
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book European Union law / Horspool, Margot. 2010. 法律史
Book European Union law in a nutshell / Folsom, Ralph Haughwout. c2011. 法律史
Book Europäische Rechtsgeschichte / Hattenhauer, Hans. c2004. 法律史
Book Europäischer Kirchenbau : 1900-1950 : Aufbruch zur Moderne / Stock, Wolfgang Jean, 1948- c2006. 法律史
Book Evaluating the Articles of Confederation : determining the validity of information and arguments / Roza, Greg. 2006. 法律史
Book Everyday law on the street : city governance in an age of diversity / Valverde, Mariana, 1955- author. 2012. 法律史
Book Evidence -- objective / Graham, Michael H. c2011. 法律史
Book Evidence / Goode, Steven. c2013. 法律史
Book Evidence / Mueller, Christopher B. c2012. 法律史
Book Evidence : the California code and the federal rules : a problem approach / Méndez, Miguel A. c2012. 法律史
Book Evidence in a nutshell / Rothstein, Paul F., 1938- c2012. 法律史
Book Evidence simulations / Galves, Fred. 2013. 法律史
Book Ex causa furtiva condicere im klassischen römischen Recht / Pika, Wolfram. c1988. 法律史
Book Examinatorium Rechtsgeschichte Schmoeckel, Mathias. 2008. 法律史
Book Exclusionary empire : English liberty overseas, 1600-1900 / c2010. 法律史
Book Excurse über römisches Recht : Hülfsbuch für academische Privatstudien / Kuntze, Johannes Emil, 1824-1894. 2006. 法律史
Book Excurse über römisches Recht : Hülfsbuch für academische Privatstudien im Gebiet der Institutionsen sowie der äusseren und inneren Rechtsgeschichte / Kuntze, Johannes Emil, 1824-1894. 2010] 法律史
Book Executive magistrates of the Roman Republic : SPQR, Magistrate, Roman censor, Praetor, Aedile, Quaestor, Veto, Tribune, Plebs, Roman dictator, Roman law, Byzantine Senate, Promagistrate, Acta Senatus / 2009. 法律史
Book Exemplarische Vergangenheit : Valerius Maximus und die Konstruktion des sozialen Raumes in der frühen Kaiserzeit / Lucarelli, Ute. c2007. 法律史
Book Experiment Moderne : der sowjetische Weg / Plaggenborg, Stefan. c2006. 法律史
Book Exploring the law of succession : studies national, historical and comparative / c2007. 法律史
Book Facing a DWI charge in New York : what you need to know / Masino, Dennis. c2010. 法律史
Book Facing a dui charge in Colorado : what you need to know / Tiftickjian, Jay M. 2013. 法律史
Book Facing fascism and confronting the past : German women writers from Weimar to the present / c2000. 法律史
Book Fahrlässigkeit und Schuld bei erfolgsqualifizierten Delikten : Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchungen zum deutschen und türkischen Strafrecht / Aygörmez, Gülsün Ayhan. 2012. 法律史
Book Fair ways : how six black golfers won civil rights in Beaumont, Texas / Robertson, Robert J. c2005. 法律史
Book Fallstudien zur zivilrechtlichen Judikatur des Reichsgerichts um 1900 / [2011] 法律史
Book Famiglie e poteri in Italia tra Medioevo ed età moderna / 2009. 法律史
Book Familientreffen versus Professionselite? : Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Neustrukturierung in der deutschen Wissenschaftsgeschichte der 60er Jahre / Jobmann, Anke. 1998. 法律史
Book Famous American crimes and trials / 2004. 法律史
Book Fascism, populism, and the French Fifth Republic : in the shadow of democracy / Fieschi, Catherine, 1967- 2004. 法律史
Book Faszination Keramik : moderne japanische Meisterwerke in Ton aus der Sammlung Gisela Freudenberg = The fascination of ceramics : masterpieces of modern Japanese pottery from the Gisela Freudenberg collection / 2005. 法律史
Book Fatale Sprachen : Eid und Fluch in Literatur- und Rechtsgeschichte / c2009. 法律史
Book Fausts Kolonie : Goethes kritische Phänomenologie der Moderne / Jaeger, Michael, 1961- 2010. 法律史
Book Favor dotis : die Privilegierung der Mitgift im System des römischen Rechts / Stagl, Jakob Fortunat. c2009. 法律史
Book Federal Civil Procedure Logic Maps : a collection of logic maps designed to assist in the understanding of federal civil procedure / Janssen, William M. 2012. 法律史
Book Federal Court of Appeals manual : a manual on practice in the United States courts of appeals / Knibb, David G., author. [2013] 法律史
Book Federal administrative law / Lawson, Gary, 1958- [2013] 法律史
Book Federal antitrust policy during the Kennedy-Johnson years / Williamson, James R., 1935- 1995. 法律史
Book Federal civil rules supplement : for use with all civil procedure casebooks 2013-2014 / Spencer, A. Benjamin. 2013. 法律史
Book Federal courts : cases and materials / Currie, David P. 1990. 法律史
Book Federal courts : cases, comments, and questions / Redish, Martin H. c2012. 法律史
Book Federal courts, federalism, and separation of powers : cases and materials / Doernberg, Donald L., 1945- c2008. + 法律史
Book Federal justice in California : the court of Ogden Hoffman, 1851-1891 / Fritz, Christian G., 1953- c1991. 法律史
Book Federal standards of review : review of district court decisions and agency actions / Edwards, Harry T., author. [2013] 法律史
Book Federalism and local politics in Russia / 2009. 法律史
Book Feminist encounters with legal philosophy / 2013. 法律史
Book Feminist freikorps : the British voluntary women police, 1914-1940 / Douglas, R. M., 1963- 1999. 法律史
Book Feminist jurisprudence : cases and materials / c2011. 法律史
Book Feminist media history : suffrage, periodicals and the public sphere / DiCenzo, Maria. 2011. 法律史