. |
Tamdgidi, Mohammad H., 1959- |
c2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Adventures in lesbian philosophy / edited by Claudia Card. |
c1994. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Aesthetics and Marxism : Chinese aesthetic Marxists and their Western contemporaries / Kang Liu. |
Liu, Kang, 1955- |
2000. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Affirming psychosis : the mass appeal of Adolf Hitler / Paul Matussek, Peter Matussek, Jan Marbach ; [translated by Anna Brailovsky] |
Matussek, Paul, 1919- |
c2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Afghanistan, Iraq and post-conflict governance : damoclean democracy / edited by Imtiaz Hussain. |
2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Africa shoots back : alternative perspectives in Sub-Saharan Francophone African film / Melissa Thackway. |
Thackway, Melissa. |
2003. |
社會科學哲學 |