Book |
Democritus : ancient Greek philosophy, atomic theory, Leucippus, atom, Aristotle, Plato, John Dalton / Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster (ed.) |
2009. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Des enfants et des hommes : littérature et pédagogie / Philippe Meirieu. |
Meirieu, Philippe, 1949- |
c1999- |
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Book |
Des gestes en histoire : formes et significations des gestualités médicale, guerrière et politique / sous la direction de Anne-Claude Ambroise-Rendu, Fabrice d'Almeida, Nicole Edelman. |
2006. |
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Book |
Des libertés numériques : notre liberté est-elle menacée par l'Internet? / Paul Mathias. |
Mathias, Paul. |
2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Des révolutions d'Angleterre à la Révolution française; le tyrannicide & Killing no murder (Cromwell, Athalie, Bonaparte) |
Lutaud, Olivier, 1919- |
1973. |
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Book |
Descartes's changing mind / Peter Machamer & J.E. McGuire. |
Machamer, Peter K. |
c2009. |
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Book |
Descended from Darwin : insights into the history of evolutionary studies, 1900-1970 / Joe Cain and Michael Ruse, editors. |
2009. |
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Book |
Describing species : practical taxonomic procedure for biologists / Judith E. Winston. |
Winston, Judith E. |
c1999. |
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Book |
Desegregating private higher education in the South : Duke, Emory, Rice, Tulane, and Vanderbilt / Melissa Kean. |
Kean, Melissa, 1959- |
c2008. |
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Book |
Design and analysis of quality of life studies in clinical trials / Diane L. Fairclough. |
Fairclough, Diane Lynn. |
c2010. |
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Book |
Designer evolution : a transhumanist manifesto / by Simon Young ; forewords by Aubrey De Grey and Robert A. Freitas Jr. |
Young, Simon, 1964- |
2006. |
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Book |
Designing a new social order : an insight into aurobindonian thought / G.P. Gupta. |
Gupta, G. P. |
2000. |
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Designing genes : aiming for safety and sustainability in U.S. agriculture and biotechnology / Don S. Doering. |
Doering, Don S. |
c2004. |
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Book |
Desire and de-scription : words and images of postmodernism in the late poetry of William Carlos Williams / Zsófia Bán. |
Bán, Zsófia. |
1999. |
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Book |
Destroying dogma : Vine Deloria, Jr. and his influence on American society / edited by Steve Pavlik and Daniel R. Wildcat. |
c2006. |
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Book |
Detox your desk : de-clutter your life and mind / by Theo Theobald and Cary Cooper. |
Theobald, Theo, 1957- |
2007. |
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Deux intellectuels dans le siècle, Sartre et Aron / Jean-François Sirinelli. |
Sirinelli, Jean-François. |
1995. |
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Book |
Developing a Christian worldview of science and evolution / Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey. |
Colson, Charles W. |
[2001] |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Development and assessment of self-authorship : exploring the concept across cultures / edited by Marcia B. Baxter Magolda, Elizabeth G. Creamer, and Peggy S. Meszaros. |
2010. |
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Book |
Development and evolution : including psychophysical evolution, evolution by orthoplasy, and the theory of genetic modes. |
Baldwin, James Mark, 1861-1934. |
[2008?] |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Development and purpose : an essay towards a philosophy of evolution / [by] L.T. Hobhouse. |
Hobhouse, L. T. 1864-1929. (Leonard Trelawny), |
[2009?] |
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Book |
Development of modern Indian thought and the social sciences / edited by Sabyasachi Bhattacharya. |
2007. |
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Book |
Development through the lifespan / Laura E. Berk. |
Berk, Laura E. |
c2001. |
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Developmental biology / Scott F. Gilbert. |
Gilbert, Scott F., 1949- |
c2010. |
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Developmental biology / T. Subramoniam. |
Subramoniam, Thanumalaya. |
c2002. |
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Book |
Developmental biology / Y.K. Parasher. |
Parasher, Y. K. |
2009. |
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Developmental biology / edited by E. Edward Bittar, Neville Bittar. |
c1998. |
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Developmental biology : a guide for experimental study / Mary S. Tyler. |
Tyler, Mary S., 1949- |
c2000. |
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Book |
Developmental biology introduction. |
[2010] |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Developmental biology research in space / editor, Hans Jürg Marthy. |
2003. |
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Book |
Devenir juge : modes de recrutement et crise des vocations de 1830 à nos jours / Catherine Fillon, Marc Boninchi, Arnaud Lecompte. |
Fillon, Catherine. |
2008. |
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Book |
Devil himself / John Hughes. |
Hughes, John, 1962- |
1996. |
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Book |
Diachronic and synchronic : reading the Psalms in real time : proceedings of the Baylor symposium on the book of Psalms / edited by Joel S. Burnett, W.H. Bellinger, Jr., W. Dennis Tucker, Jr. |
c2007. |
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Book |
Dialectic and narrative / edited by Thomas R. Flynn and Dalia Judovitz. |
c1993. |
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Dialectical materialism / V.G. Afansayev. |
Afanasʹev, Viktor Grigorʹevich. |
1987. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Dialectical phenomenology : Marx's method / Roslyn Wallach Bologh. |
Bologh, Roslyn Wallach. |
2010. |
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Book |
Dialectics in the arts : the rise of experimentalism in American music / Catherine M. Cameron. |
Cameron, Catherine M. |
[1996] |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Dialogue / Raymond Aron, Michel Foucault ; analyse de Jean-François Bert. |
Aron, Raymond, 1905-1983. |
c2007. |
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Book |
Dictionnaire d'éthique et de philosophie morale / publié sous la direction de Monique Canto-Sperber. |
2004. |
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Book |
Did Darwin get it right? : Catholics and the theory of evolution / George Sim Johnston. |
Johnston, George Sim. |
c1998. |
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Book |
Did God use evolution? : observations from a scientist of faith / Werner Gitt ; [translation to English, Jaap Kies] |
Gitt, Werner, 1937- |
c2006. |
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Book |
Did man create God? : is your spiritual brain at peace with your thinking brain? : including intelligent answers to intelligent design / by David E. Comings. |
Comings, David E. |
c2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Did my genes make me do it? : and other philosophical dilemmas / Avrum Stroll. |
Stroll, Avrum, 1921-2013. |
c2006. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Diderot et la matière vivante / présentation et choix de textes par Jean-Paul Jouary. |
Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784. |
c1992. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Digital cognitive technologies : epistemology and the knowledge economy / edited by Bernard Reber, Claire Brossaud. |
2010. |
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Book |
Dignity in care for older people / edited by Lennart Nordenfelt. |
2009. |
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Book |
Dilettantism and its values : from Weimar classicism to the fin de siecle / Richard Hibbitt. |
Hibbitt, Richard. |
2006. |
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Diophantus of Alexandria : a study in the history of Greek algebra / by Thomas L. Heath .. |
Heath, Thomas Little, Sir, 1861-1940. |
[2003?] |
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Book |
Discerning the spirits : theological and ethical hermeneutics in Paul / André Munzinger. |
Munzinger, André, 1972- |
2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Disciplinary decadence : living thought in trying times / Lewis R. Gordon. |
Gordon, Lewis R. 1962- (Lewis Ricardo), |
c2006. |
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