
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Crescas' critique of Aristotle : problems of Aristotle's Physics in Jewish and Arabic philosophy / by Harry Austryn Wolfson. Wolfson, Harry Austryn, 1887-1974. [1971, c1929] 社會科學哲學
Book Criminal justice : United Kingdom Association for Legal and Social Philosophy : twentieth Annual Conference at Glasgow, 24-26 March, 1994 / edited by Elspeth Attwooll & David Goldberg. Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (Great Britain). Conference Glasgow, Scotland) 1994 : (20th : 1995. 社會科學哲學
Book Criminal justice ethics : theory and practice / Cyndi Banks. Banks, Cyndi. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Crises : the works of Paul Auster / Carsten Springer. Springer, Carsten, 1965- c2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical affinities : Nietzsche and African American thought / edited by Jacqueline Scott and A. Todd Franklin ; foreword by Robert Gooding-Williams. c2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical reflection on Wolfhart Pannenberg's hermeneutics and theology of history / Seung Sung Oh. Oh, Seung Sung. 2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical self-fashioning : Stephen Greenblatt and the new historicism / Jürgen Pieters (ed.) c1999. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical theory and democratic vision : Herbert Marcuse and recent liberation philosophies / Arnold L. Farr. Farr, Arnold L., 1965- c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical thinking / Brooke Noel Moore, Richard Parker. Moore, Brooke Noel. c2012. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical thinking about critical periods / edited by Donald B. Bailey ... [et al.] c2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical transitions in nature and society / Marten Scheffer. Scheffer, Marten. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Critical turns in critical theory : new directions in social and political thought / edited by Séamus Ó Tuama. 2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Criticism in the twilight zone : postmodern perspectives on literature and politics / edited with a foreword by Danuta Zadworna-Fjellestad ; co-edited by Lennart Björk. c1990. 社會科學哲學
Book Criticism of religion : on Marxism and theology, II / by Roland Boer. Boer, Roland, 1961- 2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Critifiction : postmodern essays / Raymond Federman. Federman, Raymond. c1993. 社會科學哲學
Book Critique de la raison delirante / Giorgio Cesari. Cesari, Giorgio. c1984. 社會科學哲學
Book Critique des nouvelles servitudes / Yves Charles Zarka et les intempestifs [Christian Delacampagne ... [et al.]] 2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Critique du programme de Gotha / Karl Marx ; traduit de l'allemand par Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun ; introduction, appareil critique, bibliographie et index par Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun et Jean-Numa Ducange. Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. 2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Critique of instrumental reason : lectures and essays since the end of World War II / Translated by Matthew J. O'Connell and others. Horkheimer, Max, 1895-1973. [1974] 社會科學哲學
Book Cross-examinations : essays in memory of Max Gluckman / edited by P. H. Gulliver. 1978. 社會科學哲學
Book Cross-national perspectives : United States and Canada / edited by Robert Presthus. 1977. 社會科學哲學
Book Crossing borders : political essays / Bernard Crick. Crick, Bernard R. 2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Cubism & la section d'or : reflections on the development of the Cubist epoch, 1907-1922 / R. Stanley Johnson. Johnson, R. Stanley 1929- (Robert Stanley), 1991. 社會科學哲學
Book Cubism, futurism and constructivism / J.M. Nash. Nash, J. M. (John Malcolm) 1978, c1974. 社會科學哲學
Book Cubists. Schwartz, Paul Waldo. 1971. 社會科學哲學
Book Cult, ghetto, and state : the persistence of the Jewish question / Maxime Rodinson ; translated by Jon Rothschild. Rodinson, Maxime, author. 1983. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultivating the learner-centered classroom : from theory to practice / Kaia Tollefson, Monica K. Osborn. Tollefson, Kaia. c2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural and social anthropology : an overture / Robert F. Murphy. Murphy, Robert F. 1924-1990. (Robert Francis), c1989. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural and social anthropology : introductory readings in ethnology / [compiled by] Peter B. Hammond. Hammond, Peter B. [1975] 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural encounters in the Arab world : on media, the modern and the everyday / Tarik Sabry. Sabry, Tarik, 1969- 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural identity and social liberation in Latin American thought / Ofelia Schutte. Schutte, Ofelia. c1993. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural otherness and beyond / edited by Chhanda Gupta and D.P. Chattopadhyaya. 1998. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural pessimism : narratives of decline in the postmodern world / Oliver Bennett. Bennett, Oliver. c2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural relativism and philosophy : North and Latin American perspectives / edited by Marcelo Dascal. 1991. 社會科學哲學
Book Cultural theory / edited by David Oswell. 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Culture and power in cultural studies : the politics of signification / John Storey. Storey, John, 1950- c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Culture of biomedicine / D. Heyward Brock, editor, Ann Harward, assistant editor. c1984. 社會科學哲學
Book Culture, technology & values : ethical dimensions of european identity / edited by Michael J. Breen, Eamonn Conway, Philip Cremin. 2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Currency competition and monetary union / edited by Pascal Salin ; with contributions from Friedrich Hayek ... [et al.] 1984. 社會科學哲學
Book Current issues and research in macrosociology / edited by Gerhard Lenski. 1984. 社會科學哲學
Book Current problems in sociobiology / edited by King's College sociobiology group. 1982. 社會科學哲學
Book Curved thought and textual wandering : Gertrude Stein's postmodernism / Ellen E. Berry. Berry, Ellen E. c1992. 社會科學哲學
Book Cybernetics and the philosophy of mind / [by] Kenneth M. Sayre. Sayre, Kenneth M., 1928- 1976. 社會科學哲學
Book Cytogenetics of the black rat : karyotype evolution and species differentiation / Tosihide H. Yosida. Yosida, Tosihide H., 1948- 1980. 社會科學哲學
Book DO.In : the philosophy / by Jean Rofidal ; translated from the French by Transcript. Rofidal, Jean. 1983. 社會科學哲學
Book Dada & surrealism for beginners / by Elsa & Peter Bethanis ; illustrations by Joseph Lee. Bethanis, Elsa. c2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Dada East : the Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire / Tom Sandqvist. Sandqvist, Tom. c2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Dance, space, and subjectivity / Valerie A. Briginshaw. Briginshaw, Valerie A. 2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Dancing with Iris : the philosophy of Iris Marion Young / edited by Ann Ferguson and Mechthild Nagel. 2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Dante and Augustine : linguistics, poetics, hermeneutics / Simone Marchesi. Marchesi, Simone, 1968- c2011. 社會科學哲學