
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Handhabung und Reform des Betreuungsgesetzes / Coeppicus, Rolf. 1995. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Harmonisierung des Wirtschaftsrechts in Deutschland, Österreich und Polen / 2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Harmonizing European copyright law : the challenges of better lawmaking / c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Health and safety enforcement : law and practice / Matthews, Richard A. (Barrister) 2010. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Hernando de Soto and property in a market economy / c2010. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Hessische Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgesetze : Textsammlung hessischer Gesetz und Verordnungen Staats- und verwaltungsrechtlichen Inhalts / Hesse (Germany) 2011- 民事程序法與身分法
Book High court case summaries. keyed to Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, and Hershkoff's casebook on civil procedure, 9th edition. c2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book High court case summaries. keyed to Klein, Ramseyer, and Bainbridge's casebook on business associations, 5th edition. c2005. 民事程序法與身分法
Book High court case summaries. keyed to Marcus, Redish and Sherman's casebook on civil procedure, 4th edition. c2005. 民事程序法與身分法
Book High court case summaries. keyed to Subrin, Minnow, Brodin, and Main's casebook on civil procedure, 2nd edition / c2005. 民事程序法與身分法
Book High court case summaries. keyed to Sullivan's casebook on constitutional law. 2011. 民事程序法與身分法
Book High court case summaries. keyed to Yeazell's Casebook on civil procedure, 6th edition. c2005. 民事程序法與身分法
Book High court case summaries. keyed to Yeazell's Casebook on civil procedure, 7th edition. c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Hindu divorce : a legal anthropology / Holden, Livia. c2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Historic photos of Texas lawmen / Cox, Mike, 1948- c2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to buy a house in California / Warner, Ralph E. c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy / Elias, Stephen. 2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to file for divorce in Michigan / Haman, Edward A. 2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to get credit after filing bankruptcy : the complete guide to getting and keeping your credit under control / Wakem, Mitch, 1982- c2007. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to make money as a mediator (and create value for everyone) : 30 top mediators share secrets to building a successful practice / Krivis, Jeffrey, 1956- c2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to negotiate like a pro : 41 rules for resolving disputes / Greenwood, Mary, 1944- c2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to prepare and present a labor arbitration case : strategy and tactics for advocates / Loughran, Charles S. c2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to protect your intellectual property and make a profit : a comprehensive how-to guide on patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other legal business affairs / Van Dyke, William A. c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to solve divorce problems in California : a guide for petitioners and respondents / Sherman, Charles Edward, 1938- c2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book How to start a virtual bankruptcy assistant service / Ring, Victoria. 2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Human fertilisation and embryology : the new law / Birk, Dewinder. c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Human rights, justice, and constitutional empowerment / 2010. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung zum Insolvenzrecht / Kayser, Godehard. 2011. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung zum Insolvenzrecht : Unternehmensinsolvenz und Insolvenzanfechtung / Kayser, Godehard. 2007. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung zum Insolvenzrecht : Unternehmensinsolvenz und Insolvenzanfechtung / Kayser, Godehard. 2010. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung zum Zivilprozessrecht : 60 Entscheidungen für Studium und Referendariat mit Fragen und Antworten / Münzberg, Wolfgang. 1994. 民事程序法與身分法
Book ICC model international trademark licence. c2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book ICE arbitration procedure / 2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book IP client strategies in Central and South America : leading lawyers on building client relationships, understanding the impact of recent cases and developments, and recognizing regional influences on intellectual property law / c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book IP client strategies in the Europe: leading lawyers on analyzing emerging IP trends, building client relationships and navigating European IP laws and legal systems. c2010. 民事程序法與身分法
Book IP client strategies in the Middle East and Africa : leading lawyers on understanding recent developments and proposed changes, managing client expectations, and recognizing regional influences on intellectual property law / c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Identity theft : a reference handbook / Hoffman, Sandra K. c2010. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Imitation to innovation in China : the role of patents in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries / Li, Yahong, 1963- c2010. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Immigration detention : law, history, politics / Wilsher, Daniel, 1966- 2012. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Immobiliarvollstreckung : Zwangsversteigerung, Teilungsversteigerung, Zwangsverwaltung, Insolvenzverwalterversteigerung, Zwangshypothek, Arresthypothek / c2008. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Implementation handbook for the convention on the rights of the child / 2007. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Implementierung offener ausländischer Vollstreckungstitel : Vollstreckbarerklärung ausländischer Titel und inländischer Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz / Falck, Andreas von. 1998. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Implementing the World Intellectual Property Organization's development agenda / c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book In our time / 2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Individual bankruptcy and restructuring / Jasper, Margaret C. c2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Ineinandergreifen von EuGVVO und nationalem Zivilverfahrensrecht am Beispiel des Gerichtsstands des Sachzusammenhangs, Art. 6 EuGVVO / Winter, Wolfgang. c2007. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Information technology and arbitration : a practitioner's guide / Schultz, Thomas. c2006. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Informationsbeschaffung durch Zivilprozess / Waldmann, Yves. c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Injunctive relief : temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions / Stoll-DeBell, Kirstin. c2009. 民事程序法與身分法
Book Innovation, competition and consumer welfare in intellectual property law / Ghidini, Gustavo. c2010. 民事程序法與身分法