
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Ideas of the First Amendment / Blasi, Vincent, 1943- c2012. 法律史
Book Ikonen und die Moderne = Icons and modern art / Brenske, Stefan. 2005. 法律史
Book Illegitimität im Spätmittelalter / 1994. 法律史
Book Im Namen der Wahrheit : Folter in Deutschland vom Mittelalter bis heute / Zagolla, Robert. c2006. 法律史
Book Images and cultures of law in early modern England : justice and political power, 1558-1660 / Raffield, Paul. 2004. 法律史
Book Imagining poverty : quantification and the decline of paternalism / Sherman, Sandra. c2001. 法律史
Book Imperative inheritance law in a late-modern society : five perspectives / c2009. 法律史
Book Imperfect justice : looted assets, slave labor, and the unfinished business of World War II / Eizenstat, Stuart. 2003. 法律史
Book In English ways : the movement of societies and the transferal of English local law and custom to Massachusetts Bay in the seventeenth century / Allen, David Grayson, 1943- c1981. 法律史
Book In calmer times : the Supreme Court and Red Monday / Sabin, Arthur J., 1930- c1999. 法律史
Book In defiance of the law : the standing-army controversy, the two Constitutions, and the coming of the American Revolution / Reid, John Phillip. c1981. 法律史
Book In the matter of color : the colonial period / Higginbotham, A. Leon 1928- (Aloyisus Leon), 1978. 法律史
Book In the name of necessity : military tribunals and the loss of American civil liberties / Hasian, Marouf Arif. c2005. 法律史
Book Indian Peter : the extraordinary life and adventures of Peter Williamson / Skelton, Douglas. 2005. 法律史
Book Indian freedom : the cause of Bartolomé de las Casas, 1484-1566 : a reader / Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484-1566. c1995. 法律史
Book Indian reserved water rights : the Winters doctrine in its social and legal context, 1880s-1930s / Shurts, John, 1956- c2000. 法律史
Book Indiens Weg in die Moderne : Geschichte und Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert / Hinüber, Oskar von. c2005. 法律史
Book Indirect perpetrators : the prosecution of informers in Germany, 1945-1965 / Szanajda, Andrew, 1967- c2010. 法律史
Book Individualität als Herausforderung : Identitätskonstruktionen in der Literatur der Moderne (1770-2006) / 2006. 法律史
Book Industrielle Revolution in Deutschland : Regionen als Wachstumsmotoren / Kiesewetter, Hubert, 1939- c2004. 法律史
Book Ineffabile : Goethe und die Individualitätsproblematik der Moderne / Kemper, Dirk. c2004. 法律史
Book Innocent until interrogated : the true story of the Buddhist temple massacre and the Tucson four / Stuart, Gary L., 1939- c2010. 法律史
Book Inquisition - Entstehung und Auswirkungen : Studienarbeit / Helmich, Markus. 2008. 法律史
Book Inquisition und Kunst : convivencia in Zeiten der Intoleranz / Scholz-Hänsel, Michael. 2009. 法律史
Book Insane sisters : or, the price paid for challenging a company town / Andrews, Gregg. c1999. 法律史
Book Insights and observations of trial court research attorneys : a behind-the-scenes look at the internal operation of law and motion departments / Urman, Lynne. c2013. 法律史
Book Institutionen und Rechtsgeschichte (1904) / Quaritsch, August. 2010] 法律史
Book Institutionen und Rechtsgeschichte : Lehrbuch und Repetitorium des Romischen Privatrechts und Civil-Processes ; Compendium des europäischen völkerrechts : lehrbuch und repetitorium / Quaritsch, August. 2010] 法律史
Book Institutiones juris Romani privati : in usum praelectionum academicarum vulgatae cum introductione in universam jurisprudentiam et in studium juris Romani / Warnkönig, Leopold August, 1794-1866. 2003. 法律史
Book Instructions to the American delegates to the Hague peace conferences : and their official reports / [2009] 法律史
Book Intellektuellen-Götter : das religiöse Laboratorium der klassischen Moderne / c2009. 法律史
Book Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit der Gemeinden des Bezirkes Murau : ein Entwicklungskonzept / 2009. 法律史
Book International commercial arbitration : a transnational perspective / Varady, Tibor, 1939- c2012. 法律史
Book International human rights / Malone, Linda A. c2012. 法律史
Book International law : cases and commentary / Janis, Mark W. c2011. 法律史
Book Internationales Alfred-Döblin-Kolloquium, Emmendingen 2007 : "Tatsachenphantasie" : Alfred Döblins Poetik des Wissens im Kontext der Moderne / Internationales Alfred-Döblin-Kolloquium Emmendingen, Germany) (2007 : c2008. 法律史
Book Interpolationen in den Pandekten / Gradenwitz, Otto, 1860-1935. 2006. 法律史
Book Interpreting social violence in French culture : Buzançais, 1847-2008 / Bouton, Cynthia A. c2011. 法律史
Book Interpreting the founding : guide to the enduring debates over the origins and foundations of the American republic / Gibson, Alan Ray, 1961- c2009. 法律史
Book Introducing Catholic social thought / Thompson, Joseph Milburn, 1947- c2010. 法律史
Book Introduction historique au droit / Allorant, Pierre. 2009. 法律史
Book Introduction to American constitutional structure / Funk, William F., 1945- c2008. 法律史
Book Introduction to law and legal skills in South Africa : jurisprudence / c2012. 法律史
Book Introduction to law practice : organizing and managing legal work / Munneke, Gary A., author. [2013] 法律史
Book Introduction to the Constitution of India / Basu, Durga Das, 1910- 2008. 法律史
Book Introduction to the law and legal system of the United States / Burnham, William, 1947- c2011. 法律史
Book Introduction to transactional lawyering practice / Alvarez, Alicia, 1958- author. 2013. 法律史
Book Invisible Indians : Native Americans in Pennsylvania / Minderhout, David Jay, 1947- c2008. 法律史
Book Ireland and England in the past and at present / Turner, Edward Raymond, 1881-1929. 2010. 法律史
Book Irish women at war : the twentieth century / 2010. 法律史