
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Gustavo Sainz : postmodernism in the Mexican novel / Salvador C. Fernandez. Fernandez, Salvador C., 1963- 1999. 社會科學哲學
Book H.E. Armstrong and science education : selections from The teaching of scientific method and other papers on education / by Henry E. Armstrong ; edited, with an introduction, by G. Van Praagh. Armstrong, Henry Edward, 1848-1937. 1973. 社會科學哲學
Book HIV and AIDS : a social network approach / compiled by Roger Gaitley and edited by Philip Seed. Gaitley, Roger. 1989. 社會科學哲學
Book Habermas : a critical introduction / William Outhwaite. Outhwaite, William. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Habermas : introduction and analysis / David Ingram. Ingram, David, 1952- 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Habits of whiteness : a pragmatist reconstruction / Terrance MacMullan. MacMullan, Terrance. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Haiku and modernist poetics / Yoshinobu Hakutani. Hakutani, Yoshinobu, 1935- 2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Handbook of elemental speciation : techniques and methodology / editor-in-chief, Rita Cornelis ; associate editors, Joe Caruso, Helen Crews, Klaus Heumann. c2003- 社會科學哲學
Book Handbook of evolutionary psychology : ideas, issues, and applications / edited by Charles Crawford, Dennis L. Krebs. 2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Handbook of phenomenology and medicine / edited by S. Kay Toombs. c2001. 社會科學哲學
Book Handbook of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. American Academy of Political And Social Science. 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Handbook of the history of general topology / edited by C.E. Aull and R. Lowen. c1997-<c2001 > 社會科學哲學
Book Handbuch der Zoologie : eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches / gegründet von Willy Kükenthal ; unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrten ; hrsg. von Thilo Krumbach. 1923-<c2005 > 社會科學哲學
Book Handlungszentrierte Sozialgeographie : Benno Werlens Entwurf in kritischer Diskussion / Peter Meusburger (Hg.) 1999. 社會科學哲學
Book Hans Arp, the poet of Dadaism, by R. W. Last. Last, Rex William. 1969. 社會科學哲學
Book Hans Burkhardt, pastels, 50 years of figurative expressionism : April 7-May 12, 1984, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts. Burkhardt, Hans Gustav, 1904-1994. 1984. 社會科學哲學
Book Happiness, well-being and the meaning of life : a dialogue of social science and religion / Vincent Brümmer & Marcel Sarot (Editors) Brümmer, Vincent. c1996. 社會科學哲學
Book Harm and culpability / edited by A.P. Simester and A.T.H. Smith. 1996. 社會科學哲學
Book Harold D. Lasswell : an annotated bibliography / Rodney Muth, Mary M. Finley, Marcia F. Muth. Muth, Rodney. c1990. 社會科學哲學
Book Has a cow saved your life? / Deborah Underwood. Underwood, Deborah. c2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Haunting legacies : violent histories and transgenerational trauma / Gabriele Schwab. Schwab, Gabriele. c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hawaiian biogeography : evolution on a hot spot archipelago / edited by Warren L. Wagner and V.A. Funk. c1995. 社會科學哲學
Book Health, luck, and justice / Shlomi Segall. Segall, Shlomi, 1970- c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hearing the Word : Lutheran hermeneutics--a vision of life under the Gospel / David C. Ratke, editor. c2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Hegel et la pensée philosophique en Russie, 1830-1917. Planty-Bonjour, Guy. 1974. 社會科學哲學
Book Hegel on self-consciousness : desire and death in the Phenomenology of spirit / Robert B. Pippin. Pippin, Robert B., 1948- c2011. 社會科學哲學
Book Hegel, Carl Schmitt : le politique entre spéculation et positivité / Jean-François Kervégan. Kervégan, Jean-François. 2005. 社會科學哲學
Book Heidegger on East-West dialogue : anticipating the event / Lin Ma. Ma, Lin, 1970- 2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Heidegger's possibility : language, emergence-- saying be-ing / Kenneth Maly. Maly, Kenneth. c2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern thinkers : a hermeneutics of cross-cultural understanding / Wei Zhang. Zhang, Wei, 1958- c2006. 社會科學哲學
Book Heirs of oppression / J. Angelo Corlett. Corlett, J. Angelo, 1958- c2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hemophilia / Michelle Raabe. Raabe, Michelle. c2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Henry of Ghent's Summa of ordinary questions : Article one : On the possibility of knowing / translated from the Latin with an introduction and notes by Roland J. Teske. Henry, of Ghent, 1217-1293. 2008. 社會科學哲學
Book Heraclitus : translation and analysis / Dennis Sweet. Heraclitus, of Ephesus. c1995. 社會科學哲學
Book Herausforderungen an das Recht am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts : Vorträge der Tagung der Schweizerischen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 24. und 25. November 1994 in Genf / Herausgeber, François Paychère = Défis au droit à la fin du XXème siècle : rencontre annuelle de l'Association suisse de philosophie du droit et de philosophie sociale les 24 et 25 Novembre 1994 à Genève / édité par François Paychère. International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Schweizer Sektion. Tagung Geneva, Switzerland) (1994 : 1995. 社會科學哲學
Book Hereditarianism : Sociobiology, Incest Taboo, Dual Inheritance Theory, Patriarchy, Infanticide, Biology of Gender, Tinbergen's Four Questions ... 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hereditary tumors : from genes to clinical consequences / edited by Heike Allgayer, Helga Rehder and Simone Fulda. c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutic interpretation of the origin of the social state of man and of the destiny of the Adamic race / from the French ... by Fabre d'Olivet ; done into English by Nayán Louise Redfield. Fabre d'Olivet, Antoine, 1767-1825. 2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics : an introduction / Anthony C. Thiselton. Thiselton, Anthony C. 2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics : principles and processes of Biblical interpretation / Henry A. Virkler and Karelynne Gerber Ayayo. Virkler, Henry A. c2007. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics and music criticism / Roger W. H. Savage. Savage, Roger W. H. 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics of holiness : ancient Jewish and Christian notions of sexuality and religious community / Naomi Koltun-Fromm. Koltun-Fromm, Naomi, 1964- 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics or, The science and art of interpreting the Bible / Eric Lund ; [translated from the Spanish by] P.C. Nelson. Lund, E. 1852-1933. (Eric), [2008] 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics, citizenship, and the public sphere / Roberto Alejandro. Alejandro, Roberto, 1955- c1993. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics, history, and memory / Philip Gardner. Gardner, Philip, 1951- 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions : the contested legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade / edited by Christian Wedemeyer and Wendy Doniger. 2010. 社會科學哲學
Book Hermeneutics, scriptural politics, and human rights : between text and context / edited by Bas de Gaay Fortman, Kurt Martens, and M.A. Mohamed Salih. 2010, c2009. 社會科學哲學
Book Heterodoxy, Spinozism, and free thought in early-eighteenth-century Europe : studies on the Traité des trois imposteurs / edited by Silvia Berti, Françoise Charles-Daubert, and Richard H. Popkin. c1996. 社會科學哲學
Book Hicks, tribes & dirty realists : American fiction after postmodernism / Robert Rebein. Rebein, Robert, 1964- c2001. 社會科學哲學
Book High and low cultures : German attempts at mediation / edited by Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand. c1994. 社會科學哲學