
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Ecology. [2011] 社會科學哲學
Book Economics and economic policy in Britain, 1946-1966 : some aspects of their interrelations / T.W. Hutchison. Hutchison, T. W. (Terence Wilmot) [2003] 社會科學哲學
Book Economics of fulfillment : the obsolescence of socialism and capitalism and an economic philosophy for the future / Vincent Frank Bedogne. Bedogne, Vincent Frank. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Ecosystem science fair projects, revised and expanded using the scientific method / Pam Walker and Elaine Wood. Walker, Pam, 1958- c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Ecrits politiques, 1933-1966 / Martin Heidegger ; présentation, traduction et notes par François Fédier. Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. 1995. 社會科學哲學
Book Edith Wharton's evolutionary conception : Darwinian allegory in her major novels / Paul J. Ohler. Ohler, Paul Joseph, 1962- 2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Educating immigrant students in the 21st century : what educators need to know / Xue Lan Rong, Judith Preissle. Rong, Xue Lan. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Educating our Black children : new directions and radical approaches / edited by Richard Majors. 2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Education and democracy in Senegal / Michelle T. Kuenzi. Kuenzi, Michelle T., 1967- 2011. 社會科學哲學
Book Education and gendered citizenship in Pakistan / M. Ayaz Naseem. Naseem, M. Ayaz 1963- (Muhammad Ayaz), 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Education and the spirit of time : historical, global and critical reflections / edited by Olli-Pekka Moisio and Juha Suoranta. c2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Education et philosophie : approches contemporaines / sous la direction de Jean Houssaye. c1999. 社會科學哲學
Book Education, epistemology and critical realism / David Scott. Scott, David, 1951- 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Education, philosophy and the ethical environment / Graham Haydon. Haydon, Graham. 2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Educational futures / compiled by Don E. Glines. c1978-1979. 社會科學哲學
Book Educational histories of European social anthropology / edited by Dorle Dracklé, Iain R. Edgar, and Thomas K. Schippers. 2003. 社會科學哲學
Book Educational psychology : an application of critical constructivism / edited by Greg S. Goodman. c2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Egalité et partialité / Thomas Nagel ; traduit de l'américain par Claire Beauvillard. Nagel, Thomas. 1994. 社會科學哲學
Book Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie : Zwölf theoretische Vorlesungen / Theodor W. Adorno. Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969. 1975. 社會科學哲學
Book Einstein, Polanyi, and the laws of nature / Lydia Jaeger. Jaeger, Lydia. c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Einzelne und die Gemeinschaft in der Dichtung Homers und in der Staatstheorie bei Platon : zur Ableitung der Staatstheorie aus der Psychologie / von Arbogast Schmitt. Schmitt, Arbogast. 2000. 社會科學哲學
Book Electricity and magnetism science fair projects, revised and expanded using the scientific method / Robert Gardner. Gardner, Robert, 1929- c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Element speciation in bioinorganic chemistry / edited by Sergio Caroli. c1996. 社會科學哲學
Book Elementary science methods : a constructivist approach / David Jerner Martin. Martin, David Jerner. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Emblemata sacra : rhétorique et herméneutique du discours sacré dans la littérature en images = the rhetoric and hermeneutics of illustrated sacred discourse / textes édités par Ralph Dekoninck et Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé c2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Embodiment, morality, and medicine / edited by Lisa Sowle Cahill and Margaret A. Farley. c1995. 社會科學哲學
Book Embryogenesis : species, gender, and identity / Richard Grossinger. Grossinger, Richard, 1944- c2000. 社會科學哲學
Book Embryologist : my eight decades in developmental biology / John Philip Trinkaus. Trinkaus, John Philip, 1918- c2003. 社會科學哲學
Book Embryonic and adult stem cells / Margaret Haerens, book editor. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Embryos, galaxies, and sentient beings : how the universe makes life / Richard Grossinger. Grossinger, Richard, 1944- c2003. 社會科學哲學
Book Emergence, complexity, and self-organization : precursors and prototypes / edited and introduced by Alicia Juarrero & Carl A. Rubino. c2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Emil Nolde and German expressionism : a prophet in his own land / by William S. Bradley. Bradley, William S. 1949- (William Steven), c1986. 社會科學哲學
Book Emmanuel Levinas on the priority of ethics : putting ethics first / Joshua James Shaw. Shaw, Joshua James. c2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Emmery de Lyere et Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde. Un admirateur de Sébastien Franck et de Montaigne aux prises avec le champion des calvinistes néerlandais [par] C. Kramer. (Emmery de Lyere) Antidote ou contrepoison contre les conseils sanguinaires et envenimez de Philippe de Marnix Sr. de Ste. Aldegonde. Kramer, Cornelis, 1882- 1971. 社會科學哲學
Book Emotional impact : New York School figurative expressionism / April Kingsley. Kingsley, April. c1984. 社會科學哲學
Book Emperor Julian's relation to the new Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : with a study of his style / Wilmer Cave France. Wright, Wilmer Cave France. [2006?] 社會科學哲學
Book Empirical turn in the philosophy of technology / guest editors Peter Kroes, Anthonie Meijers. 2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Empiricism at the crossroads : the Vienna Circle's protocol-sentence debate / Thomas Uebel. Uebel, Thomas E. 1952- (Thomas Ernst), c2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Enaction : toward a new paradigm for cognitive science / edited by John Stewart, Olivier Gapenne, and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo. c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Encounters : philosophy of history after postmodernism / Ewa Domańska. Domańska, Ewa. 1998. 社會科學哲學
Book Encounters of consequence : Jewish philosophy in the twentieth century and beyond / by Michael Oppenheim. Oppenheim, Michael D., 1946- 2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Encyclopedia of islands / edited by Rosemary G. Gillespie and David A. Clague. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Endocrine aspects of successful aging : genes, hormones, and lifestyles / P. Chanson ... [et al.], (eds.) c2004. 社會科學哲學
Book Endquote : sots-art literature and Soviet grand style / edited by Marina Balina, Nancy Condee, and Evgeny Dobrenko. c2000. 社會科學哲學
Book Engaged philosophy : essays in honour of David Braybrooke / edited by Susan Sherwin and Peter Schotch. c2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Engaging Agnes Heller : a critical companion / edited by Katie Terezakis. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Engaging politics? : the tensions of Christian political involvement / Nigel W. Oakley. Oakley, Nigel W. 2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Engineering genesis : the ethics of genetic engineering in non-human species / Working Group of the Society, Religion and Technology Project, Church of Scotland ; edited by Donald and Ann Bruce. 1998. 社會科學哲學
Book English evolutionary ethics / Melbourne Stuart Read. Read, Melbourne Stuart, 1869-1927. 2010] 社會科學哲學
Book English language learners in your classroom : strategies that work / Ellen Kottler, Jeffrey A. Kottler, Chris Street. Kottler, Ellen. c2008. 社會科學哲學