
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Code des marchés publics et autres contrats. 2009. 憲法
Book Code des marchés publics, 2009 2008. 憲法
Book Code général de la propriété des personnes publiques : annotations, commentaires / Deffigier, Clotilde. 2008. 憲法
Book Code général des collectivités territoriales 2009. France. 2008. 憲法
Book Code général des impôts : livre des procédures fiscales 2009. France. c2009. 憲法
Book Code pratique des élections territoriales 2008 / 2007. 憲法
Book Code électoral commenté / Couvert-Castéra, Olivier. c2010. 憲法
Book Code électoral. 2009. 憲法
Book Cold War civil rights : race and the image of American democracy / Dudziak, Mary L., 1956- c2000. 憲法
Book Colonies, commerce, and constitutional law : Rid yourselves of Ultramaria and other writings on Spain and Spanish America / Bentham, Jeremy, 1748-1832. 1995. 憲法
Book Comment décident les juges : la constitution, les collectivités locales et l'éducation : [actes du colloque organisé par l'Université de Paris X-Nanterre, Centre de théorie et analyse du droit, à Rome en mars 2002] / 2008. 憲法
Book Comparative federalism in the devolution era / c2002. 憲法
Book Comparative legal traditions : text, materials, and cases on western law / Glendon, Mary Ann, 1938- c2007. 憲法
Book Completing transition : the main challenges / c2002. 憲法
Book Complexio oppositorum : über Carl Schmitt : Vorträge und Diskussionsbeiträge des 28. Sonderseminars 1986 der Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer / Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer. Sonderseminar 1986) (28th : c1988. 憲法
Book Comptes et mécomptes de l'État : 1807-2007 : le bicentenaire de la Cour des comptes / 2008. 憲法
Book Conflits et pouvoirs dans les institutions du capitalisme / c2008. 憲法
Book Confronting globalization : economic integration and popular resistance in Mexico / c2003. 憲法
Book Constitution of India and Professional Ethics / Reddy, G. B. c2006. 憲法
Book Constitution of the Russian Federation : with commentaries and interpretation / Russia (Federation) c1994. 憲法
Book Constitution translated for kids = La constitucion traducida para niños / Travis, Cathy. c2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional and administrative law / Alder, John. 2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional and administrative law / Parpworth, Neil. 2010. 憲法
Book Constitutional and administrative law / Spencer, Maureen, 1941- 2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional and administrative law / Taylor, Christopher W. 2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional and political history of Pakistan / Khan, Hameed. 2005, c2001. 憲法
Book Constitutional conflicts in contemporary Malaysia / Lee, H. P., 1947- 1995. 憲法
Book Constitutional democracy / Kis, János, 1943- 2003. 憲法
Book Constitutional fictions : a unified theory of constitutional facts / Faigman, David L. (David Laurence) c2008. 憲法
Book Constitutional futures revisited : Britain's Constitution to 2020 / 2010. 憲法
Book Constitutional history of India and national movement, including the comparative study of the modern Indian Constitution, Aggarwala, R. C. 1964. 憲法
Book Constitutional implications of accession to the European Union / c2002. 憲法
Book Constitutional interpretation / Ducat, Craig R. c2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional law / Emanuel, Steven. c2008. 憲法
Book Constitutional law / Kanovitz, Jacqueline R. c2008. 憲法
Book Constitutional law for a changing America : a short course / Epstein, Lee, 1958- c2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional law of the Netherlands : an introduction / Kortmann, C. A. J. M. 2007. 憲法
Book Constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights : a critical introduction / Loveland, Ian. c2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional law. Emanuel, Steven. 2008. 憲法
Book Constitutional peril : the life and death struggle for our constitution and democracy / Fein, Bruce E. 2008. 憲法
Book Constitutional politics : the republic referendum and the future / 2002. 憲法
Book Constitutional practice : the foundations of British government / Brazier, Rodney. 1999. 憲法
Book Constitutional predicament : Canada after the referendum of 1992 / c1994. 憲法
Book Constitutional review in federalised systems of government : a comparison of Germany and South Africa / Mireku, Obeng. 2000. 憲法
Book Constitutional review under the UK Human Rights Act / Kavanagh, Aileen. 2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional rights in two worlds : South Africa and the United States / Kende, Mark S., 1960- 2009. 憲法
Book Constitutional self-government / Eisgruber, Christopher L. c2001. 憲法
Book Constitutionalism : old concepts, new worlds : German contributions to the VIth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), Santiago de Chile 2004 / c2005. 憲法
Book Constitutionalism, citizenship, and society in Canada / c1985. 憲法
Book Constitutions et pouvoirs : mélanges en l'honneur de Jean Gicquel / c2008. 憲法