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Colonies, commerce, and constitutional law : Rid yourselves of Ultramaria and other writings on Spain and Spanish America / |
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Comparative legal traditions : text, materials, and cases on western law / |
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Completing transition : the main challenges / |
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Comptes et mécomptes de l'État : 1807-2007 : le bicentenaire de la Cour des comptes / |
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Conflits et pouvoirs dans les institutions du capitalisme / |
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Confronting globalization : economic integration and popular resistance in Mexico / |
c2003. |
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Constitution of India and Professional Ethics / |
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Constitution of the Russian Federation : with commentaries and interpretation / |
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Constitution translated for kids = La constitucion traducida para niños / |
Travis, Cathy. |
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Spencer, Maureen, 1941- |
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Constitutional and political history of Pakistan / |
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Constitutional conflicts in contemporary Malaysia / |
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Constitutional fictions : a unified theory of constitutional facts / |
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Constitutional futures revisited : Britain's Constitution to 2020 / |
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Constitutional history of India and national movement, including the comparative study of the modern Indian Constitution, |
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Constitutional implications of accession to the European Union / |
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Constitutional law for a changing America : a short course / |
Epstein, Lee, 1958- |
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Constitutional law of the Netherlands : an introduction / |
Kortmann, C. A. J. M. |
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Constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights : a critical introduction / |
Loveland, Ian. |
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Constitutional peril : the life and death struggle for our constitution and democracy / |
Fein, Bruce E. |
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Constitutional politics : the republic referendum and the future / |
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Constitutional practice : the foundations of British government / |
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Constitutional review in federalised systems of government : a comparison of Germany and South Africa / |
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Constitutional review under the UK Human Rights Act / |
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Constitutional rights in two worlds : South Africa and the United States / |
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Constitutional self-government / |
Eisgruber, Christopher L. |
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Constitutionalism : old concepts, new worlds : German contributions to the VIth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), Santiago de Chile 2004 / |
c2005. |
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Constitutionalism, citizenship, and society in Canada / |
c1985. |
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c2008. |
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