Book |
Ecology. |
[2011] |
社會科學哲學 |
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Economics and economic policy in Britain, 1946-1966 : some aspects of their interrelations / T.W. Hutchison. |
Hutchison, T. W. (Terence Wilmot) |
[2003] |
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Economics of fulfillment : the obsolescence of socialism and capitalism and an economic philosophy for the future / Vincent Frank Bedogne. |
Bedogne, Vincent Frank. |
c2009. |
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Ecosystem science fair projects, revised and expanded using the scientific method / Pam Walker and Elaine Wood. |
Walker, Pam, 1958- |
c2010. |
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Ecrits politiques, 1933-1966 / Martin Heidegger ; présentation, traduction et notes par François Fédier. |
Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. |
1995. |
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Edith Wharton's evolutionary conception : Darwinian allegory in her major novels / Paul J. Ohler. |
Ohler, Paul Joseph, 1962- |
2006. |
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Educating immigrant students in the 21st century : what educators need to know / Xue Lan Rong, Judith Preissle. |
Rong, Xue Lan. |
c2009. |
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Educating our Black children : new directions and radical approaches / edited by Richard Majors. |
2001. |
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Education and democracy in Senegal / Michelle T. Kuenzi. |
Kuenzi, Michelle T., 1967- |
2011. |
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Education and gendered citizenship in Pakistan / M. Ayaz Naseem. |
Naseem, M. Ayaz 1963- (Muhammad Ayaz), |
2010. |
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Education and the spirit of time : historical, global and critical reflections / edited by Olli-Pekka Moisio and Juha Suoranta. |
c2006. |
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Education et philosophie : approches contemporaines / sous la direction de Jean Houssaye. |
c1999. |
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Education, epistemology and critical realism / David Scott. |
Scott, David, 1951- |
2010. |
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Education, philosophy and the ethical environment / Graham Haydon. |
Haydon, Graham. |
2006. |
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Educational futures / compiled by Don E. Glines. |
c1978-1979. |
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Educational histories of European social anthropology / edited by Dorle Dracklé, Iain R. Edgar, and Thomas K. Schippers. |
2003. |
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Educational psychology : an application of critical constructivism / edited by Greg S. Goodman. |
c2008. |
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Egalité et partialité / Thomas Nagel ; traduit de l'américain par Claire Beauvillard. |
Nagel, Thomas. |
1994. |
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Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie : Zwölf theoretische Vorlesungen / Theodor W. Adorno. |
Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969. |
1975. |
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Einstein, Polanyi, and the laws of nature / Lydia Jaeger. |
Jaeger, Lydia. |
c2010. |
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Einzelne und die Gemeinschaft in der Dichtung Homers und in der Staatstheorie bei Platon : zur Ableitung der Staatstheorie aus der Psychologie / von Arbogast Schmitt. |
Schmitt, Arbogast. |
2000. |
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Electricity and magnetism science fair projects, revised and expanded using the scientific method / Robert Gardner. |
Gardner, Robert, 1929- |
c2010. |
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Element speciation in bioinorganic chemistry / edited by Sergio Caroli. |
c1996. |
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Elementary science methods : a constructivist approach / David Jerner Martin. |
Martin, David Jerner. |
c2009. |
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Emblemata sacra : rhétorique et herméneutique du discours sacré dans la littérature en images = the rhetoric and hermeneutics of illustrated sacred discourse / textes édités par Ralph Dekoninck et Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé |
c2007. |
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Embodiment, morality, and medicine / edited by Lisa Sowle Cahill and Margaret A. Farley. |
c1995. |
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Embryogenesis : species, gender, and identity / Richard Grossinger. |
Grossinger, Richard, 1944- |
c2000. |
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Embryologist : my eight decades in developmental biology / John Philip Trinkaus. |
Trinkaus, John Philip, 1918- |
c2003. |
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Embryonic and adult stem cells / Margaret Haerens, book editor. |
c2009. |
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Embryos, galaxies, and sentient beings : how the universe makes life / Richard Grossinger. |
Grossinger, Richard, 1944- |
c2003. |
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Emergence, complexity, and self-organization : precursors and prototypes / edited and introduced by Alicia Juarrero & Carl A. Rubino. |
c2008. |
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Emil Nolde and German expressionism : a prophet in his own land / by William S. Bradley. |
Bradley, William S. 1949- (William Steven), |
c1986. |
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Emmanuel Levinas on the priority of ethics : putting ethics first / Joshua James Shaw. |
Shaw, Joshua James. |
c2008. |
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Emmery de Lyere et Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde. Un admirateur de Sébastien Franck et de Montaigne aux prises avec le champion des calvinistes néerlandais [par] C. Kramer. (Emmery de Lyere) Antidote ou contrepoison contre les conseils sanguinaires et envenimez de Philippe de Marnix Sr. de Ste. Aldegonde. |
Kramer, Cornelis, 1882- |
1971. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Emotional impact : New York School figurative expressionism / April Kingsley. |
Kingsley, April. |
c1984. |
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Emperor Julian's relation to the new Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : with a study of his style / Wilmer Cave France. |
Wright, Wilmer Cave France. |
[2006?] |
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Empirical turn in the philosophy of technology / guest editors Peter Kroes, Anthonie Meijers. |
2001. |
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Empiricism at the crossroads : the Vienna Circle's protocol-sentence debate / Thomas Uebel. |
Uebel, Thomas E. 1952- (Thomas Ernst), |
c2007. |
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Enaction : toward a new paradigm for cognitive science / edited by John Stewart, Olivier Gapenne, and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo. |
c2010. |
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Encounters : philosophy of history after postmodernism / Ewa Domańska. |
Domańska, Ewa. |
1998. |
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Encounters of consequence : Jewish philosophy in the twentieth century and beyond / by Michael Oppenheim. |
Oppenheim, Michael D., 1946- |
2009. |
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Encyclopedia of islands / edited by Rosemary G. Gillespie and David A. Clague. |
c2009. |
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Endocrine aspects of successful aging : genes, hormones, and lifestyles / P. Chanson ... [et al.], (eds.) |
c2004. |
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Endquote : sots-art literature and Soviet grand style / edited by Marina Balina, Nancy Condee, and Evgeny Dobrenko. |
c2000. |
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Engaged philosophy : essays in honour of David Braybrooke / edited by Susan Sherwin and Peter Schotch. |
c2007. |
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Engaging Agnes Heller : a critical companion / edited by Katie Terezakis. |
c2009. |
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Engaging politics? : the tensions of Christian political involvement / Nigel W. Oakley. |
Oakley, Nigel W. |
2007. |
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Engineering genesis : the ethics of genetic engineering in non-human species / Working Group of the Society, Religion and Technology Project, Church of Scotland ; edited by Donald and Ann Bruce. |
1998. |
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English evolutionary ethics / Melbourne Stuart Read. |
Read, Melbourne Stuart, 1869-1927. |
2010] |
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English language learners in your classroom : strategies that work / Ellen Kottler, Jeffrey A. Kottler, Chris Street. |
Kottler, Ellen. |
c2008. |
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