
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Technische Risiken und Gefährdungshaftung : Regelungsstrukturen im deutschen und europäischen Recht / Dietz, Florian M. c2006. 憲法
Book Teilung von Bundesgesetzen : die rechtliche Zulässigkeit der Aufspaltung von Gesetzentwürfen des Bundes in zustimmungsbedürftige und zustimmungsfreie Teile / Fritz, Gernot. c1982. 憲法
Book Text, cases, and materials on European Union law / Tillotson, John. 2003. 憲法
Book Texte zur Kölner Verfassungsgeschichte / 1988. 憲法
Book Textes constitutionnels français / France. 2008. 憲法
Book That eminent tribunal : judicial supremacy and the constitution / c2004. 憲法
Book The Act of union between the eastern and western Cherokees, the Constitution and amendments, and the laws of the Cherokee Nation, passed during the session of 1868 and subsequent sessions. Cherokee Nation. 1975. 憲法
Book The American doctrine of state succession / Wilkinson, Herbert A. 1907- (Herbert Arnold), 1975. 憲法
Book The Athenian Republic : democracy or the rule of law? / Sealey, Raphael. c1987. 憲法
Book The Baha'is of Iran : socio-historical studies / 2008. 憲法
Book The Bible in the park : religious expression, public forums, and federal district courts / Blakeman, John C., 1966- 2005. 憲法
Book The British Constitution : an introduction / Wales, Peter. 1974 [i.e. 1975] 憲法
Book The California Republic : institutions, statesmanship, and policies / c2004. 憲法
Book The Constitution / Taylor-Butler, Christine. 2008. 憲法
Book The Constitution and the flag / 1993. 憲法
Book The Constitution in 2020 / 2009. 憲法
Book The Constitution of India : select issues & perceptions / India. 2000. 憲法
Book The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 / Mahmood, Shaukat. 1974. 憲法
Book The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia / Moore, W. Harrison Sir, 1867-1935. (William Harrison), [2007?] 憲法
Book The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Pakistan. [1956] 憲法
Book The Constitution of the United States of America : with Benjamin Franklin's address to the delegates upon the signing of the Constitution / United States. 2006. 憲法
Book The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation. 2008. 憲法
Book The Council of Europe / Royer, Aline. c2010. 憲法
Book The English constitution / Bagehot, Walter, 1826-1877. 2009. 憲法
Book The English judges : their role in the changing constitution / Stevens, Robert (Robert H.) 2005. 憲法
Book The English legal system / Martin, Jacqueline, 1945- 2010. 憲法
Book The English legal system / Slapper, Gary. 2010. 憲法
Book The Equality Act 2006 : a guide to the constitution and functions of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights / Makkan, Sam. 2008. 憲法
Book The Federal Constitution / 1991. 憲法
Book The First Amendment in cross-cultural perspective : a comparative legal analysis of the freedom of speech / Krotoszynski, Ronald J., 1967- c2006. 憲法
Book The First Amendment, freedom of speech : its constitutional history and the contemporary debate / 2009. 憲法
Book The Fourth Amendment : its history and interpretation / Clancy, Thomas K. c2008. 憲法
Book The Heritage guide to the Constitution. c2005. 憲法
Book The Indian Constitution : cornerstone of a nation / Austin, Granville. 1999. 憲法
Book The Internet audience : constitution & measurement / Bermejo, Fernando, 1970- c2007. 憲法
Book The Iraq crisis and the United Nations : power politics vs. the international rule of law : memoranda and declarations of the International Progress Organization (1990-2003) / 2004. 憲法
Book The Labour government and the end of empire, 1945-1951 / 1992. 憲法
Book The New Zealand Bill of Rights / 2003. 憲法
Book The Oxford guide to United States Supreme Court decisions / 2009. 憲法
Book The Politics today companion to the British Constitution / Pilkington, Colin. 1999. 憲法
Book The President and Congress : collaboration and combat in national policymaking / LeLoup, Lance T. c2003. 憲法
Book The Scottish Parliament : an introduction / McFadden, Jean. c2010. 憲法
Book The Second Amendment : the intent and its interpretation by the states and the Supreme Court / Charles, Patrick J. c2009. 憲法
Book The Sharīʻa in the Constitutions of Afghanistan, Iran, and Egypt : implications for private law / c2005. 憲法
Book The Supreme Court : the personalities and rivalries that defined America / Rosen, Jeffrey, 1964- 2007. 憲法
Book The Supreme Court and judicial choice : the role of provisional review in a democracy / Dimond, Paul R. c1989. 憲法
Book The Supreme Court and the American elite, 1789-2008 / Powe, L. A. Scot. 2009. 憲法
Book The Supreme Court's role in American Indian policy / Vinzant, John Harlan. 2009. 憲法
Book The Swiss economic constitution and its concretisation by the legislator : a sketch of economic constitutional and economic administrative law / Vallender, Klaus A. 2003. 憲法
Book The Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty : constitutional history and contemporary issues / c2002. 憲法