Book |
Gustavo Sainz : postmodernism in the Mexican novel / Salvador C. Fernandez. |
Fernandez, Salvador C., 1963- |
1999. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
H.E. Armstrong and science education : selections from The teaching of scientific method and other papers on education / by Henry E. Armstrong ; edited, with an introduction, by G. Van Praagh. |
Armstrong, Henry Edward, 1848-1937. |
1973. |
社會科學哲學 |
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HIV and AIDS : a social network approach / compiled by Roger Gaitley and edited by Philip Seed. |
Gaitley, Roger. |
1989. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Habermas : a critical introduction / William Outhwaite. |
Outhwaite, William. |
c2009. |
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Habermas : introduction and analysis / David Ingram. |
Ingram, David, 1952- |
2010. |
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Book |
Habits of whiteness : a pragmatist reconstruction / Terrance MacMullan. |
MacMullan, Terrance. |
c2009. |
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Haiku and modernist poetics / Yoshinobu Hakutani. |
Hakutani, Yoshinobu, 1935- |
2009. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Handbook of elemental speciation : techniques and methodology / editor-in-chief, Rita Cornelis ; associate editors, Joe Caruso, Helen Crews, Klaus Heumann. |
c2003- |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Handbook of evolutionary psychology : ideas, issues, and applications / edited by Charles Crawford, Dennis L. Krebs. |
2009. |
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Handbook of phenomenology and medicine / edited by S. Kay Toombs. |
c2001. |
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Book |
Handbook of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. |
American Academy of Political And Social Science. |
2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Handbook of the history of general topology / edited by C.E. Aull and R. Lowen. |
c1997-<c2001 > |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Handbuch der Zoologie : eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches / gegründet von Willy Kükenthal ; unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrten ; hrsg. von Thilo Krumbach. |
1923-<c2005 > |
社會科學哲學 |
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Handlungszentrierte Sozialgeographie : Benno Werlens Entwurf in kritischer Diskussion / Peter Meusburger (Hg.) |
1999. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hans Arp, the poet of Dadaism, by R. W. Last. |
Last, Rex William. |
1969. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hans Burkhardt, pastels, 50 years of figurative expressionism : April 7-May 12, 1984, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts. |
Burkhardt, Hans Gustav, 1904-1994. |
1984. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Happiness, well-being and the meaning of life : a dialogue of social science and religion / Vincent Brümmer & Marcel Sarot (Editors) |
Brümmer, Vincent. |
c1996. |
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Harm and culpability / edited by A.P. Simester and A.T.H. Smith. |
1996. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Harold D. Lasswell : an annotated bibliography / Rodney Muth, Mary M. Finley, Marcia F. Muth. |
Muth, Rodney. |
c1990. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Has a cow saved your life? / Deborah Underwood. |
Underwood, Deborah. |
c2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Haunting legacies : violent histories and transgenerational trauma / Gabriele Schwab. |
Schwab, Gabriele. |
c2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hawaiian biogeography : evolution on a hot spot archipelago / edited by Warren L. Wagner and V.A. Funk. |
c1995. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Health, luck, and justice / Shlomi Segall. |
Segall, Shlomi, 1970- |
c2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hearing the Word : Lutheran hermeneutics--a vision of life under the Gospel / David C. Ratke, editor. |
c2006. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hegel et la pensée philosophique en Russie, 1830-1917. |
Planty-Bonjour, Guy. |
1974. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hegel on self-consciousness : desire and death in the Phenomenology of spirit / Robert B. Pippin. |
Pippin, Robert B., 1948- |
c2011. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hegel, Carl Schmitt : le politique entre spéculation et positivité / Jean-François Kervégan. |
Kervégan, Jean-François. |
2005. |
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Book |
Heidegger on East-West dialogue : anticipating the event / Lin Ma. |
Ma, Lin, 1970- |
2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Heidegger's possibility : language, emergence-- saying be-ing / Kenneth Maly. |
Maly, Kenneth. |
c2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern thinkers : a hermeneutics of cross-cultural understanding / Wei Zhang. |
Zhang, Wei, 1958- |
c2006. |
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Book |
Heirs of oppression / J. Angelo Corlett. |
Corlett, J. Angelo, 1958- |
c2010. |
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Book |
Hemophilia / Michelle Raabe. |
Raabe, Michelle. |
c2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Henry of Ghent's Summa of ordinary questions : Article one : On the possibility of knowing / translated from the Latin with an introduction and notes by Roland J. Teske. |
Henry, of Ghent, 1217-1293. |
2008. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Heraclitus : translation and analysis / Dennis Sweet. |
Heraclitus, of Ephesus. |
c1995. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Herausforderungen an das Recht am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts : Vorträge der Tagung der Schweizerischen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 24. und 25. November 1994 in Genf / Herausgeber, François Paychère = Défis au droit à la fin du XXème siècle : rencontre annuelle de l'Association suisse de philosophie du droit et de philosophie sociale les 24 et 25 Novembre 1994 à Genève / édité par François Paychère. |
International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Schweizer Sektion. Tagung Geneva, Switzerland) (1994 : |
1995. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hereditarianism : Sociobiology, Incest Taboo, Dual Inheritance Theory, Patriarchy, Infanticide, Biology of Gender, Tinbergen's Four Questions ... |
2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hereditary tumors : from genes to clinical consequences / edited by Heike Allgayer, Helga Rehder and Simone Fulda. |
c2009. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hermeneutic interpretation of the origin of the social state of man and of the destiny of the Adamic race / from the French ... by Fabre d'Olivet ; done into English by Nayán Louise Redfield. |
Fabre d'Olivet, Antoine, 1767-1825. |
2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hermeneutics : an introduction / Anthony C. Thiselton. |
Thiselton, Anthony C. |
2009. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hermeneutics : principles and processes of Biblical interpretation / Henry A. Virkler and Karelynne Gerber Ayayo. |
Virkler, Henry A. |
c2007. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hermeneutics and music criticism / Roger W. H. Savage. |
Savage, Roger W. H. |
2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hermeneutics of holiness : ancient Jewish and Christian notions of sexuality and religious community / Naomi Koltun-Fromm. |
Koltun-Fromm, Naomi, 1964- |
2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hermeneutics or, The science and art of interpreting the Bible / Eric Lund ; [translated from the Spanish by] P.C. Nelson. |
Lund, E. 1852-1933. (Eric), |
[2008] |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hermeneutics, citizenship, and the public sphere / Roberto Alejandro. |
Alejandro, Roberto, 1955- |
c1993. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hermeneutics, history, and memory / Philip Gardner. |
Gardner, Philip, 1951- |
2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions : the contested legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade / edited by Christian Wedemeyer and Wendy Doniger. |
2010. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hermeneutics, scriptural politics, and human rights : between text and context / edited by Bas de Gaay Fortman, Kurt Martens, and M.A. Mohamed Salih. |
2010, c2009. |
社會科學哲學 |
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Heterodoxy, Spinozism, and free thought in early-eighteenth-century Europe : studies on the Traité des trois imposteurs / edited by Silvia Berti, Françoise Charles-Daubert, and Richard H. Popkin. |
c1996. |
社會科學哲學 |
Book |
Hicks, tribes & dirty realists : American fiction after postmodernism / Robert Rebein. |
Rebein, Robert, 1964- |
c2001. |
社會科學哲學 |
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High and low cultures : German attempts at mediation / edited by Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand. |
c1994. |
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